The face of downtown Richmond Virginia has changed radically. There was a point in my life where I crossed Monument Avenue every single day on my way to work. I haven’t been up there since the riots and protests.
The city has been put on edge and blocks of public and private property have been destroyed and defaced. The nightly protests have changed the way that Richmonders operate.
All across the nation cities have seen similar scenarios. In some parts of the nation people have been beaten or battered to a near death state. Cars have been attacked and people have even died. Do you know how to avoid these protests?
There is also a collection of items you might want to add to your EDC when dealing with protests like these. These are all items that will keep you safe and give you options in the very worst-case scenario.
Blend In
Stasher Jackets are rain jackets that are usually carried by hikers and campers. They are great. I like having them close by because they can be used to cover up your loud tee shirt because you will never know what the protesters are mad at today.
There is a wide range of anger and frustration that is hammering our nation.
A simple black stasher jacket can turn you into someone who is wearing a simple black jacket. This means that you cannot be implicated for the tee shirt you are wearing. This might sound trivial but believe me, you will feel much safer when you are anonymous in crowds like these.
They don’t just yell at you. You will likely be sucker punched and stomped into unconsciousness. It’s a beautiful display of 21st century civility.
Related: How To Become Invisible In A Crisis
Face Protection
A mask will protect your identity as well as your health. There is much debate about COVID-19 spikes and massive protests, but I think common sense would be enough to understand how a few infected people could spread the virus like crazy in a protest situation.
The type of mask you wear is important, too! You must be incredibly careful about the design you choose. If you are walking through a protest with a red MAGA mask on you are asking for trouble. So be careful about what mask you wear.
If you gotta have that MAGA mask, then just be sure you have some options.
Special Communication Unit
Communication is the key.
For example you could use a Baofeng UV 5R. These radios do a number of things if you program them effectively. They can allow you to communicate with others around you who are outfitted with radios. This way you can make people aware of protests and gather important intel about the location of protests in the area.
The Baofengs are can also be programmed to listen to communications from first responders. Effectively, they can become scanners that will give you even more vital intel on what is happening around you.
It has been rumored that the authorities can cut cell service in certain areas by using advanced tech. If your cell is compromised, inadvertently, you will also be able to communicate using the Baofeng.
These radios must be programmed and practiced with for you to be effective. Don’t assume you are going to just jump right in and be an expert. If you are taking the radio out of the package as you approach the protest, it won’t be much help.
Trauma Kit or First Aid
We have all seen the videos. We know that these protests can turn violent amazingly fast and we have watched countless people of all races mangled, stomped and smashed by multiple attackers. It’s the very worst parts of humanity at work.
Despite all that if you get severely injured you are going to need to patch yourself up. Having the right items on hand to do this will make all the difference. A high-quality Trauma kit will give you the ability to focus on stopping the blood from leaving your body, among other things.
A residual first aid kit in the car is a good idea, too!
Wear Real Shoes!
Wear some real shoes! Stop with the flip flops and the smooth bottomed dress shoes. Ladies, forget about the heels and the rest of the shoes that are impossible to run in. We love you just the way you are.
If you need to pivot, run or whatever else, have some shoes on that will help with that. This is an issue that I see all the time. People are wearing shoes that are held on by a little flap in the summer. There is no way you are going to outperform someone in athletic shoes.
This type of leisure foot has its place, but it should never be around protests where the potential for violence exists.
Related: 10 Prepping Items You Can Buy at the Salvation Army
Less than lethal weapons could be the difference between getting away from an angry mob unscathed or incurring charges and other inconveniences by using a firearm to protect yourself. We have seen protesters scale cars, trucks, 18 wheelers and attempt to pull people out. What comes next?
Mace is a great option that you can use to deter people from trying to hurt you. It is the best way to get away from a nasty situation.
Since you are not going to be dealing with just one person, I would recommend bear mace. It’s a larger canister and will affect more people if you are attacked by a group. Be sure that you know how to use this stuff. Spray it a couple times before your life depends on it. There are many stories of people spraying to close or spraying into the wind and blinding themselves for the attacker to take advantage of.
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Why is this city putting up with this nonsense? You, as a free American, should be able to walk down any street you like and wear whatever you like. It is time to take out these punks and get your city clean of them….a fire truck and full blasts of water does an excellent job, and it is satisfying to see them tumbling down the street and no police have to be hurt. They tried this crap in our little city when they bussed in an outsider to start something….our police were guarding our statues and our citizens were armed and walking behind and beside the protest…needless to say it did not last long and the agitator left quickly….and yes, they would have been shot had they started anything. Cities are going to have to stand their ground and stop putting up with this crap. You have the right to protest “peacefully”….you do not have the right to block roads and pull people out of their cars and beat them, riot, pillage, burn and murder people…when you peacefully protest, you are a citizen, when you riot, loot and burn, you are nothing but a criminal. And you left out the most important item to carry….a conceal carry permit and a gun,because your life matters as much as theirs.
In good ‘ol Boys-see, they QUASHED that crap as soon as it started.
Not just the Mayors and Governors! There are Soros backed Attorney Generals and prosecutors who turn them lose as soon as they’re brought in for processing. Revolving doors for all sorts of offenses. We have some real dozies here in the big city!
It’s happening in Richmond because there’s a leftwing governor there who’s empowering these so-called “protestors”. These SJW morons don’t understand what they’re setting themselves up for. If this crap keeps up it’s not beyond the realm of a small-scale civil war happening here because people are becoming sick of this nonsense and eventually are going to do something about it if the governor won’t.
Tony: If it feels good, do it, no matter who they hurt. For generations in lib states people were brainwashed from kindergarten with this houseboy filth. Call them that, because they are houseboys for soros and the left. Soros has donated 220 million dollars to ‘activist’ parties. Not to fight crime, but to give us these brownshirts. niio
Come to my town of easthaven ct.go home hurt
Flying into Tweed next week to visit friends in Gilford! Prepare to smile and wave!
well they mostly only get away with that crap in or around cities i’m from wv you start that crap here you will get hurt even though we have a dem senator temp. we don’t any of their rurles in or state
I carry a CO2 60 ca l, 9 shot pepper ball gun openly on my belt. I also carry a 30″ kitana over my shoulder on my back. I dont carry anything to dress wounds, I plan on inflicting as much damage as possible. Neither the paintball gun nor the kitana are illegal, but NO ONE seems to bother me. I’ve gone to three riots in the denver/Colorado Springs area. No one even approaches me!
