The world is facing the biggest catastrophe it has faced since World War II. As the Coronavirus spreads around the globe, governments and medical personnel are scrambling to figure out what to do. This unprecedented disaster is creating a lot of unrest on Wall Street, causing some serious losses in the stock market.
On top of that, we’re seeing the first real global petroleum war as Russia and Saudi Arabia battle it out over crude oil prices. This is having a major impact on American oil companies, with wellhead prices on crude oil now lower than what it costs for those companies to produce their product. If this continues for any great length of time, we’re going to see a large number of oil companies shutter their doors; starting with the small ones and perhaps including some of the biggest players in the field.
All this unrest and the country’s reaction to the virus appears to have brought to an end the growth we’ve seen in our economy over the last three years. Some economic gurus are claiming that we will see unemployment as high as 20% in the next few months. Others are speculating about a worldwide recession or depression because of COVID-19.
It’s strange, but whichever president is in office usually gets the credit if our economy is strong, as well as the blame if it is struggling, even though he really doesn’t have control over it. There are many factors which work together to create a strong economy. If any of them are missing, it could have a downward effect.
So, while the president gets the credit or the blame, much of it should be laid at the feet of the nation’s bankers and brokers, especially those on Wall Street. They are the ones who keep the economy ticking, all the president can do is create an atmosphere that’s conducive to it ticking well. But if the big bankers see a benefit to themselves or their companies in letting the economy tank, they’ve got the power to make it happen.
That’s the scary part. While it mostly falls into the realm of conspiracy theory, there is evidence to show that previous economic downturns and even wars have been started for no other purpose than to give these ultra-wealthy movers and shakers an opportunity to make money. Of course, the same evidence can show that they were merely being opportunistic, taking advantage of the opportunity presented to them. It’s all a matter of the way you look at the evidence.
Regardless of which is true, I’ve seen a steady stream of reports about how the economy is going to take a turn for the worst, ever since we caught our breath after the Great Recession in 2008/2009. Whether those reports are nothing more than fear mongering or based in reality is something to be seen. But the sheer quantity of those reports leaves me feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Even if none of those reports are true, there are still things that could cause the world’s economy, not just the US economy, to suffer a major hiccup. Chief amongst them at this time is the coronavirus, which is already affecting the shipment of products out of China. Since just about every product manufactured in the world uses parts from China, in addition to all the products manufactured there, this is bound to create shortages and affect the world’s economy. The only question is, how much?
With that in mind, it might be a good idea to have some idea of where to go, should our economy take a major hit and we end up in another recession.
Related: 10 Most Likely Ways You Can Die During an Economic Crisis
If there was a contest over which state fared the best in the Great Recession, Texas would be the clear winner. The Lone Star state was the least affected by the recession and recovered from it the fastest. Some parts of the state, like McAllen, one of the fastest growing areas in the country, still had respectable new home construction figures, while the rest of the nation’s construction workers sat at home, waiting for things to get better.
Those in the know (mostly businessmen and politicians) like to brag that Texas has the 15th largest economy in the world. That’s compared to nations, not just other states. The state’s diversified economy is more insulated from economic fluctuation that hits only one sector. Besides that, there is plenty of land available for living off grid, with less regulation than many other states.
The Dakotas
One wouldn’t expect it, but the Dakotas, especially North Dakota are amongst the nation’s best financial performers in many categories. That extends out to include the rest of the Northern Midwestern states as well. Between agriculture and a renewed oil boom, cue to fracking, these states have low unemployment and solid state government finances, mostly operating with fiscal surpluses.
Nebraska, a close neighbor, has the most diverse economy in the country, with its’ top industries accounting for only 4.97% of the state’s GDP. That keeps Nebraska from suffering economic fluctuations in specific industries, just like Texas.
This part of the country is attractive as a bug out location due to low population densities and large amount of agriculture. If you need someplace to go when everything goes south, it’s hard to beat the Midwest.
I wonder if Arkansas’ reputation as s hick state is a bit of propaganda on the part of their government. People tend to overlook just how attractive a location Arkansas is to live in, either due to that reputation or because there is no one thing that makes the state stand out.
