HAM Radio has been around since the very beginning of radio, back in the 1890s. A loose-knit, but globe-spanning group, they are brought together by their common love for what they do. They are not a club, but comprise many clubs together. While mostly ignored and left to their devices, HAM Radio operators provide several essential services, such as providing military personnel in hazardous duty postings overseas a means of talking to their families. When other communications fail, it is the HAM Radio operators who provide emergency communications to the nations.
Yet HAM Radio may be in trouble. It appears that there are those in government service who don’t like the idea of a group of people who can do things the government can’t do for themselves; and HAM Radio operators have a long history of doing just that. When Admiral Byrd led his expedition to the South Pole, the Navy couldn’t maintain contact with him. But a HAM Radio operator by the name of Collins could, leading that HAM to create the Collins Radio Company to build his equipment and sell it to the Navy.
The First Inklings of Trouble
In 2012 the federal government launched a $47 billion Cell Phone Network, called FirstNet. Intended to be a public safety nationwide broadcast network, FirstNet was already obsolete the day it was turned on.
Conceived in the wake of 9/11, FirstNet is supposed to provide police and firefighters with a means of communication in times of emergency. But like many government projects, it went overtime and over budget. Fifteen years after the event which prompted its inception and four years after the due date, all that FirstNet has accomplished is to create another government bureaucracy that has spent taxpayer money.
So, how did this boondoggle start? After-action review of 9/11 determined that police and fire commanders had problems in communicating with each other. Supposedly because of that, information from police helicopters, which reportedly could see that the buildings were about to fail, never got transmitted to fire commanders, so that they could pull their people from the buildings. That was blamed for the death of 120 firefighters.
But while the media-hyped that conclusion, anyone can see there are a number of large holes in that theory. First and foremost, who designated the police officers flying those helicopters civil engineers, able to make that determination? Even if they did and even if they transmitted that information to the various fire departments involved, why would the firefighters believe them. Firefighters run into damaged, dangerous buildings all the time, why would they suddenly run out, based upon such an unreliable report?
If you’re looking for an example of the government doing something wrong, then this could be it. Two years after congressional approval, the only accomplishment the quasi-independent agency could show for itself was hiring a skeleton staff. Even that was questionable, as many of the key people seemed to have issues with conflicts of interest. Another two years went by before this group of bureaucrats managed to issue requests for proposals (RFP), asking contractors to bid on building and operating the system.
That alone is enough to make one wonder why the agency is even needed. If the actual work of running FirstNet was going to be done by contractors, what were the government workers going to do? Even worse, if the government workers in question were that slow doing their jobs, how would they ever manage to get information to first responders in a timely manner?
Besides, technology has outstripped the FirstNet system in the years it has taken to develop it. Digital cell phone networks can far outperform what the FirstNet system is intended to do, providing interconnected user groups, which have a priority for communications in an emergency.
Many major metropolitan areas have already dealt with the problems that FristNet are supposed to solve; and they’ve done it for much less money. So why bother creating such a solution? Could it just be for smaller communities? The RFP makes this a very real possibility, since coast-to-coast coverage is a requirement. But then, why should those first responders have such coast-to-coast communications, when the people who would be calling them for help won’t have it?
Basically, the system was designed for failure, right from the start. Yet thanks to bureaucratic inertia, development of the system continues, gobbling up dollars which could best be spent elsewhere. But even worse, the push to replace the HAM Radio network with this non-working and probably unworkable network continues.
Related: How to Use a Ham Radio When SHTF (With Pictures)
So California Gets Involved
California has seen the writing on the wall and is already preparing. Convinced that at some undetermined day, still in the future, they won’t have to depend on HAM Radio operators for emergency communications, they’ve decided they don’t need them now. Therefore, they have sent a letter to all HAM Radio operators in the state, informing them that their repeaters will no longer be allowed to be on “public” land or buildings for free, but would instead have to pay hefty fees to locate them there.
The repeaters in question are privately owned and operated radios that boost the signal of communications that will otherwise not reach their intended destination. They are not owned by corporations which have deep pockets to pay government fees, but by individuals who provide emergency communications for free. Yet the government is now expecting them to pay for that privilege.
The repeaters don’t cost the government of California one cent. They are totally funded by the HAM Radio operators; people who provide this as a public service, out of their own pockets, in order to help ensure public safety in a time of emergency.
Perhaps this is just one more way for California’s government to squeeze a few more dollars out of taxpayers’ wallets. If so, it’s the wrong way to do it; the classic case of cutting your nose off to spite your face. The individuals who own those repeaters will either be forced to shut them down or move them to other, privately owned properties, where they probably won’t perform as well.
But one of California’s biggest goals, politically speaking, is to be the most progressive of all progressive states. Therefore, even if it does require cutting their own nose off, they will make things harder for HAM Radio operators. Then, when they need help that the HAM Radio operators can no longer provide, they’ll blame those same operators for “sabotaging” the system.
If California is truly leading the charge against HAM Radio operators with this move, they are making the nation less secure, not more secure. HAM Radio is the single most reliable and effective means of communication in any emergency and has been for over 100 years. Cutting it off at the knees, in the name of progressivism isn’t progress, it’s putting your own people at danger, in the name of ideology. Oops.
What are your thoughts on this?
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Sounds like an opportunity to invest in some land and rent out space for those ham repeaters.
The Southern Nationalist,
Your business model will only work in the PDRK.
Here in Ohio we have numerous commercial and public sector entities with towers who see the importance of backup communications and allow our equipment to operate at no charge.
The real reason is north American weather modification council is using low frequency and microwaves from radar and satellites to control the weather systems. Much like the old Haarp system in Alaska. Ham radio frequency can disrupt their operations some and even could be used to prevent their efforts if used in that manner. PG&E bought energy from Solaris a start up space satellite company using solar from the sun to beam microwave energy to California 364 days a year. PG&E is also a major player in the north America weather modification council because of hydroelectricity dams. So making rain makes money. Having satellites that can control the weather also makes money. Cloud seeding was the old fashioned way to create rain now it’s positively charged ion’s. In fact Doppler radar has been observed to line the path of hurricanes and cause them to turn towards the next radar whether on accident or on purpose weather modification is not in the news and not talked about in public. It’s conspiracy theories.
Your mention of weather modification, HAARP, and Amateur radio makes me think you must be living in one of those states with legal hallucinogens and that you are partaking of those substances. The HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is an ionospheric research program funded primarily by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) to better understand radio wave propagation to allow better use of communications & radar during the various ionospheric changes due to solar activity.
I know of some engineers that were involved in that project and the conspiracy theories surrounding it are massive and laughable; but, do bring to mind the observations of the late Sir Arthur C Clarke who stated as his 3rd law: ”Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.“ so for those without sufficient STEM education to understand these technologies, conspiracy theory’s I suspect must fill the void.
As for collecting solar power from space and beaming it back to earth, a concept called SBSP (Space-Based Solar Power), it is still only a concept being investigated by the DOE (Department Of Energy) and implementation is decades off, assuming we have the political will to even attempt it.
Conceptually it would put solar panels in geosynchronous orbit above the atmosphere @ around 21,750 miles (35,000 km) above the Earth’s surface. At that height, the microwave receiver called a Rectenna (rectifying antenna) on Earth would need to cover hundreds of square miles.
I read the white paper on this proposal decades ago and it’s still only a concept today.
The concept of SPS was first investigated in 1980 or so. I remember reading about it in Jerry Pournelle’s book, A Step Farther Out. He was a big proponen, which led me to hunt for other materials on it. Fascinating stuff.
Like fusion power has been for the past 40 years, “it is still thirty years off.”
For now maybe. Every election has it’s consequences. Some good, most are bad.