Fedup: Rats only swarm the helpless. Best to you! niio
Good thoughts. I have several UV-5R radios, programmed with repeaters in my area, along with FRS, and such.
How could these be made to monitor emergency and first responder communications? I thought those bands were outside the UV-5R frequency range?
Do a search for you counties band plan and you will find mostly fire and ambulance. Civilian oversite of police is frowned upon by police. Most frequencies are in the 2 meter (144.00MHz) range. And please look into getting your ham license. There is almost guaranteed to be a club in your area and it is a simple 35 question test to obtain it.
No they are public domain. Most states have a frequency that most first responders use it is 155.490 . You can only hear but can not respond without a plo tone
Can you tell me how or where to go to get my ham radio license I have radios but don’t have the knowledge of how to become or how to program
Hi, Doc,
Just Google ham radio test. It tells where to take near you and offers free practice tests. I used to ask questions like this because the people on this website are so knowledgable, but learned that for simple questions I should find out for myself.
Our illustrious mayor’s COVID19 plans to reward all the hard work, sacrifice and dedication of NYPD, NYFD, EMS is to start laying them off. All these socialist politicians seem do now back fires right in their face! NYPD Union that’ll be DeBlasio and NY State Troopers Union that’ll be Cuomo support Trump 2020
Look for a local ham club in your area! Will need to find one to administer the test also a wealth of info. I studied for my test using Ham Test Online very good system. Iam now hold a General lic. KC3LBM.
i use the app, “scanner radio”, on my cell phone. you can find most areas of the country and program in your area. When you turn it on you will be able to hear the local chatter. I can get my closest rural city, county, fire, highway patrol and even life flight eagle as it gets closer to my area.
I carry a CO2 60 ca l, 9 shot pepper ball gun openly on my belt. I also carry a 30″ kitana over my shoulder on my back. I dont carry anything to dress wounds, I plan on inflicting as much damage as possible. Neither the paintball gun nor the kitana are illegal, but NO ONE seems to bother me. I’ve gone to three riots in the denver/Colorado Springs area. No one even approaches me!
Another great defense car item……is a Raid Hornet Defense Spray Can for attack bugs or persons….it sprays 22 feet and aim for the eyes …..stops them in their tracks and gets you away and they can’t get your tag to follow up !!!! Got them all over my home And yard too !!!
I think if you read the label on the can it says something about being used in a use other than as intended is a federal offense. That means if you use it as a human spray as opposed to a wasp spray, it is being used in a manner other than as intended and the federales could charge you with a federal criminal offense. Given the state of the federal prosecutorial system, It wouldn’t surprise me that they would let rioters loot but charge you for saving at least your safety if not your life.
Yeah, yeah, I know, better to be judged by 12 than carried by six. Tell me that after you have hocked everything you own and are being led off by federal correctional officers.
Stick with pepper spray. Use the kind that has a sticky substance in it that makes it stick to the surfaces it has been sprayed on.
Always make sure you are up wind before deploying any chemical spray.
There is a brand new pepper ball projector on the market that fires a pepper ball some distance and the pepper ball forms a 6 foot circumference cloud of pepper spray — as claimed by the manufacturer. I haven’t investigated it further just yet. After I have, I will report back what I had discovered.
The warning label about improper usage is required on all pesticides, but some of the Hornet sprays could easily cause severe eye damage exposing you to an aggravated assault charge and then the inevitable upgrade to federal hate crime. Pretty sure it’s illegal to use bear spray on a person. Pepper ball projector sounds pretty nifty.
Some praise the Molotov Cocktail for influencing a crowd, but you see them thrown every now and then in the tv coverage and they just go splat on the concrete and flare up for a few seconds.
Mike: pepper ball? You live in Texas. Most folks would ask where they could find that tasty spice LOL.
Molotov have their uses. Fear factor is vital to slow or stop riots. The rioter can’t see the rubber bullet that knocks back the dope next to him, but fire is very visible in their minds.I hate to say it, but let the liberal cities burn. Dems live for the next crisis. Let them suffer it. Down here, cops will shoot the legs out from under a rioter, and have. niio
That’s because they aren’t making them right or using them properly.
Thanks, LCC, for injecting a note of caution. Most people skipped right over the most important sentence in the article-‘Do you know how to avoid these protests?’
Stay away from trouble spots.
If you are walking or driving and it looks like trouble up ahead, turn immediately.
Dial up the sensitivity setting on situational awareness.
Lastly, I think it was you, Chuck, who said that a person’s brain is the most important item when SHTF.
Sometimes changing direction or turning around just is not possible or feasible, especially if it is your job as in OTR Drivers & such or if you get caught off guard. Anyone saying absolutely otherwise has never been caught in such a situation.
Jim, You are right.
chuck: tried to give you a thumb’s up but it didn’t take. If you have a small lab distillery, the oil isn’t hard to make.
The house smells tasty, like bread rising, thanks to the koji and you encouraging me to try it. Yep, you did 🙂 Keep writing, keep teaching and stay healthy. niio
I said I would report back later when I found out more information.
The device is being marketed by which is a company that specializes in non-lethal self defense products. They manufacture pepper spray and stun guns. However, presently they say they are out of stock to check back later or go to some of their vendors who still have stock.
My guess is that they are so busy making pepper spray for the cops that they don’t have time for the non-leo market.
That said, two on line companies have the kit advertised in their most recent catalogs. the first company is preferred and the second is
The kit is not cheap. It is in the Preferred Living catalog at $349.95. It comes with seven spray pellets and 14 water pellets for practice in a handy gun case. I think Kadels have the same kit at approximately the same price point.
I’m not into paintball, but it looks to me as if it is a paintball gun with pepper spray balls instead of paintballs. If you could find a paintball gun that would fire the pepper spray balls, you probably would have a good substitute.
The biggest drawback that I see to the device is that like all CO2 fired guns, the CO2 cartridge will leak CO2 once installed even if they are not fired. If you let your CO2 pellet gun sit for a week there won’t be any CO2 left in the cartridge.
These would be good in a situation, I think, such as we saw with the pink-shirted lawyer. He loads the pepper gun as the mob is breaking down the gate to the community. If the crowd surges onto his property, seven shots of pepper spray should start to disburse the mob. If it doesn’t, then it’s time for something more persuasive. He would have a better argument that he feared for his life with a communist prosecuting attorney and leftist jury.