Nevertheless, Arkansas has a very stable economy, with the average household income in the state’s capital being dramatically higher than it is in other states. Yet the cost of living, which is largely driven by housing costs is low and the relative value of the dollar (its buying power) is one of the highest in the nation. All this together means that it will be one of the cheaper states to be in, when and if the economy takes a turn for the worst.
Related: Mini-Farming on 1 Acre
The Nation’s Breadbasket
When we talk about the Nation’s Breadbasket, we’re talking about a whole bunch of states, from Kansas to Ohio and from Missouri to Minnesota. These, and a few others, are the major farming states of our country, producing the majority of the grain we consume, as well as grain that is shipped to countries around the globe.
Perhaps it’s the natural conservatism of farmers, who really only make up a small percentage of these states, but the states that comprise the Breadbasket tend to be steady performers economically, coming in high in any study done of the several states economies. While they might not have the high tech flash of California or walk hard heeled down the walkway like Texas ranchers and oil men, the people of these states definitely do their part to keep the nation on an even keel.
West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee
Once again, I’m lumping states together geographically. That’s because these states share some regional attributes, which make them a good choice to live in; both economically and otherwise. But these states share something else which makes them of interest to us; that is they are excellent bug out locations, with lots of mountain land that can be used to build a survival retreat. In fact, there are developers in this part of the nation, who specialize in selling land just for that purpose.
All three of these states have very solid financial statistics, just like those in the Nation’s Breadbasket. They’re also looked at as the home of hillbillies and hicks; just like Arkansas. Maybe there’s something there. Those good old boys just seem to know how to keep things on an even keel.
Related:Urbanites Moving To Rural Paradise Ruining It For The Locals
A Final Observation
As I look back over the states which I’ve chosen for this list, one glaring reality sticks out to me. Perhaps you didn’t see it; but I did. Before I tell you what it is, I want to say that this characteristic wasn’t taken into account as a part of my decision. Rather, it could be an explanation of why those states are in such good shape, financially speaking.
What I’m referring to is that just about every one of those states is a Republican controlled state, with conservative fiscal policy. There are a few exceptions in the Breadbasket; but other than that, they are all states with a long history of voting red and calling for financial accountability from our government. Considering some of the things that California and New York state governments spend money on and some of the laws they enact which restrict business, it’s no wonder that those states suffer the worst, whenever there’s a downturn in our economy.
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What about North Carolina?
We’ve got good soil and water, good weather and plenty of room with no “crazy”gun laws.
Good place to take root to.
too many relatives down there 🙂 niio
It’s become a very liberal state. The mindset of the majority voters is why I wouldn’t move there. I would also site the proximity to high density population centers all along the east coast.
Western North Carolina and the Blue Ridge Mountains.
NC is a beautiful place but it has certainly fallen to the Carpet Baggers and Scallywags in the last few years.
Better head on over to Tenn. or WV or else get ready to do a lot of cleansing if the SHTF.
Johnny: Fact! A lot of family lives down that way and are being squeezed out by swamp rats from the tidewater and trash from the north. niio
very true, what used to be a quiet small town, has now exploded, we’ve seen northerners come down here during covid, they are invading our beautiful nc coast…there are so many moving in, its unreal…..a house isnt sitting on the market for over a month, there are bidding wars, and they move like crazy. yes, nc has become more liberal and I dont like it, but up in age, and just cant take another move at my age…..oh well….just leave me alone.
But also, Floods, Freezing winters, Hurricanes
The last paragraph sets it all.
The problem isn’t that there are hicks and rednecks in those states, the problem is that most hicks and rednecks are peace-hating, racist, sexist, homophobic bigots who think their twisted Nazi way of “good old boy” living is the only right way.
Spoken like a true fan of the Democrat propaganda machine.