And the difference between you and California government is?
The Governor of California can not do away with HAM RADIO.
Amateur Radio is a radio service is from the FCC not the State of California.. The state will get caught with there pants down. Of course Nusum thinks he knows it all. Running a Communist State.
You have relatives in other locations, in other states? You may need us to find out about them if you even care to. A daughter, son, nephews, brothers or sisters that may be in trouble and need your help. Ham Operators can find out about them for you, but only if they exist in your area. So you want to own land so you can profit off Ham Radio Operators? Well, we may help you, or we may help others more that need our help more than you do WITHOUT CHARGING THEM A PENNY in the process. YOU, cannot have it both ways, as we WILL remember those who attempt to control our existence and not support them – ever. Usually we do not think twice about who we help, but if anyone tries to control our existence, we WILL remember that and not help them at all. After all, it is OUR equipment that we “lend” to disaster situations, we bought and paid for it OURSELVES, nobody lined up to help Amateur Radio Operators buy our equipment, or pay for the time we spend away from our families to provide emergency communications (no, right now,we are not allowed to charge anything for our help in any life or death situations, but, like anything else, things CAN change). So, watch what you say about the selfless people who provide a service in extreme circumstances that YOU may need someday.
Sounds like they want to begin to control all private communications eventually. If, like we all expect someday, that the SHTF and government is a problem, they don’t want citizens to be able to relate negative stuff independently.
It is an attempt by the government to shut down and BLOCK communication.
It’s all about control of the populous.
Yep they most be getting close to SHTF ! Their wanting to cut off commuication to where people cant communicate with others . An money must be hard to come by the Governance of California. Wow glad i left that hell hole many years ago. An thankfully didnt for get anything when i left, So i wont ever have to go back.
What about CB radios? They were enormously popular during the 80’s – does anyone still use them for communication?
I have one… I have to hook it up to a car battery, I think it still works… Now a days, most truckers use cell phones and are connected to the internet.
Right…so in an emergency situation would the “powers that be (crazy)” think to monitor all our “good buddies with our ears on?” Not if they’re millennials!?
This is a false flag….the ham wants free rack space on a tower that’s it. He is a noob.
Some cell phones dont work up in the mountains so if a trucker is in trouble they still rely on their radios and in emergency that’s the quickest way to get help
That may be true about cell phones in the mountains; but, it’s also true in many rural areas, like the one where I live and quite often depends on the carrier.
Here Verizon works quite well and AT&T works OK; but, T Mobile and Sprint are useless.
Amateur radio OTOH quite often has coverage where cell phones have no signal, and with 400+ channels and up to 1500 watts of power, emergency communication can generally get a message through.
CB signals from vehicles travel by line of sight. Mountainous range prevents the signal from beaming very far. CB’s are unreliable forms of communication unless you are in non-mountainous flat terrain.
Miss Kitty,
The truckers all still used them, and we have Citizens Band radios in our ECC (Emergency Communications Center) as an adjunct.
I also have one here as part of a large array of communications devices in my ham shack.
Sounds like you have all bases covered! 🙂
And that’s my point…to have a means of communication that is portable and not heavily regulated. Or monitored by “the Man”.
Miss Kitty,
We do our best; but, work within a community of LMI’s including preppers, farmers, other hams, and rural neighbors.
We’ve been doing this a long time & are still looking for additional means to be more prepared. Prepping, like life in general is a constant journey and learning experience
It depends on what you mean by ”the man”. The FCC does not have enough resources to do much monitoring of hams and unlicensed services, and concentrates on licensed services and specific complaints of intentional interference.
CB (Citizens Band), FRS (Family Radio Service), and MURS (Multi Use Radio Service) are unlicensed services anyone can use, mostly for short range communications.
For details you can look here:
47 CFR Part 95 – Personal Radio Services
Hams pretty much police themselves as volunteer observers and you can find the details here:
47 CFR Part 97 – AMateur Radio Service
I understand that the NSA & NRO collect a lot of spectrum; but, unless you’re e member of a terror organization or planning serious mayhem, I doubt you’ll raise much interest from them.
My dad had a ham radio when I was a kid I loved it I would sit and listen to him for hours on it. He would talk to so many different places i remember going to jamborees and him exchanging postcards with call letters and names on them we had them all over the walls in his ham room. Those are such fond memories. I dont remember my dads call numbers but his name was the wood butcher and my moms was buttercup, its was the best.
Dee. (little buttercup),
Ham radio and to some extent CB (Citizens Band) radio was the original social media, where you actually talked with people all over the world.
Hamfests and other get togethers are pretty common, so you can ”eyeball” someone you’ve only talked to.
Those cards are called QSL cards and wallpapering the shack with them and other certificates is rather common.
Good!!! Keep in mind that those could also be your current memories with a little study and not much money for equipment.
This is interesting. Are you sure it was ham radio, since names other than your real name are uncommon except in the CB service where a nom de plume is common.
It would also imply that your mom was licensed which while uncommon, would not be unheard of, since both the wife and I are licensed.
Truckers do yes.
Quashing the first and second amendments has been the statist dream since the beginning of time. Control begins and ends with those rights.
Sounds like your comment brought the anti-patriot out. Surprised there were any thumbs down.
Bingo! Right answer
Ham Radio communications are decidedly NOT “private”. Anyone with a computer or shortwave radio capable of SSB or AM Modes can listen in anytime, anywhere. So, you are mistaken because you obviously are not a “Ham Operator”. JOIN US and find our the truth firsthand. The FCC has joined the bandwagon on this by charging $35 to get the callsign you EARNED by taking their tests after being charged another $15 just to take the exams (which is WRONG!!!) After over 45 years of not charging a dime for Hams to get their callsign, they are punishing us by charging us for wanting to be an Amateur Radio Operator starting on 22 April this year. This is an extremely wrong move by the FCC by discouraging the people who want their own radio station to talk to other Ham Radio enthusiasts. I think this is forced by the Biden Administration to control ALL communications and suppress ALL non supporters of his tinpot reign over OUR Country. All Americans are not part of the Democrat minority, and we do not depend on the internet or cell phones to get emergency messages through to Government agencies that are extremely slow to respond, if at all……… I think that Hams are being persecuted by the far left because we do not depend on conventional “modern” means of communication that they can monitor so very easily as they do on the ‘net, or on the cellphone systems.
So why bother with the ham tests and just use the radio
CONTROL, CONTROL, CONTROL it is the communist/progressive way.
Yet another reason to ditch CA. When you have the entire government (House, Senate, Governor) voting as one liberal democrat block, it seems there is no hope for this once great State. . . and therefore no surprise they would make a stupid, HAM-fisted move such as this.
There’s a battle coming (or possibly already here). Comms down, disarmed civilians, freedom of speach gagged & most peeps have no clue we’re under attack
Repeaters are nice to have but have weaknesses hf is more dependable but a lot more bulky so both are necessary for convenient and dependable communications.
I agree that both are required and have them and others here; but, HF is too spotty and depends too much on sunspot cycles, weather, and propagation to be relied on. As an adjunct it is necessary.
Janedough, better yet the people need to rise up and oust (if not incarcerate) these bums.
This is just more stupidity by the government and Kalifornicate leads the column toward ultimate globalism.
Another move by the commies to take down our Republic.
The first move before attack, take down command and control, and comms
As a former Command and Control Tech (27450) I’m well aware of the communist tactics before invasion. Unfortunately, the COMMUNIST have already landed in the United States. They are calling themselves democrats. Email me if you can and I’ll explain everything to you.
Hi Fuzzy, I didn’t see a link to a contact source. I am not sure that contact info is allowed. My reply.