As a ready self-defense, less-than-lethal device, I think that fact that the cartridges leak CO2 is the main drawback. If there were some way to load the cartridge without piercing it, they might be useful. Not an instantaneous response weapon such as drawing your 9mm from an IWB holster, but in certain situations could prove effective.
No mater how anti-firearm I might be, I would not get this device for home defense. I would prefer a Cold Steel wakizashi over this device. You can always hit someone with the back edge of a sword or the flat of the blade and it will make an impression without being fatal. Unless you are high as a kite on meth or PCP, getting popped with the back edge of a Cold Steel wakizashi will smart like a sonnovagun. Wakizashi you say, why not a full katana?
The wakazashis were invented for use inside buildings where it might be difficult to swing a full sized sword. In the Japanese movie “The Twilight Samurai” the condemned swordsman laughs when the hero opposes him, armed with a katana, with his wakizashi. However, he loses big time when he takes a full overhead swing at the hero who is caught off guard and his full size katana gets stuck in an overhead beam. The hero seizes the opportunity and skewers him with his wakizashi which proved far more maneuverable inside the house.
So there is my report on the Pepper Launcher Home Defense Kit as Preferred Living captions it in their most recent catalog.
Thanks, LCC. Very clear.
I tell all females to carry this.
Really, who has died?
Are you really asking that question, at least 4 from black lives matter,2 in the no go zone in Seattle,1 in Austin. You must live under a rock or wear liberal blinders
One year old baby today in Brooklyn, NY.
The retired cop trying to protect the pawn shop from being burned and looted for one. By the way, he was black. The 2 black men shot in CHOP for another. Have you not seen the news?
Please be advised that the bastards doing the rioting/looting are marxists (AKA democRATS) bent on destroying our country and everything we stand for.
They are well funded, trained, supported, and equipped. This isn’t about raceism or Black Lives Matter (Actually, ALL LIVES MATTER). It’s about making sure that democrats grab and them never lose power again like they did in 2016.
But don’t believe me. Think critically, ask questions, conduct research, talk to people, read/watch/listen, surf the Internet, and follow the money. The clues and the information are there. The democrats are so brazen and so confident that if you listen to what they say and pay attention to their actions they will show and tell you exactly who/what they are and what they have planned for you.
You don’t need mace to stop these MFers. All you need to do is vote Trump/Pence Nov 3rd 2020 and vote against anyone (even if it’s just for dog catcher) who will not govern in accordance with the Constitution.
The equation is very simple-if Trump loses and Hiden Biden wins, our country is done. Turn on the nightly news or study what happened to Venezuela tosee your future without a Constitutionalist in the White House.
They take you to task here for an All Lives Matter stance. Gotta stop! Not the way a Christian should behave! Gotta Vote! MAGA 2020! Make Liberals Cry Again! Where there is no suitable candidate on the ballot for local level positions here, like a member of city council or a judgeship, I write in Donald Trump Jr. MAGA 2020 Make Liberals Sweat too! Petitions up to remove local politicians! See if there is one up to remove a local politician for your neck of the woods and get signed up!
Chity: I asked a blind faith liberal (college student) in Tucson is black lives matter, why isn’t BLM protesting slavery in the US and Africa. She had no idea slavery still exists. I said is black lives matter, why aren’t they protesting for Trump, who freed 100,000 slaves while the dems said slavery is a low-priority issue. More blank looks. I moved into abortion, called by black conservatives as the black holocaust. more blank looks. She walked away in tears, and I hope, thinking for herself. Lots of petitions to recall or impeach politicians now. Looks like the protests are backfiring on the dnc, but now they have new things to distract sheep. No wonder Hitler loved the dems. A well-ioled propaganda machine. niio
Vet: dnc/kkk=nazi party usa. Ain’t no such animal as a marxist and never was. Marx was a nut, but communists are no more marxists–following the teachings–than they are into communes. Call them what they are, houseboys for the nazis. Joe Kennedy, Nazi; soros, a Nazi. Everything the Nazis did, they are. Gay rights, ecofascism, riots, all. Yes, they want us to be another Venezuela, dragged from well to do to starving, just like the Weimar Republic and French did to Germany. niio
Please, red, explain something to me: I can understand someone or a group of someone’s not liking the way things are (were) being done and wanting to do things differently. I remember painting a small bathroom with my husband, a true test of a marriage if there ever was one. What I do not understand is them wanting to trash it. The answer can’t just be power because who wants to be king of the hill of the dump?
Gov” Money talks, all else walks. Houseboys bey the money. soros pumped 220 million into the ‘activist’ groups. He’s a former gestapo agent, and while a lot of people lie, claiming he wasn’t, Israel had investigations done and said, yep, a Jewish Nazi. Soros believes Hitler an ascended master and thnks he was reincarnated (possibly Erdogan of Turkey, who has taken soros funds and changed from pro-west, pro-Israel to hate speech). the dnc take a lot of cash fro soros and like-minded wealthy people. Conservative America is the enemy of haters, so conservative America has to go. You turn a light on a maggot, it tries to hide. Same with any liberal. Teach, show, prove, and then you see anti-conservatives wearig MAGA hats and being hounded by liberal houseboys. Talk is, Candace Owens may run for an office. Fence sitters in the ‘hoods are sitting up and saying if they railroad her like they did Bill Cosby, all hell will break loose. niio
The difference here is that there are about 150 DIVISIONS worth of firearms owners! Hell, Pennsylvania and Texas alone could field over 100 divisions of LICENSED HUNTERS! That isn’t counting the firearms owners who don’t buy hunting licenses!
I’m not sure if the author is referring to his area specifically or nationwide. I cannot speak to his specific town, but there have been numerous documented cases throughout the country where people have been murdered as a result of the riots.
I am not sure what this post means. If it means who has died during the riots, I can’t name them by name and I don’t have an enumeration of the exact count but at least one 58 year old white male has died as a result of the stomping he received at the hands of rioters.
It never ceases to amaze me that people get all cranked up over some petty criminal who expires during the arrest process either because of pre-existing health conditions or because he or she violently resisted the arrest process.
Even if we take the George incident which by any measure was cold blooded second degree murder done in full view of witnesses, George was clearly driving under the influence of drugs AND alcohol. He could barely walk across the street in one video which somehow has never been shown other than one time. He was in no shape to drive away. Further, he was accused and probably would have been convicted of a federal felony of passing badly counterfeited money. You don’t get brownie points on sentencing for doing a crummy job. The sentence is the same whether you are a skilled counterfeiter or a clumsy one.