Soooo, by your comment, you have proven yourself to be a ignorant, Racist, Bigot.
sense: The is a bigot. Most rednecks will tell you, you can’t be a good redneck without some redskin in you. Dr. Sowell’s book Rednecks in the South: Black and White met with major criticism from bigots like The. But, he was right. Hicks are and anways were followers of Pres. Jackson, which makes The a hick. niio
Wow, that’s harsh not knowing them personally. But, I suppose that screaming racism makes it ok…hypocrite
the: You can’t be a good redneck without a little redskin in you. Better up on things. Dr. Thomas Sowell: Rednecks of the South Black and White. Hicks are democrats. Rubes are Republicans. KKK-DNC. Nazis-DNC and Soros is owner of the party, and he’s a former Gestapo agent.Hitler was gay and killed gays. His doctor and friend listed him SEXUALITY: HOMOSEXUAL. That makes you the bigot, invader, and rednecks Native American.
red: You must be one of the victims of public education, indoctrinated with ‘Tavistock Institute’ doctrines( Rockefeller financed and controlled) otherwise you wouldn’t talk such rubbish. Go visit Hungary, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Romania and get some education from the locals. One sided history has always been the enemy by those who divide first, then conquer, then rule. This has been going on for thousands of years. What is your historic knowledge outside mainstream? ‘Mayer Amschel Rothschild &Co’? ‘The American War of Independence’? The French Revolution ‘? ‘The British East India Company and Opium War’? ‘ The Spanish War’? The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917? ‘The Napoleonic War’? The American Civil War’? Want to know who Stalins White Negros were? The 1600 years of Slavery of Arabs, White Europeans and Negros under the Kalifate? Genghis Khan’s Wars”? ‘The Chinese Dynasty Wars’?
Vril: Nope. Thank you, Mrs. Clinton, you must be a biden supporter. My education was both public and private.
Dad spoke 5 languages conversationally, Mom 3, and the kids 3. I studied math under Dad and did well. English under Mom who wanted to be an English teacher, went to school for it and was turned down by the Nazi dnc in Penna.
I learned to hate communism from people raised in Nazi Germany and -Austria, from Eastern Europeans, Cubans, People who survived Nazi Mexico. In fact, my stepmother was a graduate of Heidelberg University.
I did attend the Nazi U, Penn State but that was only because I couldn’t afford Bloom. Later, Yellow Springs, OH and the editing courses of WI U. Later, I took up manuscript research. Not easy, but to anyone who loves to learn, vastly interesting, and vastly lucrative but only if you demand truth.
I learned from Germans in the family that Hitler was a communist, as much as his friend, Stalin, was. I learned before I was 5, and that the Wiemar Republic set things up for Hitler to become chancellor and all of them jumped from the German communist party into his party.
So, at very 60, I’m very well educated. My mother taught me to read beginning when I was born. Dad taught languages, agriculture, and math. We’ve quite a few scientists in the family because we demand all women get as best an education as they can. Newly widowed, one grandmother at age 65 took herself back to college to study to be a dietitian, passed at the top of her class and accepted a very good job offer.
So you see, I was taught to closely examine all sides of any argument; we have lawyers in the family. People from all across Europe, especially those who escaped communist nations, taught me very well about socialism.
Unlike you, I take no one’s word at face value. My ancestors taught that, a people who had no word for liar until we met those who taught only lies. We also learned that Nazism is the dnc. The dems do nothing unless Hitler would approve it. Green fascism, gay rights, New Age, ascended masters, the world is man’s only god, animals non-human people, vegetarianism, Islam is laudable while anything Jewish like Chritianity is only for morons. I read Table Talks in the original language when I yet a preteen. My stepmother and two aunts taught me it and taught how weird Nazism is. I also read The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer-Lytton and thanks to engineers in the family, how ludicrous it was.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Co. helped fund the American Civil War thanks to a massive number of German immigrants here. My family has fought in every war here since colonial days and talked about the war like it was yesterday’s news. We were major players in Penn’s Woods at the time and thanks to Messianic Jews, invested men, time, and monies 100% into making this a nation. French and Indian War, Civil War, and all the rest saw our blood, the flower of life, as we call it, bloom on battlefields from Penn’s Woods to Europe and Asia. An uncle of my stepson’s wanted him to go AI, where he would have been upgraded to captain by the time he was 35 and opted by the CIA.