There is no such thing as Communism. There are people and organizations who call themselves Communist. They are not. Let me describe the enemy:
It began with a guy named Mark’s, an acolyte of Levi Sabbatai, Adam Weiskopt, and the first Rothschild, I believe the first name of Amschel. I understand the name Rothschild was created by him. They formed the organization, The Illuminati, now headquartered in Astana, Kazakhstan. That is the site from which they intend to run their world dictatorship from. Levi Sabbatai proclaimed himself the second coming of the messiah, and his followers are called Sabbatean Jews. Sabbatai taught that all of the laws in the (Bible), were to be reversed. If it says, “Don’t commit adultery,” the New law, “Commit adultery,” and so on. Through the Illuminati, all organizations on earth have been systematically infiltrated. I should go back, because I recall that there is documentation that Columbus’ discovery of America was thoroughly carried out by Sabbatean, 170 +/- years prior to the Illuminati. (I’m writing a brief treatment, not writing an essay, may jump around a bit). The goals of the Illuminati were discovered early on by the Bavarian Police through capture of an Illuminati courier, and his papers. They can be obtained and read.
Fast forward, and the independence of The Republic of The United States. Great Britain was already under Illuminati control. Complete control was obtained by insider trading after The Battle of Waterloo, when Rothschild couriers hastily rode to London and informed the British Rothschild of Napolean’s defeat. A rumor was spread that Napolean had prevailed, and the debt of England was bought up for pense to the pound. Rothschild owned England’s debt, which gave him control of England, which was forced to make him a Baron, the first person to be sworn in on a Jewish Bible. These Illuminati are not Jews, They are Satanists.
America, The United States Republic, was taken control of by the Crown shortly after the war. We went into considerable debt to France, and shortly after defeating them, France sold our debt to Great Britain. There are topics I have yet to understand, that claim THAT U.S. law is superceded by Admiralty Law. Allegedly, structures were organized in the Caribbean by which these megalomaniacs conduct business, and consider us slaves. A glimpse forward, I have the address of sites where you can look up your name by Social Security number, and can find numerous bonds taken out against you, buying and selling us. Our value is in our involvement in the system. These fees to keep HAM repeaters would go to them, fees paid for licenses. They had control of enough in Congress to get them to gather on December 24, at 11:30 at night to pass the Federal Reserve Act, and to create the Federal Income Tax laws, THE I.R.S., etc. All income tax goes to these bond holders. There are documents in place taking control of our country and each incorporated district in the U.S. (most) agrees to it.
I have to be brief and get along with my day. The megalomaniacs grasping control of the earth’s organizations control most of them. They have control of the Catholic Church, which is The Roman Empire that never fell, but morphed into The Holy Roman Empire. Look up ex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera, and his info on the infiltration of every organization, and by that, Illuminati infiltration. Look up high degree Mason’s who would surprise you. The reverend Billie Graham was a 33° Mason. Rivera says there are no Seventh Day Adventists left in the Seventh Day Adventist Church. They’re all Jesuits. Their arm of assassins, (the word, ‘assassin,’ is Italian for “Murderer”), The Jesuits, ran Christendom from the 4th century. Islam, the Muslim religion, is a Roman (Think: Catholic), invention. All this was taken over by the Sabbatean Illuminati. The Masonic Right, a fraternal order of “Free” Mason’s—who were not slaves of the land on which they lived, and bought and sold with the property under the Catholic system of feudalism—but free to move about the Christian countries, to construct the great stone buildings and edifices, were taken over to form modern Masonic Right. This is a tool they infiltrate every country in the world. There are individual districts throughout The United States, not defined by the borders of our states, and one can look up the high and mighty rulers of particular districts.
Once again, trying to conclude, there is no Communism. A precursor to modern structures, The Jacobins, were their creation. They sent representatives to our country, Morgan’s, Astors, Warburgs, Rockefellers, and more, and these wealthy partners created Bolshevism, and sent armed terrorists to Russia, heavily armed and laden with gold to overturn Russia. The Bolshevics defeated the Tsar—and just as will be done to the foreign and domestic terrorists fighting Americans in this American Bolshevic Revolution—once Russia was defeated, under Stalin, all the terrorists that formed what we call Communist Russia were assassinated. ‘Assassinate’ is much too pretty a word for murder. (When Russia overturned the Soviets—AKA Globalists—Putin kicked them out, which is why they vilify their country. Russia is one of a handful of countries without a globalist central bank. So, the Soviets (communists) were kicked out, and now they characterize their defeaters as guilty of their (Soviet communists) crimes.
Also, there is no such thing as Naziism. Adolph Hitler was an ignorant failed art student. He didn’t write Mein Kampf. He was a Megalomaniacal Globalist creation, an Illuminati stooge. There is no such thing as Zionism. Zionism is a creation of Rothschild, created as result of The Balfour Agreement, an agreement granting Rothschild Palestine if he roped The United States into WWI, which he achieved by routing shipping heavily laden with Americans, into a zone that was known to be heavily controlled by German U-boat, “shucksters,” Rothschild probably ordered the U-boats to target them. American (Illuminati) financiers are well documented giving financial and physical support to the enemy of the U.S. throughout World War 1 and 2, as well as this, The American Bolshevic Revolution. I have learned that the policy of The United States is to absorb the first strike in the coming World War Three, our military will sit on its hands and allow most of our nuclear arsenal to be wiped out, crippling us. Information, discussions, maps, and more, can be found from Joel Skousen.
So, there are no Jacobins, no Bolshevics, no Soviets, no Nazis, no Zionists, no Mason’s, no Skulls and Bones, just Illuminati globalists.
They now have control of this web site. Here is what to do: Only open this web site in DuckDuckGo. Probably others, but this web site won’t load in a browser that doesn’t allow cookies. First, any safe tabs you have open in DuckDuckGo, first copy the addresses. Then, open this website. Read as far as you will, and then hit the flame icon at the top of the page. You will be given an option to, “Clear all Tabs and Data,” click on that, and the Spyware will be erased. Or, don’t, let them install cookies, essentially Spyware, heck, mail them your name, Social Security number, date of birth, email address, and phone number. Do what you like. My analysis is that any site that demands a cookie install to continually sniff your ass whenever you are online is a security threat. Best of Luck, Best Regards, Keep up the fight, and may The Republic of The United States prevail. I don’t think many of us will be left in a few short years. This message is like sticking my head out of the fox hole with a helmet, but if I don’t make it, may Freedom prevail.
Our Father, Who are in heaven, your, very name is holy, so holy I don’t understand its significance, May your kingdom be installed on earth, as you rule over heaven. Please provide for my daily needs, and help me be at, peace when to morrow needs are not in S to rage waiting for me to access them, but I have to wait for tomorrow to receive, them. Please forgive me for any transgression against my fellow man, as, I forgive the transgressors against me. Please don’t lead me into temptation, (I recall the Proverb that every, man chooses his path, but the Lord directs his steps), and when I am at risk of being a victim, or of participating in, evil, deliver me from that. I acknowledge that—though you allow those in the world to go their own way for now—You rule over all, heaven, earth, and beyond, You have all power to do so, and all glory is yours. Bless those your followers, and help us realize, as hard as it is, from Revelation 13:10, “He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” and I confess to my true brethren and sisters that—though I can be faithful to that admonition concerning myself, I would stand up physically for my wife-I-haven’t-met-yet, and my children—and that I am willing to have my physical life taken by the sword if I could try to keep my wife and children, those in my community, safe from dying or torture or enslavement. May You bless those, my true brothers and sisters in Christ.
Sorry, I don’t have time to edit for grammatical errors. t
Is this from a Dan Brown book???