All that said, where is the outrage over the eight year old black girl killed by armed black criminals in Atlanta? Where is the black lives movement demonstrating against black on black violence which kills far more blacks than any police involvement with criminal blacks during arrest. That’s what I don’t understand is why the blacks aren’t doing something about their own self-inflicted murder rate.
The proper response to “Black Lives Matter” is “All Black Lives Matter”. switching the to those killed by fellow blacks. Black on Black crime is the single largest area of crime in the large cities.
Felix: If black lives matter, why aren’t they protesting slavery in the US? Under BO, we had a half million slaves here. Trump freed 100,000 and the wall is stopping a lot more kids and women from being dragged over the border. Why aren’t they protesting abortion mills? Sanger was a valued KKK speaker and a Nazi, and a lot of black kids die in them each year. Because the dnc owners of the houseboy BLM would not pay them to protest. Soros pumped 220 million into ‘activist’ groups in one year. niio
The death toll from the current riots is now higher than the number of unarmed African-Americans killed throughout the entirety of 2019.
Of the 1004 people killed by American police in 2019, 371 were white, and 236 were black.
That’s noteworthy in itself since blacks are far likelier to become involved in violent confrontations with police than whites.
Of those people killed, 20 whites were unarmed and 10 blacks were unarmed.
There have now been a total of at least 17 deaths as a result of the recent riots. Of those 17 deaths, just three were killed by police.
As we previously highlighted, one of those killed was retired police captain David Dorn, who was shot in the head by looters as he tried to protect his community.
Your ignorance is no excuse
Ask the lady in Indianapolis who was shot and killed by BLM – sorry, you can’t because she was murdered by BLM, leaving a three-year old.
Almost 140,000 men, women and children… with more dying every day.
Have you been living under a rock?
Lisa: If black lives matter, why aren’t they protesting slavery in the US? Trump freed 100,000 slaves. Under Obama, Clinton, Carter, the estimate was 500,000 by the FBI. I’m sick of this, of kids found dead, mutilated. Lib states are the worse because dems call slavery a low priority issue. peace to you
Yes! When my son and daughter in law were looking to buy a home on LI near her parents, we all went along for the fun! As we were checking out one particular home, we to a staircase into a separate furnished area over the garage. I wondered out loud “If this was where they (meaning the current home owners) keep their Indonesian Housekeeper”? Unfortunately, there is a lot of this going on, especially with like folks. They bring their housekeepers with them to the US and then lock them away in servitude! Cops find them wondering around on the quiet tree lined street, no papers, no English, no money, no food.
CC: Again, yes! I think it was James O’Keefe who broke the story years ago about a dem senator in CA who forced three Filipinos to live in a closet. she owned their labor contracts. Nothing was done except they made her withdraw from politics for a time. Dems call slavery a low priority issue and have for years. With more of the Wall going up, a lot more people will be smuggled into NYC. Please try to get on de Flabio Mind’s case on it. Kids are very popular with his constituency, the pedophiles. niio
Ahhh Red that’s nothing! Ever been to Burkina Faso? No? Me too! But here in the big city, Burkina Faso can come to you! Just yesterday 22 year old woman beaten by West African Diplomat from Burkina Faso who was released by police because he had diplomatic immunity! She was working for him as a housekeeper. Hope the State Department insists he be recalled and that he also pay any outstanding parking tickets!
CC: when in NYC, we go to Little Jamaica. Ah, you kids! After getting out of the Army in the 70s, the only job I found was security. I went with people to Harlem and always worse a fatigue short and Army boots. That brotherhood is higher than skin color. the only trouble I ever had was once a big dude, way bigger than I am, told the girlfriend’s kid sister he was going to keep her (blond, blue-eyed half-breed but looks white, weighed about 98 lbs) and is she didn’t like it, she could lay in the gutter a while bleeding. She freaked out screaming at him. She had to climb up his shirt to reach his face telling him if he dared try anything she had a razor blade to cut his balls off, then cut him into hog food. He’s trying t get away from her shouting for help. “bitch crazy! Get her off me!) I saved him and then had to throw her in the car then hold the door shut while her boyfriend, from Brooklyn, got the deal done. He gave her hell for that, but she only smiled back to her molars and found someone else. We’re swamp rats and mine rats, and understand what we need to do. We grew up in dem country. Later, she said it was a good thing I saved her because they didn’t see she had wet herself, she was that scared 🙂 Now, then there’s border country in Mexico…! Yes, I have had too much fun and have the arthritis t prove it.Niio!
Several people have been killed or beaten up including a trucker (killed when he was dragged out of his vehicle in Oregon I think) and an old lady in a wheelchair who stupidly tried to block looters from going into a store (beaten with fists and a fire extinguisher in Minneapolis), three people shot in the “Chop” Zone and just recently a one year old BABY shot at a family cookout in the Bronx.
You REALLY need to start watching the news!
Need to add that the Baofeng radios are ham amateur radios and need a FCC license to operate legally on certain frequencies!
Also, those baofengs are higher power than legally allowed on the FRS channels, so they are never legal to operate. They also have stronger harmonics transmitted than allowed by FCC regulations.
You should also carry a small strong flashlight with an intense light in case you have to fuck into a building or alleyway.
I don’t think you will need a flashlight for the activity you mentioned in your post. Freudian slip? Or just plain old type?
hey, alittle humor in these tough times is not harmful. hell, it made me laugh.
This is the biggest load of TRUMP BULLSHIT Ive ever seen. You, MAGA human trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No fucking republicans died when they protested like buffoons in April. I repeat, NO DEMOCRATS KILLED REPUBLICANS WHEN THEY STORMED THEIR CAPITOLS WITH GUNS! And still you mention in this bullshit email to prepare yourself by bringing a gun???!!!! If you all are so tough, why do you all hide behind your guns? Oh! Because you are all pussies and you know you are wrong, so that is your only security blanket. “Your 2ND Amendment!” Guess what? Democrats own guns too. And we dont flail them around as a prop. They are a tool that requires responsibility and maturity to handle and clearly you all dont deserve to have guns.
Since this is a obviously a scam to find “terrorists,” I mean, Americans, who support equal rights. I welcome you. Add my name to the list, you pussies. Come to my house and Ill show you how strong my 2nd Amendment right is.
You need to chill out you, sounds like you are off your meds? Go tell mama to you need a bowl of milk and your Meds, STUPID!!!! Running that mouth shows your intelligence? Think soy boy?