Stalin was a good nazi-lover as well as a student of Sun Tzu, the master tactician. The man was brilliant, but evil, and today his tomb is only a stained urinal. He took in thousands of Nazi refugees, and sent thousands to Mao to take China and the rest of Asia. We do not deal with communists, per say, but Nazi socialists in so-called communist nations.
Stalin’s white Negro. One, singular, and in 1941, every Nazi in Hollywood jumped into the American Communist Party and found a home there. See a communist, ex-Nazis taught me, and you see a Nazi.
You made a vast mistake talking Muslims and slavery. What did Hitler say of Islam? Far superior and far more manly than weak-minded Christians. Hitler said, “At the Battle of Tours had Charles Martel lost and Al Ghafiqi won, Europe would be a manly state, not backwards and corrupt.”
Yep, I know about the caliphate and Erdogan, who studied Nazism. He and soros, the billionaire socialist gestapo agent wanted in Hungary for war crimes, are very good friends. Turkey holds the key to the Book of Revelations, and Hitler copied the Altar of Pergamum, a temple to Zeus, in Berlin.
Genghis Khan was a Nestorian Christian as many Mongols were. Having Asian family, yep, I’m pretty familiar with the dynasties. Do you know who the Twins were? The Minh? These were important to America if only due to their importance in history. What about the Beautiful Wall?
You all use the term red neck but I bet you don’t even know where the term came from. I was born and raised in West Virginia and I am a dyed in the wool redneck and proud of it. Have a peaceful day and get along with all.
Sorry I am from a long line of hick. We have friends of all races and religions. Come to our BBQ or fish fry and pretty well equal in blacks and whites. The only thing we have in common is we don’t care how you live, but don’t tell us we have to live the same way. And 2nd thing, we know how to take care of ourselves. Be it hunting, fishing, growing our own food. But thanks for stereotyping us by the actions of a few.
Yep, You are right so keep your marxist ass away from us!
Wow! You need to get out more buddy. Been in your Mom’s basement trolling for the last 10 years? Seriously, good people and bad people come from all walks of life. Get out and meet discounted folk. You might learn something
Correction: “country folk”, not “discounted folk”. Stupid spell check.
AKA flyover country. 🙂 niio
Fine. Dont come to any of these states then! Incidentally, I was born and lived in New York City until joining the military. You can have crap holes like that, while I’ll take the free state of Tennessee any time!
congratulations for being “former liberal!” Welcome to the clear window.
American Way. we in the ” hicks and rednecks are peace-hating, racist, sexist, homophobic bigots who think their twisted Nazi way of “good old boy” land. do us a favor never ever move here!!!! We really don’t like people like you trying to trying to us that our centuries old life style is bad as we don’t give a damn about what you think.
Texan Haaaa yes! something libs hate is when you expose them for being nazis. niio
I am glad to be a West Virginian. Further more you are wrong. I don’t believe in the way gays & lesbians live their lives. It is their choice to live that way. Secondly I taught my kids to not to make fun of people & third & last I don’t shove my beliefs down other peoples throats. But the dems & their leftist ideology . Is being shoved down mine. I will continue to fight as long as the leftist shove their ideology down my throat. ??????????❗
Fine. Dont come to any of these states then! Incidentally, I was born and lived in New York City until joining the military. You can have crap holes like that, while I’ll take the free state of Tennessee any time!
Your name should be TheLiberalArrogantCommieWay – You just described California & New York.
why would you be at a site like this? You obviously have no inkling as to where would be a good place to bug out. You see, we are southern and we are loving and kind, unless of course you come at us with all that bull crap hateful rhetoric. So, you go ahead and stay in your lovely ignorance and we will continue to thrive in our loving environment. Good day to you.
Alabama: Troll, a spoiler, is why he came here. Just tell him, Hello Mrs. Clinton, thanks for the input and rag them for fun. that’s how you treat trolls. You live in a beautiful state with a lot of good people. walk in beauty
Bless his soul. My wife of 60 years is an Alabama girl, and I was a damn Yankee from Pa so the marriage would not last . Liberals are always wrong.