Copy that 5/5
Well the republic is gone
Yeah the Republic is gone in Californicate.
Also to demoralize the people through propaganda, controlling utilities and food access, tinkering with the economy….we are living the Commucratic dream my friends.
Call it what it is, Miss Kitty. Nazism. You tell them to their face they’re Nazis and they scream hate. Call them communists and it means nothing. But, show them what Hitler did, how the dems have gone over into nazism, and it makes people stop and think. They may call you a liar, but it rattles them. When some neolib calls me a Nazi, I tell them I can’t be a Nazi, I’m not a Democrat. Then prove that they are. That’s why Limbaugh calls neolibs smoke Nazis, femenazis and so on. they are and don’t understand that. The DNC hung a few Nazis after the Nuremberg trials, and freed the rest. Many went to prison, but should have gotten the noose. Neolibs are crybabies, and all their lives were told we, conservatives, are Nazis. Nothing could be farther fro the truth. niio
Miss Kitty,
If you live in the PDRK you certainly are.
Nearly as bad… Massachusetts. Between the hurricanes and the politics the hot air is constantly swirling!
Yep they most be getting close to SHTF ! Their wanting to cut off commuication to where people cant communicate with others . An money must be hard to come by the Governance of California. Wow glad i left that hell hole many years ago. An thankfully didnt for get anything when i left, So i wont ever have to go back.
Sounds more like some one doesn’t want people to be able to communicate..
California is leading the way into a socialist world!
This has become scary in the scariest terms.
I know people, yes conservatives, who are moving out of the state.
One friend is upset that public schools curriculum now have to’ mandatory, teach LGBTQ history. What??? I’m sorry but what had become of our world!
I believe there may be some rivalry between commercial and non- commercial groups. but if it really comes down to commercial groups requesting Hams pay high prices for locating on prominent sites then the Feds will be getting into the action since there are numerous regulations discouraging anti-co-location policies.
Can HAM operators or HAM radio clubs put up repeaters on privately-owned land?
With cooperation of the private land owner, yes.
I am a HAM operator. Most repeaters in the US are on private property. I think the main problem in CA is these repeaters cover large areas totally owned by the government. So, there is essentially no private land there on which to put a repeater. Most repeaters operate on VHF and UHF bands, and are thus line of sight transmission. So, not good for more than about 30 miles depending on terrain. Look at the size of Yosemite, Sequoia, etc. really big plus lots of mtns.
Yes! There is nothing stopping them from moving the repeaters to private land.
It states in the article that the HAM operators will have to pay the expensive fee’s or move them to private land/locations.
They can, unless they the land is in an HOA, or the repeater might force migratory birds to slightly alter their course, or the repeater has a distracting light at the top, or doesn’t have a light at the top to warn aircraft, or …, or …., or….
Of course. So long as they have an arrangement with said land owners. Most cell towers are on private land (but not for free). Many clubs paid for “space” on towers. Or they can coordinate a location and put up their own tower. What was missed in this article is that many ham clubs also have “space” available inside the building for emergency services coordination (skywarn/ARES/etc.). When the communities shut these down it will be the citizens that suffer first and most. But ham radio operators will take the blame.
Another possibility is that since the ham operators are not controlled like the media, they are moving to control them. It is all about total control. Sick, sick people, those loony leftist.
Leave it to the govt. to screw that works and is cheaper to operate than govt. run anything.
when you vote for the aacp ( anti American communist party ) this what you get. a takeover of our beloved country going the extreme left. please don’t let this happen. vote trump 2020
So vote anti gun for trump …. I’ll pass
I did laugh and chuckle a little bit. All the ham guys who love the fcc and think they would be valuable to the government are now getting a taste of what’s to come. Perhaps instead of acting like knobs to the new people maybe spend the time teaching.
I agree with your statements. I am one Anti Socialist,
Anti Nazi, Anti Communist, Anti Progressive, Proud &
independent legal Citizen…..And…ONE PROUD AMERICAN ‘TRUMPLICAN’…..vote Trump 2020…
Trump’s anti gun too
While I usually agree with you, and I’m no major fan of Trump, either, Trump passed an executive order rescinding a lot of BO’s asinine laws, including on gun control. niio
Living in the COMMUNIST state of California like I do for the present. It wouldn’t suprise me if the insane idiots elected to office here in California tried to outlaw breathing. It seems that everything else is illegal here. Even my 1911A1 45ACP is outlawed here. The reason why has never been explained and probably never will be. I am extremely happy to say that WE will be ESCAPING California before the end of the year.
You might want to hurry.
Stay off the East Coast, too! 😉
What is it about the coastal areas that attracts the wackos and criminal element? (And that’s just the politicians!)
Missy: Good post 🙂
Easy money, free ride, lazy, over-schooled and under educated. All you need do is pay the right overlord, and you’re in for life. It’s the same in border states. niio
NO NO NO. Only ONE repeater was asked to leave a government owned tower site. The state of CA is verifying that repeaters that have long been running on government owned towers are actually a part of the ARES/RACES/ARPSC or AUXCOM emergency communications (EMCOMM) response plans. MOST of the repeaters indeed do provide an EMCOMM function and will not be in any danger of removal. And the ONE repeater that was asked to leave is still being verified to determine if it may stay. Ham Radio is NOT under attack in any way! And as for FirstNET, it is alive and well and serving thousands of communities. Take it from someone who has presented at a recent DHS/FEMA Region-5 AUXCOM conference and participates in Statewide EMCOMM planning. — WB8TKL
you sound like someone who is backing the FCC and supporting this move by the state.
Anyways traitors will always show up on anything.. They are shutting you down. The only way to control coms is by getting rid of all the ablity to have free radio.
raven tactical,
This statement explains a lot.
Not only are you an opinionated firearms expert, you now toss your opinion in on yet something else you know little about, since none of these things are occurring anywhere except in the PDRK.
Amateur radio emergency communications is alive in most of the U.S.; but, those who don’t trust the government to do anything would of course love to continue their spin. I don’t trust the denizens of the DC swamp any farther than I could throw the lot of them; but, in most of the country, local government is still controlled by the people and works relatively well.
Yeah because what happens in California isn’t the normal for what eventually happens in the country. It’s always a test bed.
Your love and trust of the government is laughable they dont care about you and your rights. Enjoy turning in radios guns to your local friendly spiderman.
I agree with you on this, Raven. Kali has been the testing ground for all kinds of “control projects” for some time. Why? Because they have all aspects of the communications industry at their fingertips out there for propaganda, misinformation and if necessary, shutdown.
How much information flows through Silicon Valley, and how much infrastructure is out there? Ditto TV networks, etc. What isn’t covered by them is based in Hollyweird East, aka NYC, with a smattering in Atlanta, also home to the CDC (a coincidence…I think not!)
Between these three areas, the bulk of news and weather reports are produced. So easy for them to make up anything a la “Wag the Dog” and package it as “breaking news”. Shut down the net and most people have no way of proving or disproving any rumors.
Miss Kitty,
You spin a good story; but, it’s only partially true.
MAE-West, the Metropolitan Area Exchange, West is located in San Jose; but, then there is MAE-East, with locations in Vienna, Virginia; Reston, Virginia; Ashburn, Virginia; New York; and Miami.
I spent some time developing software at the Ashburn facility.
Other large interconnected hubs operated by Verizon and Centurylink are spread all over the Midwest and central plains. While some of the famous companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google are located in the PDRK, the main Internet operations are well outside their scope and control
And now you’re in on the conspiracy theories? No matter where they locate the CDC, someone will find fault if that’s all you’re looking for.
The plain fact is that many young engineers & scientists, don’t want to live in boring rural Ohio as I do, and attracting them for employment often means large cities and all of the amenities and entertainment you find there.