Flailing guns at Stone Mountain was not by conservatives.
angry much?
Maureen Malone,
Dang woman!!!! What is WRONG with you??? Are you so BLIND you cannot see the forest for the trees?? You REALLY NEED TO WAKE THE F**K UP!!!! No one was talking about politics here and then you go and say your STUPID S**T??? I own guns. I know how to use them and I never leave my house without a gun!!! Anonymous has an excellent point!!! What did that POS Obama do that was good for our country??? Hey, how’s your health care now??? Hmmm, gee let’s not forget about the 5 Billion dollars cash that moron gave to Iran!!! Yeah, who has nuclear weapons now????I
I’m a 58 year old woman, and I still get shocked at stupid people like you!!!
Wow if that’s your real name, such garbage coming from a female. Your parents must be so proud. And to think my husband died for your right to talk like that.
It’s amusing to me that you say ‘we Republicans ‘ aren’t mature enough to legally own a gun and in the same,very emotional (but hilarious) paragraph, you invite us (just because of our political affiliation) to your home so that you can use your own gun to kill us! Very ‘mature’. Clap…clap…clap…
Oh Moe your the only one threatening an challenging people to come have a gun fight that’s pretty irresponsible and immature, besides you would probably call the police that you knuckleheads want to defund to fight your battles for you ,that’s what leftists do Start shit then go crying for the police when confronted ??❄️
And the guns noted herein are probably all illegal too.
Ummm… when did armed Republicans march on any city? Except when Grant took Richmond during the Civil War….you remember him, don’t you? He went in with the US army to squash the Confederates and liberate slaves being illegally (at that point) still kept prisoner. Oh yeah, they ripped down his statue anyway ’cause Antifa bullyboys are a bunch of morons and they saw a white dude on a horse and went bananas.
YOU are the real cause of the trouble here, Maureen, with your “woke white guilt” and “Solidarity!” bumper sticker. I feel sorry for anyone as brainwashed as you are, because the people supporting these “causes” are in for a rude awakening when the shtf and you come to the realization that “black lives DON’T matter” to these anarchists – neither do white, brown, red, yellow… it’s all about finding a convenient scapegoat to bear the brunt of the blame and deflect attention from the Big Money funding these little forays into overthrowing the government. It’s all just a trial run, and when it does get real, people like YOU will be thrown under the bus.
Instead of attacking us, please put even half as much energy into doing some research on some unbiased news sites like Epoch…see what they have to say about deaths at these riots. Even biased news outlets like CNN and MSNBC would have some coverage, at least until they found out that the facts don’t support the narrative.
But seriously, you need to wake the fuck up before it’s too late and YOUR life and liberty is endangered.
This article is about how to be safer if you come across a “protest” while outside. Dozens of cities have seen hundreds of millions in damage, arson, looting, assault, shootings, beatings, murder, unrest and general mayhem and chaos, all done by the democrat’s proxy army of BLM (Bowel Loose Movement) Antifa, and some of their stooges…ALL traitor taliban criminals. And a CUNT like you comes here to spew words mixed with splooge about “MAGA human trash” and that this is only “a scam to find terrorists”. Do you think true Patriots, some of which displaying folded flags for dead family warriors will ever forget that you SATANIC, MARXIST, VERMIN, PARASITES, TRAITORS AND CRIMINAL DEMOCRATS are OK with and encouraging burning of the American Flag, and the destruction of historical monuments? After Trump mop the floor with Biden in November, you better hide. I understand that a diseased dried up wench like you can be frustrated because on top of being an unhinged hateful psycho bitch you are also ugly and fatter than a hippoppotamus so you should go hide now. You are dismissed. Go make me a samwich, after you finish shinning my boots.No git.
Proud: You’re a respected member of the Prepper family. You may not agree with family, but they’re still family, no matter how gross and anti-intellectual they can be. You do not cuss out or abuse minor children as tho they were equals to you. You have every right to treat adults this way, but not people who are mentally unstable. Please remember the good manners your mama tried to beat into you before she shows up with that friggin hairbrush.Leave the houseboy BLM the hate. Let the houseboy neonazis of antifa have their hate. We’re all family and you’re needed here. What did Mom try to teach? You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. walk in His beauty
Maureen… what happened to you that instilled such intense hatred in you?
Maureen: As an American Indian I hereby absolve you of white guilt. for the sake of all 1) Don’t let the dems practice more f their bigotry on us. 2) Do not support the dnc/kkk=nazi party usa 3) Stop harassing a president American Indians voted into office. 4) Stop the dem party before they massacre more of us, as they did the Tarahumara in the 90s.
You are living proof of reincarnation. No one.could get as.stupid as you in one lifetime.
cris: you catrch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar. I knew a man up in Nevada who was arrested for murdering his wife. Went to prison and even the guards were afraid of him, he was that demonic. In there he murdered, beat up men, did anything to live in hate, then one Christmas Eve wound up in the place he hated most, the chapel. He asked everybody to forgive him and lived very quietly for the next few years. when someone confronted him,he shrugged it off till other believers defended him. He lives with his sister up around Santa Fe today, and all the kids and most adults in the hoods call him Saint Papi. Maureen is uneducated. Use that, use it softly and make an ally, not a bitter enemy. I do that with Muslims and they know I lost family in Iraq, people I loved. I lost family in Vietnam, Korea, and WWII, but I walk in peace and God’s beauty. That makes allies and often brings folks into the greater family. Walk in beauty.
I think you’re “avoiding the elephant in the room” – alot of that rioting was 100% racial motivated and anything you can do to disguise & coverup any race indications is spot on good prepping …
a hoodie sweatshirt or coat – mask & sunglasses – gloves >>> any weapon you can eazily carry is a bonus – blend in with any looting that’s occurring by grabbing a box big enough to provide further recognition disguise … ….
Only if you can put it over your head to hide your white skin…or if you are wearing Antifa basic black and can dodge being challenged.
Best to stay as far away from that stuff as possible.
Miz Kitty, or put you head between your knees and kiss your butt goodbye. Houseboys like antifa have been attacking blacks, as well as anyone else. I did warn ya, kid, MOVE out of neolib country if at all possible. Liberal states are going to increase in crisis because that’s all the liberal weenies have left, hate. niio
Illinois Warrior, I agree. My neighbor is an ex-Navy pilot who flies cargo planes of supplies into Afghanistan. Before every 60 day deployment he grows a full, bushy black beard for camouflage. Smart.
A trunk full of baseball bats, a car full of Molotov’ cocktails and pallets of bricks do not magically appear at a peaceful protest.
City: the cowards always run to the cops when confronted by an equal force. One good thing is, a lot of fence sitters in the ‘hoods are talking MAGA. A lot fo us are asking Candace Owens to run for political office against entrenched libs. if they try to railroad her like they did Bill Cosby for being conservative, hotheads are saying there’ll be worse than riots. God bless their gentle hearts! hat’s the injun coming out in them 🙂 niio
Red, Pretty soon, there won’t be any copy for them to run to here in the big city! Everybody’s packing it in and taking early retirement! No new incoming class either. Can’t help but notice that our illustrious mayor hasn’t given up his security detail around Carl Schultz Park! He’s just about got the entire East Side park closed to enforce a protective barrier around Gracie Mansion. Now that the NYPD Union has. One out in support of Trump 2020, I like to think that we have him cornered!
CC: Rats are most dangerous when cornered. Best thing, fry them ASAP. A lot of years ago I had a few problems with NYC cops, but that was my fault. Since going there as an ADULT, nothing but respect. I never saw people so abused and still trying to be good and honorable. Remember the old saying, see one rat, count ten. And, if you can, get all the info on slaves in NYC. I think New York has second highest in the nation, after LA or Chi. Write a sob story how the dems call slavery a low priority issue and that’s why Lefty refuses to fight it. Let me edit it, please? But, it has to be from someone there, in the city. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword; it hath it’s many victims. Dems claim to all for liberty, so why are they still the slavery party? NY Post would probably publish. niio
So very true Red! Our illustrious mayor Is just one of many corrupt, leftist socialist politicians we have in place here in NYC and in NYS. Historically, they give the unions big bucks and the unions make sure their rank and file vote the “right” way! It’s like the Mob, only here we still have the Cuomo Brothers. AOC is being heavily supported by all the people who do not legally have a right to be here, but that won’t stop them from going to the ballot box! The state is providing free postage for mail in ballots! Without intervention, it’s gonna be a free for all just like in a real 3rd world country!
CC: Give writing the article a shot. I can’t do it because I’m not a cit in NYC. There’s tons of stuff coming out by New Yorkers who now have nothing but hate for the left. niio
Red, Oddly enough the leftists here don’t like the politicians here either! They are not left enough! How far left can you go without falling off a cliff? DeBlasio honeymooned in Cuba! When Obama made changes in our policy, Cuomo was salivating at the thought of all those old cars there! Ready to go and invest our hard earned tax dollars in Havana! Yet Another boondoggle! The Left in all their glory surrounding Gracie Mansion protesting a communist mayor not being left enough! That’s called anarchy!
CC: The Wiemar Republic (communist) said Hitler was too radical for them, but when he was elected, they couldn’t jump into the Nazis fast enough.
The Castro brothers were educated in Nazi Spain. Like Hitler, they changed their outward look to suit the people. Nazism was an evil thing, but communists were not to the people. Cuba is communist in name only. Where are the communes? why does Raul sleep in a palace and the masses in rundown shacks? Chicoms are called the princes because they’re not communists, either. Nor is DeBlasio, but a prince of the nazi Party, just like Castro. niio
We’re actually out and about and having fun here with the Liberals in NYC and the upstate politicians! We even have “Trumptillas” – boat parades all along Long Island! Don’t give up the ship!
CC: I heard! I heard, too, that Shinnecock are refusing to wear masks and their cop is arresting people coming in to try to forces them to. They’re still angry about Obama killing their cigarette trade. niio
You heard right Red. It use to be peaceful out in those parts, but not anymore! There was a time where everyone co existed out there with no issues. Shinnecocks, old money summer folks, local farmers, town n country folks. Now we have Hollywood and new money folks! No sophistication, no values, constant consumers with no appreciation of the land or anything else! As a kid, I use to go clamming all the time in Shinnecock Bay and fish off the canal. The Shinnecocks have gotten a real bum deal from NYS just like everyone else.around these parts!
Maureen, take a poll of your Leftist aquaintances and ask how many are 1) former military veterans, 2) law enforcement officers, 3) hunters or at least recreational shooters that GO OUT and shoot at a minimum several times a year.
Owning a firearm does not make you a killer. Former military personnel who are former military veterans will describe how difficult that decision is. It takes training. Target shooting is one thing – live targets are FAR different.
If I were you, I’d be more worried about Democrats who don’t WANT violence who won’t vote for Biden. They are scared of what the Democrat Progressives have done to their party. They have lost their grip on reality. Give ‘free stuff’ to illegals ? Now when our American population is suffering from 20% unemployment ? Do you really believe that will win their vote ?
And their number one thought – WHO DO I TRUST MORE TO GET AMERICA BACK TO WORK – DONALD TRUMP OR JOE BIDEN ? We already have seen what 4 years of Trump’s work has been and eight years of Vice President Biden. Never mind the previous 44 years of service Biden provided – plenty of proof of Biden’s credentials.
My answer is clear – how about yours ?
It doesn’t do any good to argue with this idiot Maureen if you don’t reply to HER NAME when you comment. Doubtful if she’ll see it.
Wow if that’s your real name, such garbage coming from a female. Your parents must be so proud. And to think my husband died for your right to talk like that.
You can Google it. Last number I saw was in early or middle June and the number was 19.
So far, the only real riots i Arizona have been in Scottsdale Mall. That’s akin to raiding Rodeo Drive.But, I don’t go to Phoenix, anyway. I like Tucson with all it’s anti-gun laws and well-armed little old ladies who have no qualms against butting a bullet in a terrorist’s backside. Where guns are outlawed, the thing to be is well-armed. And never let the cops or politicians know you have anything. You might accidentally shoot a rapist or mass murderer, and liberal frown on that. they do lve to manufacture a crisis. niio
One additional item that you might want to carry in case of a riot is a pair of leather gloves. There may be all kinds of junk around in a riot situation and you may have to move some of it to evade and escape. If you make sure your disguise outer garment has pockets, you can put your mask, goggles and gloves in the pockets and that way you will be sure you have them with you. You can now purchase an ankle bag that will carry your first aid equipment. Right this minute I don’t recall who is making it, but I am sure shortly there will be more than one vendor of some kind of bag to go on your ankle.