Except for local news, and we have a lot of that, or the real weather from the national storm prediction center in Norman OK
Then there’s the National Hurricane Center co-located with the Miami branch of the National Weather Service, located on the campus of Florida International University.
Add to that the thousands of ham operators who act as the eyes and ears of the NWS as Skywarn volunteers, and if you know where to listen, real news is everywhere.
Most people perhaps; but, those who don’t have a Smartphone glued to their hand, can still glean information from a multitude of worldwide sources.
So…how is any of what I wrote here wrong? My “list” was never presented as comprehensive. Of course there are other news sources, both on and off the net and major TV networks, but what does the bulk of the American public rely on for information?
The Weather Channel is still based in Atlanta so far as I know, and many people depend on them for their information about storms. Ditto the major news networks and their affiliates – located on the metropolitan coasts.
Not sure of the relevance of the location of the Verizon, et al MAE- communication hubs in your argument. Is it just that you feel that having physical plants in the mid West makes it more difficult to “shut down communication”? If so, why does the plant location matter? If an order comes down from corporate headquarters to shut down the plant due to a “security breach” or a “national emergency”, your local management isn’t likely to question it. If they ask anything, it will be likely to try to establish how long the shutdown will be in effect, and what they should tell irate customers.
The physical location of the CDC doesn’t really matter, except that IMHO it shouldn’t be in a major city for obvious reasons. It does seem odd that CNN, The Weather Channel, and the rest of Turner Broadcasting Network would be based there, except for the fact that Ted Turner lives there and he wanted to use his home town as his base. But if there was to be a crisis involving a breach at the CDC, it would be logical to use these resources to warn the public. Or to suppress the information if so inclined.
Since the article was about possible restrictions on HAM radio operators and relay stations, relying on them for information in an emergency may not be possible in some areas/situations. Besides, how many people actually have access to a receiver/transmitter and have the training to operate one? While it is currently available to the public, there are restrictions, fees, and requirements that put a lot of people off the idea.
Most people DO have a smartphone glued to their hand. Walk down the street or into a restaurant and count the ones who DON’T – it’s quicker. But what other news sources would you suggest from your “multitude of world wide sources”?
Miss Kitty,
I didn’t claim it was wrong, just incomplete. I have no idea what everyone watches; but, since Fox News beats all of the others on a regular basis, I would say a lot watch Fox News. Within my circle of preppers & hams, most do not watch the MSM, and many listen to short wave broadcasts or sources like NHK & BBC when they can.
Fir weather most people that I know count on local stations, one of which has its own Doppler Radar system, or local weather service offices, most of which have Doppler systems, accessible from the net. The one that best covers my area is located in Wilmington Ohio near Dayton and is available here: https://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=ILN&product=NCR&overlay=11101111&loop=yes
The compass rose on the upper left allows you to select other stations, with Cleveland also covering my area, if Wilmington is down.
That may be true; but, I don’t foresee that happening, for the primary reason that shutting down the net would not only cause irate customers, the economic national impact would be huge, and the people in charge would pay dearly.
Locally, it would stop me from getting to Google & the like; but, the broadband networks run by us hams, would still provide local high speed connectivity for some of us who are prepared.
When I worked @ UUNET, any outage caused ripple effects that had engineers working late on weekends to find & correct the problem.
”Suppress the information if so inclined/” to what end?
Our local EMA regularly practices PODS (Point Of Distribution) exercises to be able to mitigate such incidents, with a recent drive through flu vaccination clinic, used for training.
Atlanta is home to many companies, as is Columbus, Cleveland, and others in the Midwest and on the coasts, primarily because of the transportation infrastructure into those cities. International airports and major interstate intersections allow truck transport of goods in and out and sipport commerce.
Yes, in some areas of California; but, they are unfortunately used to a heavy handed government.
Actually quite a few are trained, at least in our area.
What fees & restrictions are you talking about?
Simple equipment to allow monitoring is available for under $50.00 with no major training required and no restrictions except you may not yet transmit.
Take a free test, get a free license, and that same radio can now be used to transmit & communicate with others.
We don’t see the phone thing here as much, since any carrier except Verizon has limited coverage, and even that is spotty.
I do get some news from satellite bases TV and the internets; but,stick with source like zerohedge.com & newsmax.com plus your local AM & FM stations, and a plethora of shortwave stations around the world.
Avoiding unvetted social media is of course probably the best starting point.
Kali-fornia tests the water before jumping in. Remember what occurred in socialist nations after being taken over. When a government wants you only hear what they have to say, all the good ham operators did was dust in the wind. In any POW camp, there’s one radio allowed, and that on only one station, the official government one.
Thank you for advice on the base. I have one packed away, still in Penna, but something new would be stronger. What do you suggest for antenna in an area with constant 40 MPH winds and an occasional tornado-like bust all year? niio
Thanks, Ohio, for taking the time to answer my questions/concerns about this subject.
Raven tactical,
A test bed full of sheep caught in an urban jungle. The policies of the PDRK have not yet affected Ohio and most of the Midwest except for Illinois.
Our gun laws keep getting better, and ham radio is still an integral part of emergency communications, with a state wide event just 3 weeks ago.
I don’t know what kind of trauma you’ve suffered; but, perhaps you should seek help, since in the end, untreated paranoia can be devastating.
You are correct, do not let this nut wrench you up… To bad this group has let a few dunder heads drag this out like this…
Right on, and correct. This was good food for the internet trowls though…
Yes. A complete explanation of the sitiuation was posted on the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL) website. There is also a link accessible from my local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) website (sacvalleyARES.org). It was an issue with only one repeater, so far, which equipment was being housed inside of a concrete vault which is owned by CalFire – KM6MPV
@ Jay: sounds like this is a good reason for readers here and on ALL blogs, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!! Don’t just rely on information from one source only!
Take what you read here, then go do searches on your own to find out all the facts you can. THEN make your choices.
I feel that a lot of readers here, on Ask A Prepper, have forgotten that we should never just believe what is said in blog posts, that we should take our own logic, education, and find out for ourselves.
Stop being blind followers of anything, and find out by researching on your own.
Anyone can say anything. (Even here!) The question is, will you take it for ‘gospel’, or will you choose to find out the facts for yourself by reading more?
Just another prime example of why “Armed Revolution is the ONLY Solution”!!!
well voting sure doesn’t work
So I assume you’ll be taking point.
Let us know how that turns out.
Any repeaters on government owned buildings that would charge “rent” will rapidly disappear. They will probably be relocated to less desirable privately owned properties. In most of the installations on public property we’re looking at a relatively small antenna mounted on an existing tower with the repeater radio located in an enclosed area on the ground. My local Ham club operates two repeaters, one on an abandoned city tower and one on private property on top of the tallest building around here. Most Ham clubs will not have the money to pay the rent.
This is really an absurd way to increase tax revenue by cutting off your nose.
This may be the norm in your state of Florida; but it’s not normal everywhere.
I suspect tower and building space is at a premium, with your highest location Being Britton Hill @ 345 feet ASL in the Florida Panhandle. Ohio is not mountainous; but, my location sits @ 1006 feet ASL and the highest point some 25 miles to my west Campbell hill sits @ 1549 feet ASL.
Our new EMA building sitting @ 1080 feet ASL has a 100 foot freestanding tower on it that will contain mostly amateur antennas, with room in the building for an ECC (Emergency Communications Center), manned in most part by local hams.
That tower will contain an HF beam, antennas for 2 repeaters and a few other wntennas for county emergency services.
You are probably correct so perhaps like us you trade your expertise for the tower space. I’m a retired engineer and we have a few others, plus people who are just willing to do whatever is needed to support our county services.