One more item. If you think there is the slightest chance of being in some kind of disturbance, wear long sleeves and long trousers. No t-shirts and shorts in a riot, please. Observe the dress code. When that round of “non-lethal” ammunition hits you even though you weren’t rioting, it will hurt a lot less with a real shirt on as opposed to that WalMart el cheapo t-shirt. If you trip and fall, the road rash will be significantly reduced with long trousers as opposed to the road rash you accumulate when you trip and fall on blacktop with shorts on. Don’t both asking me how I acquired that particular gem of wisdom.
It is interesting to see the difference in replies to Maureen’s post and how the socialists react to a post on a website extolling the virtues of the black lives jive. The leftists would be calling for the post to be deleted. They would demand the e-mail address so they could send hate e-mails to the poster. They would demand that all future e-mails from that poster be blocked. Perhaps some would even go so far as to attempt to ascertain the residential address so they could commit acts of vandalism against the poster.
In contrast, her post at most aroused some vigorous replies from folks whose thoughts ranged from they suspected that she was emotionally overwrought and needs medical attention to pointing out how inaccurate her post was with regard to the situation happening in various cities controlled by democratic party politicians. Who, it would seem are all in favor of trashing other people’s property as a sign of freedom of expression concerning alleged inequities. Yet as soon as she (the democratic party mayor of Seattle) got her house vandalized she called out the cops she had just so recently castigated as worse than SS storm troopers.
Remarkable difference in how one side responds as contrasted to the other.
i use the app, “scanner radio”, on my cell phone. you can find most areas of the country and program in your area. When you turn it on you will be able to hear the local chatter. I can get my closest rural city, county, fire, highway patrol and even life flight eagle as it gets closer to my area.
I thought you people were AMERICANS! Aren’t you the people who say “The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st”?! What good is it then if you hate the 1st! Being able to protest is one of the greatest birth rights that a Human Being has. And while there will ALWAYS be those who will take advantage of a situation, the CITIZENS who are protesting aren’t doing it for the fun of it, they are decrying the perverse, dangerous and murderous behavior of our government and Society, and shame on any “American” who has a problem with that!
EVERYONE has the right to assemble and peacefully protest, EVERYONE has the right to be heard.
But using it as an excuse to loot, burn, destroy, assault, beat, kill….no you DON’T have the right to do that, anymore than I have a right to come to your house and throw a brick through the window and take a crowbar to your car.
The excuse that it’s “justice” for “crimes against the people”….most of the neighborhoods destroyed in these riots, many if the businesses, jobs and places to shop looted and burned…this all affects the very people that the protesters claim are the focus of the protests.
And as for the argument that it only affected big corporations or people outside the community, just try telling that to the woman standing in the middle of a gutted supermarket crying because she was unable to buy food for her children, or the man who used his life savings to open the sports bar that he dreamed of someday owning, who saw his dreams and lifetime of work and sacrifice literally go up in smoke. Or the people from the community who lost their jobs when the business they worked at got torched.
The man and woman I mentioned specifically were profiled in MSM news stories, not some “right-wing hack job” made up to elicit enmity against the “noble freedom fighters”.
The only winners here are the people who want to see the country torn apart, citizens at each other’s throats and chaos, so they can swoop in and take over.
The proper response to “Black Lives Matter” is “All Black Lives Matter”. switching the to those killed by fellow blacks. Black on Black crime is the single largest area of crime in the large cities.
The proper response to “Black Lives Matter” is “All Black Lives Matter”. switching the to narative to those killed by fellow blacks. Black on Black crime is the single largest area of crime in the large cities.
Very clever, Cat. Will remember that.
The best thing to do is to avoid crowds! You see a crowd, you move quickly in another direction. I remember teaching my young son how to walk down a city street. There’s a lot to it besides putting one foot in front of another and watching where you are going! Situational awareness is key! An alert should go off as crowds and in particular unknown crowds are an entirely different situation. None of it good.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
Kindly take notice of the words “PEACEABLY TO ASSEMBLE”.
I am not sure how Can’t Hide defines “PEACEABLY” but in my lexicon “PEACEABLY” does not include setting fires. It does not including smashing store fronts and stealing merchandise. It does not include marching down a busy street interrupting the flow of traffic and interfering with other people’s right of free passage. It does not include tearing down public property nor painting messages on building nor streets. It does not include overturning garbage containers. It does not include dragging people from their vehicles and beating and shooting them. It does not include discharge of weapons, throwing of rocks, throwing of molotov cocktails and other missiles. It does not include shooting steel balls from slingshots at police.
It DOES include assembling on public property, sidewalks, the grounds of public buildings. It DOES NOT include blocking the ingress and egress of folks utilizing those buildings to conduct their business. It includes signs, chanting, singing, use of megaphones to address the crowd, wearing similar garb to identify with a cause. It includes vocal praying. It includes stamping of feet and clapping of hands. If a permit is issued because street closures are desired and necessary police presence to direct traffic for safety reasons, then marching in a street is peaceably demonstrating provided adequate notice is given so that non-protesters can avoid the area in their travels. Peaceable demonstration can include the playing of musical instruments and singing. It can include booing and catcalls when a despised politician appears to address the demonstrators. It does not mean he can’t speak but demonstrators are free also to make comments on his speech.
There. That is how I interpret the right to peaceably assembly for redress of wrongs. Nothing in the First Amendment that sanctions what I saw taking place in the Democrat Party controlled cities around the nation.
What I saw happening in my dictionary is called rioting and rioting deserves to be put down with whatever force is necessary to quell the riot and disperse the rioters. If you choose to riot you may get seriously injured or even killed. That is a consequence of your own actions. Each of us has free will to do whatever we choose. However as adults we realize that every thing we do will have consequences. There is no action without consequence even though that consequence may not be immediately apparent.
What made Gandhi and King successful was their use of peaceful demonstrations which contrasted sharply with the brutality of the forces opposing them and that brutality brought a surge of repulsion that brought about change.