Volunteers putting in lots of hours can often make the difference and swing the attitude for the benefit of everyone.
There is not enough space here to debunk everything in this article that is wrong. But let me just say this: California may be trying to undo HAM radio…I have no idea! But as someone who installs the firstnet system, the writer of this article does not even understand what firstnet is! Let alone how it is designed to work. This is not to be construed as an endorsement of firstnet either. For technical reasons I seriously question whether it will work as designed. That aside, the portion of this article talking about firstnet is completely absurd!
Right on, and correct. This was good food for the internet trowls though…
47 BILLION … and ‘ Seriously question if it WILL work as designed ? ‘. You are a …payed by ‘U.S. Gov.’ employee, at another ..‘never enough money project’ that will NEVER DIE … even it didn’t work ! Based on Governmental Historical Projects, still going on day by day, decade after decades !
HAMS will always find a way, we are very resourceful people. Many of the radios that hams have can be turned in to repeaters in a pinch with simple programming.
They can be placed quickly on the day they are needed. Mesh networks can be formed along with other technology. The government can try to shut down the system, but the system is a bunch of individuals. It will be next to impossible to shut them all down.
I am not a HAM operator, but I suspect that many repeater stations are located on mountain tops. Unfortunately, in the PDRK, most mountain tops are either federally owned land or state owned land. Many cell phone companies and other transmitting entities rent space on the mountain tops for their transmitting equipment. One local LA station frequently refers to their transmitter “atop Mount Wilson.” They even have a camera up there to show the weather on top of Mount Wilson. Unless I am grossly in error, Mount Wilson is federally owned land.
I wonder if this is at the instigation of some federal agency?
I have heard that the United States has the least restrictive rules and regulation regarding radio ownership in the world. In some countries private ownership of radios is illegal. I have heard that licenses are needed to even own receivers.
Of course totalitarian governments want the news restricted. They want to be the only ones to be able too distribute news.
It would be very interesting to see what the real reason is behind this move.
Interesting historical note. When doing some geneology I discovered that in the 1920 census, one of the questions asked was if you own a radio set ( ie transmitter and receiver )?
Probably so they could raise the taxes on the owner 🙂 niio
Actually a radio set in 1920 was most likely just a receiver, since back then even a simple receiver was a complex home constructed gadget using tubes and several batteries. This would coincide with the licensing of the 1st A.M. radio station, KDKA (Pittsburg) in November 1920.
By 1920, anyone using a transmitter would have already been counted, since transmitters required an experimental wireless license starting in 1912.
Years ago a friend gave me an old Hammarblund tube radio with all of the dials and knobs and transmits Morris Code.
it does need a speaker to hear….. had a HAM operator check it out and it works….BUT that was long ago.
I cannot remember the model number…. I would have to dig it out and look at it an I am thinking of doing that and get an antenna and no idea hat that would cost.
That is if is still viable in this Digital Age.
I do wonder if it is still viable since it is Analog and not Digital by any means.
Another question is does anyone actually still use Morris Code?
I am NOT a MC operator by any means. People that use it were always to fast for me to follow.
It is just a feature that came with the radio.
Yes, c.w. is alive and well…
THIS IS STUPID! Figures California is the first.
So during WAR, what is the FIRST things you want to take away from your enemy? RESOURCES and COMMUNICATION! So it makes you wonder why something that has been a staple in emergency resources for DECADES is on the chopping block from the Government.
FIRST, If you can’t help yourself, you look for help. Herein lies their intent. If you don’t have control, the GOVERNMENT does. If you were going to suppress the citizens from organizing a rebellion, you take their GUNS and their way to organize. Just suppose for a moment that they shut off the cell towers…………….. BAMMMMMMMMMM! Right this very second what ways do you have to talk to anyone at a distance. What happens when the power grid goes down? Well now the Government has one of the ONLY resources to communicate and you are BLIND to what is going on.
SECOND, Now that your BLIND, no TV, no cellphone, no radio, no internet…. Now what? Well any time something like that has taken place, HAM RADIO operators have saved our bacon. They are people like you and I, at home, but trained and prepared for emergency communications and preparation. Hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, war, even solar flares a properly trained HAM OPERATOR would still be up and running.
We need to ask what the REAL purpose is. It is equivalent to removing a healthy kidney, because you know you can get dialysis when you needed it. Problem with that is YOU don’t own the machine. Your at the will of a outside source being willing to let you use it.
You trust the Government to do that? If so , there goes that little thing you call freedom.
Then there is the even bigger problem of the Federal Government trying to suppress (unsuccessfully) the rapid building of 5G phone networks around the world while making absolutely no effort to support it here even though huge areas of the U.S. are barely even 3G.
Enjoy the cancer of 5g
Actually Verizon is implementing 5G in cities where the population and subscriber density warrants the investment, as has always been done, even back to electric and wire line telephony.
Then there is the American Broadband Initiative to expand connectivity for all Americans. It’s a big job and big investment that will take a while and will in clued both wireless and wired services, including fiber. I’ve gone from dialup @ 56K to DSL @ 5 Mbps in a bit more than 20 years; but, living in a rural area, that’s to be expected.
It also doesn’t help when trolls like Raven tactical spread false rumors about 5G & cancer.
It’s ok plenty of the communications guys with backgrounds in 5g are explaining how its terrible health risks and kinda of a pointless technology with limited range
Anyway I am sure you believe the government has your best interests at heart and wouldn’t lie to you
Raven tactical,
Communications guys with backgrounds in 5G? That’s interesting, since it’s a new technology.
If you mean in microwave communications, I understand that and have worked there along with other peers still in the industry.
The health problems like those of original 4G and the previous FM & Bluetooth are once again being overblown by a media that doesn’t even try to understand what they report, as long as it gets eyeballs & clicks.
5G does have problems, since due to the high frequencies being used, it tends to behave more like light, being reflected, refracted, and having areas in shadow, making deployment a more complex task.
The promise is the higher speed; but, as wired services are being deployed, I think most find them a better alternative, especially in rural areas, unless the cell providers deploy a lot more infrastructure.
There are some politicians who have my interests, and I’m lucky enough to have 2 of 3 at the federal level on my side; but, the government in general, especially at the Federal & State level, tends to be more self perpetuating overlords, instead of the servants they should be.
That doesn’t mean I have to be paranoid and hate them, just work with them when required, always being aware of my situation.
Yep, neolib politics. Better to do the wrong thing than nothing. It ranks right up with fluoride in the water, Cafe standards, and open borders to keep the price of slave children low. I never met a more asinine, out of touch bunch of Joe Bidens.
Ham operator have always been resourceful because of their very mature. they will continue to out perform others including Government and private companies. The Ham community will continue to work around all obsticales. I have great faith in the Spirit and Determination. Hams across the world will continue to lead in communication in emergencies. This is my thoughts on the subject.
This is certainly no surprise. I believe the best thing for this state would be to have the massive earthquake that is predicted and the whole state slide into the Pacific Ocean.
The people in this state have severely hurt me when I had to move there from Oregon and I have never seen an entire population so crooked, so unethical and so selfish. They have morals that are non existent and worse. The whole thing needs to disappear as they are like an extremely infectious plague.
Shame on you. Do you hate sharks so much you want Kali-fornia to slide into the sea? Poor, innocent gentle woodlands critters, maneating sharks. ‘Sides that, if they ate LLC,they’d only get indigestion. 🙂
IIRC you are in AZ. Big opportunity in seaside beach property should that happen. LOL
Nah, I live in south central. But, it’s going to be nice to have a clean Pacific that much closer 🙂
Nobody is ‘banning ham radio’ ffs.