Had Gandhi and King looted, burned and stole their crusades for change would have been unsuccessful and the unjust actions of their suppressors would have been increased with the approval of opinion changers.
chuck: Yes, agreed! But, soros isn’t paying for peaceful protests, but crisis. That’s all liberals have going for them, hate and destruction. Soros ‘donated’ 220 million to activist groups like BLM houseboys. niio
Instead of wearing “real shoes” (which are better than flip flops or sandals), wear real boots and blue jeans. I have had to go into New Orleans several times in the last few days, even when the heat index was over 105. I wear blue jeans and boots, if I am in a fight for my life, get a fucker on the ground and use those boots.
kevin: Yes! I live in Arizona, thank God. After the Scottsdale Mall riot the applications for open carry exploded. After that, any attempts to riot were met by armed resistance and cops who said Arizona doesn’t have enough body bags to hold all the leftist houseboys. (aim for the leg! Which a cop in Phoenix did, and was applauded by most non-whites for 🙂
Nana and Pappy always dressed to the nines even in the heat. A cold bath, do not towel off, dress, and go. that’s how they stayed cool in summer working the farm. niio
Miz Kitty: True! George Floyd chose to live in a liberal, dem owned state. He was killed by a liberal. the liberal was given 2nd degree murder, not 1st degree as he should have been. All major attacks seem to be on hard-working blacks. If black lives matter, why aren’t they protesting against modern slavery in the US? Trump freed 100,000 slaves, where the Jeffery Epstein Party calls it a low priority issue, but to do that means no ready pay from soros to protest by murdering their own who dare to leave the plantations. niio
Whoa!!! This article has very basic prep ideas if in that kind of situation – thank you to the author, and to most Of the posters with their added comments. I got turned on to ask a prepper because I bought the person I love most “The lost ways” which is a valuable resource (although I wish the plant photos were in color lol), I’m closer to being prepared for a shtf situation than most I know but not nearly as prepared as a lot of the commenters that add their 2 cents after the articles… but reading “moureens” post and then the responses to her post… it was just unsettling to me. These articles are for preppers – people that see the way the world is changing is not in our best interest so we’ed better have a plan B or C if we’re going to survive. I’m very surprised that someone with beliefs like those of “Maureen” would even be interested in prepper ideas – which then makes me think people or organizations that want more chaos in the world and our communities are “spying” (if you will) on our like minded conversations (posts). That’s troubling. For a few years now I have read some good articles here (the best for me was about the girl that left her abusive spouse and lived off the land for 10 ish months) but more than that almost everyone has had a good idea to add to the article – sometimes I’ve gotten more from the comments than the article – but I don’t recall a poster so vile as “Maureen” … nor such backlash from regular posting contributors. Not sure what I’m trying to say – except thank you for sharing your experience(s) – and I hope those in support of extreme government control and taking our freedoms away aren’t posting nonsense here on ask a prepper to gain more info about us (the ones that potentially can live off the grid if & when shtf).
her: Peace, As the farm joke goes, Like gas, this too shall pass.
Trump is choking off the supply of slaves, mostly young children to the dnc pedophiles. Is there any greater reason for liberals to hate him? Soros, a former gestapo agent, worships Hitler as an ascended master. Hitler hated American Indians, so houseboys in the dnc will never permit any of us to be free until we’re free of them. Mauren fell for the lies and got schooled for it. All she had to do was understand there are two sides to a coin. She looked for trouble and found it. I don’t know why she supports the party of slavery, misogyny, rape, bigotry, and hate, but that’s her bag. A lot of people claiming to be free of the dems are no better. Just think of her as another Hillary the Genocidal Psycho and hope for the best. niio, walk in beauty
So for those of you who aspire to “all lives matter ” , does this include inmates on death row?
For those who hate America and have no clue what it is, lets get you deported to Venezuela, with no option for re-entry. For those of you who aspire to black lives matter, get your lazy asses back to work.
It is disturbing to see all the violence and destruction in the affected cities all of which are run by Democrats. It was so disturbing, in fact, that it made me think that several well placed snipers could have disbursed much of the looting and violence.
Run by Democrats because too many good people left, didn’t have enough gumption to stand, and couldn’t stay in the fray! These folks took the easy was out and now they all sit back and do nothing but complain about it! Have plenty of relatives like that in AZ, SD, MN, FL, NH, NC and TX!
Some: yes, all lives matter. To the liberal on DR, no, they don’t. I’m against the DP in most cases, because in too many cases, dems use to as a political tool. I do not see that in this case.
I usually tell libs they need to move to Cuba. The little Hitler of the Caribbean needs more workers to die as fertilizer in the cane fields. For some reason, libs are not amused at that joke.
Man, I have scars on my body from living in a dem state. I have family (non-white) who will tell you, it feels safer in the South than ever in liberal states. You have no rights with liberals. Poor or non-white, you’re guilty of being poor or non-white. God deliver us from liberals! niio
Deuce: Yeah, a few of us went a bit off topic and a lot off the rails in our responses to Maureen – myself included, I fully admit.
I personally find it very hard to tolerate the kind of spam attacks she made…it was totally unnecessary and she did it to provoke a negative response, which she surely got. Not sure why she would do that, unless to take a screenshot and say “Oh, this is the type of nasty, narrow-minded conservative BS that I have to put up with, poor me”.
But, to be fair, this forum is supposed to be about being prepared, and one thing that we can be sure of is that there will likely be more such spam posts geared to get people riled up and off topic. We need to be prepared for that as well as economic crisis, pandemic, natural disasters, etc. Just an unfortunate fact of life in 2020.
If it made you feel uncomfortable, I for one am sorry for my part in this situation. Tensions are running high for everyone these days, and people are more emotional. But, as I said, you can expect to see more of these things no matter what forum you’re in, so unfortunately, you better get used to seeing it. There are individuals and organizations that love to sow discord wherever they go, just to tear apart the fabric of normalcy. They sow chaos because chaos serves their purpose.
Miz Kitty, yo! Remember what the elders tell naughty kids, emotions get you killed. Teach, bust stones, smile, gig (hit with the dirty end of the stick), but always with the point of view we speak to a possible new member of the family. Like the nanas say, walk softly and carry a big hairbrush.
God vid on corona realities, niio!
I have been near riots and terrorist attacks, long story. First avoid if possible. Second I suggest that you carry an IFAC, individual first aid kit. I made mine and have one on my gun range bag, another in my get home bag and a trauma kit at home. You can find the contents on the web. I do not like the pre packaged types, some are good and some not. Be sure to include a CAT, a SWAT and a RATS tourniquet. Blood clotting agent, I make mine and the other items. I keep food and water in my car in case I have to “hunker down”. Also a sleeping bag and flashlights.
All good ideas! Folks in these parts are buying and wearing bullet proof vests to wear around town. New must have fashion statement item here in the big city! I would not be too surprised to see them at the NY Fall Fashion Show in a wide range of eye catching colors.