The hams are simply losing their free ride on big towers.
I’m a licensed Extra class for several decades, and I see no problem here.
You want your repeater up on a tower?
Now, stop speading lies. You aren’t CNN.
This is a hoax… Do not waste you time reading it…
This incident is well debunked on the ARRL web site.
already read it. I’m not a radio operator, but an uncle was called Sparky because he was. why would I be concerned? In every nation that goes socialist hard-line, one of the first groups to be arrested and tried are ham operators. How many socialist governments has the US had? How many were nazi? Have you ever had emails that took 3 days to get thru? Every time a dem gets in power, I do. 🙂 I get mail that was opened and so on. I call friends in DC to protest and it stops for a time. I used to belong to AIM and still fight liberalism creeping into Native America. Never give neolibs the benefit of the doubt. niio
I’ve never had this happen; but, perhaps it’s because I have several of my own domains and manage my own email accounts & servers. If you use hotmail, yahoo, gmail, or any others, you are at their mercy.
Ohio: I used private uplinks. One brother-in-law and a brother have their own uplinks, and it happened anyway. All emails go thru satellite and then thru a filter. Join AIM or just post in liberal rags like Indian Country Today (owned by Gates), and it’ll happen the first tie a dem gets in the WH 🙂 When in Penna, I stopped going to pow wows because I got sick of having my picture taken by state police. I asked some friends in the secret service why they did that. Apparently, I’m a lowlife redskin to the dnc. hawa! niio!
I agree and my ARRL section manager has discussed this with local groups.
There is a problem with use of towers in a single jurisdiction and it’s been spun out of control on the internet.
Well folks, This is where I say Adieu. Aggressive cookies are evidence of partnership with the enemy. Good luck! Break a leg! Fight the good fight! Keep your powder dry, and the old Indian saying, “Travel light, keep both hands free, and don’t leave a trail.”
First of all, your title smacks of typical sensational journism I would expec from CNBC or CNN.
”Why Do Government Officials Want To Ban Ham Radio?”
And the following is only for the PDRK and doesn’t apply to most of the sane portions of the country.
“ It’s Already Begun In California”
Your implication is that all government is involved and your conspiracy theory is full of holes, had done just a little research.
There could be some truth to this; but, only because that state is in deep financial trouble, and looking for as many ways to raise cash (fleece its citizens) as possible.
Actually they do cost a bit, since they do use power, rack space, and tower space, all of which may be commoditized to provide income to the government.
A typical repeater with controller will likely use an average of around 100 watts, and running 24/7 365 will use 1116 KWH, which at my rate of $0.13 per KWH could run $145.00 per year. The real cost however, could be the rack and tower space that in a good location can be leased for hundreds to thousands of dollars per month.
Here locally, our county government realizes the benefit of amateur radio, with many licensed operators also volunteer members of our county EMA (Emergency Management Agency). I’ve been involved in amateur radio for more than 40 years and 20 years with our local EMA after 17 years with MARS.
We have a new EMA building and the county has erected a free standing 100 foot tower on the high spot where the building sits. That tower will support numerous EMA communications antennas as well as the antennas for two amateur repeaters and an HF beam. The new EMA building has a communications room (ECC) with EMA radios; but, an overwhelming number of amateur setups, to make sure our county and surrounding counties can always communicate.
I wish I could find the article I read a while ago about ham radio requirements – that thing was obviously a vicious hoax! It said that a ham license cost $500 and that the equipment started at $1000!
That is where I got my misinformation about ham radio and I am sorry that I perpetuated the lie.
Goes to show that one should get information from multiple sources and be sure of one’s information before passing it along.
Miss Kitty,
Nope. The testing is performed by volunteer examiners (VE’s) who work under several Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VEC’s).
The Laurel VE’s typically charge nothing for testing and the ARRL VE’s can charge up to $15.00 for the test session the last I checked. Local clubs often offer classes to the first (Technician) license charging anywhere from nothing (as our club does) to some nominal fee for materials.
Your can also study on your own using the video link I provided or wuite a few others, or download the current question poll to study from ARRL.
Download or Print Amateur Radio Question Pools
The ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) is the ham radio equivalent of the NRA for firearms, and provide training, advocacy and lobbying for their respective members & constituents.
None meber or even none hams may get a lot of good information from them here: http://www.arrl.org/
Equipment may be home built from scratch as my first radios were, using parts salvaged from old TV’s, built from kits, or built fully assembled and ready to operate.
Handheld radios (known as Handy Talkies or HT’s) start well under the $50.00 range. I paid $23.00 for one of mine.
Mobile radios start in the $100-150 range and some radio can cost several thousand dollars; but, betting that first lices and talking with local people on local repeaters will cost you very little cash, if you are willing to put in the time to learn enough to pass the 1st license test.
Tests are multiple choice and questions come from a pool although some of the values may change.
For example:
On which HF bands does a Technician class operator have phone privileges?
B. 10 meter band only
C. 80 meter, 40 meter, 15 meter and 10 meter bands
D. 30 meter band only
In this case the answer is B
Electrical current is measured in which of the following units?
A. Volts
B. Watts
C. Ohms
D. Amperes
This answer is D
T5D04 (B)
What is the resistance of a circuit in which a current of 3 amperes flows through a resistor connected to 90 volts?
A. 3 ohms
B. 30 ohms
C. 93 ohms
D. 270 ohms
This answer is B; but, the values in the question may change so you need to know the OHMS law equation and do the simple math with the supplied numbers.
These question came from the current Technician class poll located @ the link above.
Thanks again for taking the time to answer my questions, and being nice about it.
Miss Kitty,
You are quite welcome and I’m never purposely not nice although sometimes the written word can come across that way, since you cannot see facial expressions or voice inflections.
No Ohio, you’re always respectful of others, even when you disagree. There are any number of people who would have been gleefully rubbing my nose in my ignorance and been thinking up new terms to describe my “stupidity”, rather than taking the time to correct my misconceptions.
This is a prime example of what a “prepper community” should be – with those who know teaching those who don’t. Even when we’re opinionated and stubborn. Thanks again.
I don’t know anyone from up your way who would tolerate getting her nose rubbed in anything with giving them a bloody nose.
Ohio is a good teacher. It’s them excellent Penna genes, of course 🙂 niio
Having someone TRY to lord it over you and having someone SUCCEED at it are two very different things….am I right? Lots of people TRY and they find that “their results may vary”. ?
Very true. In Mexico, Native Americans have a saying, sale’s resistance. Because it’s dangerous to be injun down there (slavery, rape, drive-by shootings, and so on), people outwardly accept everything, then continue in their conservatism. You bend, but never break for the users. When you get a chance, spring back and defeat them. When the PRI demanded a number of things against religion, thousands of traditional Native Americans, and most were mixed-bloods, came out in every city to protest. It shocked the PRI that they were so unsuccessful at ‘civilizing’ these people. Sales resistance. Adopt, adapt, survive; then defeat them. niio
Miss Kitty,
Short of physical violence, being lorded over is at least in part one’s own choice.
I heard it stated very concisely in a column more than 40 years ago as:
”No one can get your goat if your goat ain’t available to get got”
That attitude has worked for me for decades.
LOL…too right!
Miss Kitty,
You’re misconceptions were based on ignorance; but, keep in mind that ignorance, is quite often just “Uneducated Innocence” and should not be confused or conflated with stupidity.
Real stupidity is fatal.
There’s another community over @ thesurvivalistblog dot net where I also hang out and is worth checking. A lot of good LMI’s there also.
Not entirely true, as on the west coast ownership is somewhere in the 90% tile. His lives in the California north coast, almost at the Oregon border. The only thing the government controls right now is the licenses for HAM operators. Unlike phones, the handhelds as far as I know don’t have the means to GPS government locate like the phones, but can be found through the repeaters by the owner. I watched a radio check give the operator and the location of the transmission. I’m not sure if it is because of the recent tariffs that are or will be placed on China, but I understand there is a target date supposed to come up when they are not supposed to be sold in the US. Of course rumors also run with it also that they contain programing that others do not. I know their more expensive ones, are very inexpensive compared to others. Motorola and Kenwood, and others are all imports but at three times that of the China products. The repeaters enhance the distance and allow relatively lower wattage radios to extend the distance they can go. Three classes of licenses allow increase radio area uses and areas of use.
It also controls the commercial licenses for other services like GMRS; bit, those services are often engaged in commerce, where hams are pretty much forbidden from those actions.
Actually new systems using digital modulation such as Yaesu Fusion, D-Star, and DMR do have radios that may be equipped with GPS with the information included in the bitstream. Even analog FM systems can do the same with APRS.
If you know the callsign of an APRS station, aprs.fi can track it in realtime when it’s operating. We often have pace vehicles or hams on bicycles riding in races or endurance cycling events carrying GPS & APRS, and aprs.fi allows you to track them, often as part of managing the event. In a MS Bike Challenge I helped manage back in July, the SAG & Medical vehicles carried APRS so we could route the closest ones to problem spots.
RSSI (Receive Signal Strength Indications) at multiple sites can approximate this; but, unless the station is sending GPS data, it would only be close unless there were multiple RDF (Radio Direction Finding) systems operating.
The problem is type acceptance, with many of these certified as Type 90; but, being advertised for non licensed FRS or commercial GMRS and public safety.
Since hams may construct our own gear from scratch we have some latitude other services do not have and can most likely continue to use these radio on the amateur frequencies with an appropriate license. I hace several and have been using them successfully fir year.
The best place to go to dispel any rumors is the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) @ arrl.org
And with higher quality designs and fewer spurious emissions (which is to say, simultaneous transmissions of lots of unintended frequencies along with the intended one)
They do this by using frequency pairs, where the user transmits on frequency A and listens on frequency B, while the repeater with a higher profile antenna an more power, listens on frequency A and relays (transmits on frequency B.
Each license class has additional privileges for more frequencies and higher power levels. There are now 3 classes; but, prior to 2006 there were 5, and I’ve been each of those classes; but, held one class (General) for only 30 minutes.
I’ve been at this hobby for 43 years, and always find that new technology and new people continue to keep it interesting.
If your going to publish an article as inflammatory as this one I would suggest doing your homework first. Many details as missing as well as changes to the proposal.
I wish people would quit posting this BS. Kalifornia does not want to ban ham radio. I’ve written extensively on this in other ham forums. This is fake news at its worst.
I read the actual letter that started this nonsense and it was directed at one ham who was being an ass and trying to get something for nothing. I currently own and run four repeaters, and I used to have some in Kalifornia before we escaped nine years ago.
Here’s the issue that most hams aren’t seeing. Placing a repeater on a radio site (public or private) for free or reduced rent is a privilege and not a right. When doing so, especially the public sites, it’s going to require some work on the repeater owner’s part.
We have been privileged to get these sweet deals in the name of the public service we offer and provide. How many of these repeater owners maintain a relationship with the site manager AND let them know when their repeater has been used for public service? Not many, I gather based on conversations I’ve had with many fellow repeater owners.
As a repeater owner it is incumbent upon us to communicate our value and PS operations to the site manager. It is only in this way that we give the site manager ammunition with their managers to continue allowing our use of the radio sites.
For those of us that have worked in jobs involving having a boss or supervisor (that’s most of us), did you not learn the value of managing up as well as down in the organization? Do your job well, keep your boss happy, and through your work make him/her look good, and you’ll likely have a very successful career. The same politics apply in radio site management.
Some site managers have stuck their necks out for friends or others to put up repeaters and when some political SHTF we aren’t there (or haven’t been there) to support them and their decision.
In regards to the specific situation brought about by the letter that started this whole hullabaloo, the repeater owner not only didn’t maintain a relationship, but he also took the position that he was entitled to continue the use of the site. He was wrong.
And THAT’s what this whole thing has been about. One site manager coming down on one repeater owner. And if we don’t want that happening to more of our repeaters, then you better get to work.
When I first saw this I checked with our ARRL section manager and then posted the same information here and a few other places.
Unfortunately there are those in the preparedness community, that either do not read responses like ours, or just like stirring up trouble. I often see this with firearms, where people call themselves preppers to justify their new purchase.
Here in our area of Ohio we are about to move two amateur repeaters for a new higher site on a new 100 foot tower, erected at the location of our county EMA. We will not only maintain that site for the amateur equipment; but, many of us also help maintain EMA communication equipment as volunteers, keeping that equipment in good shape at no financial cost to our county.
Good stewardship is essential in any relationship, and I agree that too many people who do not know or understand the situation have comments about it, while ignoring the facts.
We should all be going with an HF backup, no way to regulate that even if they wanted to try….
Old Da Hammer,
The infamous ”they” could regulate things with DF’ing & fines; but, I think this whole topic has gotten off track.
As for HF, I agree and have three radios and an antenna farm, although some days you can’t even hear yourself with the current sunspot cycle.
Look at the inter mingling of Sky Warn (NWS (AKA Feds) and Amateur Radio (AmRad). Many Sky warn groups use AmRad to report inclement weather to the NWS. The NWS is one entity that can activate the net. The Skywarn spotter group I belong to holds weekly practice nets The spotters get message handling practice sending in the weather conditions at their location.
California EMS should let the governor know the extent of AmRad Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) AmRad governed and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) (Municipal, state and federal government controlled, provide by having fixt and relocatable stations.
It would take a lot of money to replace them.
Just another scheme to squeeze more money out of the voting taxpayer, which has already invested a ton of money for equipment, transmission lines, antennas, towers and their personal time FOR FREE, while to the politician it means enlarge the government fiefdom and personal pay FOR NO VALUE ADDED!
As a former novice class license holder WN4ICX, I really have serious reservations about buying any radio gear made in China. When the Feds are concerned about security concerning Chinese made drones I believe this should extend to communication equipment. Buy promoting a specific Chinese made item you are giving the Chinese pinpoint location information to ham operators. Not a good idea. Buy elsewhere.
Seems like China is suspect for hidden spyware for good reason in a world where devices spy without your knowledge. Infiltration,not invasion. they are playing the long game in an instant gratification world. Patience is a virtue…
I do not agree with your synopsis of FirstNet. I am a ham operator and have been for almost 50 years. I also was in law enforcement and specifically Technical Services for a rather long period of time.
FirstNet was conceived to guarantee a portion of the cellular service would be reserved for the exclusive use of public safety entities, so when disasters (like 9-11) happen, there will be service available to public safety and they will not be competing with every Tom Dick and Mary calling everyone they know and consuming all the service available.
I retired a year ago from a medium-sized metro I.T. department. We maintained in-car computer and camera systems for the public safety sector. This system began in 1980’s on a dedicated 800 MHZ radio repeater system, transitioned to an 800 MHz EDACS system, to Verizon Cellular, and finally to First Net. The Public Safety Cell phones also went to First Net.
All mobile services have an occasional hiccup, but all in all, the service was good and comparable. I personally installed the First Net cards in all of the modems we used. Of course any major disaster could take out all mobile services.
Ham Radio Operators are still ready to help in a pinch, but most emergency plans have written us out. Ham Radio still works, but the internet, cell phones and other modes of communication such as texting have resulted in a large downturn in new licensees.