Graywold: Pennsyltucky? Pa is a great state to see how destructive the pandemic-rats are. Next best, Mexico and the weak sister of the dnc, the pri. I’m home in Arizona. Small town, most folks are preppers, and bugging out in place. niio
Sounds like you’ve known quite a few, which I doubt. Like people who say Fox news it uber-right, but never watch.
Stukahna: Trolls a-plenty and done myself a few times. But, anyone who comes to me and says Fox news is conservative will get an earful. Some of the people, yes.
How is life treating you? Down here, BBQs going on, hiking in groups (safer that way with gangs around, the more guns the better), and so on. It’s summer now, but still cool enough for a virus to survive. But, very few care. Most cases came out of kali-fornia. Mexico threatened to sue the state if kali sends another bus-load of sick people south.
well sounds good to me so from one of those rednecks that don’t care one bit to tell your queer a#@ to kiss our redneck a#@ we don’t want you here anyway and you couldn’t make it here anyway go TRUMP 2020
If you believe that, stay in one of your nice blue cities and enjoy. I hope the rioters don’t kill you and destroy your things.
You will not last long with that attitude about people that are different from you. lol
I was born and raised in Mississippi, I am what some call a hick/hillbilly/rednecks etc.. I am highly educated with a degree in electronics. You say peace hating lol a hick doesn’t hate peace a hick hates people that think they know better then the redneck what is best. rednecks only want to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit, not as someone else thinks they should.
Your attitude toward hicks is the very reason you think hicks are war mongers. Hicks are people that see through that thin venire that is your character and so they will treat you like what they see. Most rednecks will go out of their way to help others but they expect those others to try and help themselves.
BTW Hicks are not racist or white supremist like you are trying to infer. As a matter of fact most rednecks hate dam white supremist.
Shall I help you pack your brown bag and take you to the airport so you can choose a commie land of your choice, you imbecile? Calling country folks rednecks and haters because they care for the homeland, their Forefathers and Mother paid with sweat, blood and tears shows your lack of history and disrespect for those who paved the way so you ungrateful troll can still live from the fruit of their doing. Join me in Belarus and see how long you will last.
Vril: why move out of the country? Northeast US has plenty of nazis/communists. And, no, I, for one, do not lack a deep knowledge of history.
The: dnc/kkk=nazi party usa. That’s history, something sheep don’t bother to learn for fear of being different. I like what Carvel said, that 80% of dem voters are morons. they don’t think, but fall for any scam the party wants them to fall for.
And the KKK was started and supported by the Southern Democrats . And Sleepy Joe Biden VOTED to keep southern Schools Segregated
With your preconceived ideas I can understand why you might have a problem being accepted into their neck of the woods. In truth, treat them with respect and an open mind and you’ll be treated the same way.
Whoa,….. “American Way’,…..hold your horses! Don’t disparage those whom know how to survive! Sounds a bit like …..jealousy! If we were stranded together on a deserted island, with VERY limited supplies, no food & little water,…… I’ll let YOU figure out who’d be rescued! Hint: YOU gotta sleep,….sometime!
Fact: those whom you call ‘hicks’,….. can weather most any storm coming their way,….. as they live life to it’s fullest, with pride & dignity, and so that ALL whom hold similar values and morals,….. will survive also! Very giving folks, if you ask me! I was raise between a small city & a farm. Learned at a very young age how to do things to keep myself alive. You ‘city-slickers’ only know how to do ONE thing,……TAKE! Giving & productivity are not in your vocabulary, – so you take, and mooch off of those who CAN produce. Try cussing a farmer (ergo:”hick”) – with your MOUTH FULL of food!
Wouldn’t want you for a neighbor. you sound too needy
That was a very bigoted way of grouping a set of people together…seems a little hypocritically ironic to me. I would bet you have no life experience outside of a giant city amongst like minded individuals and so your idea of other groups of people is largely based off of Hollywood and Facebook. Good job dumb dumb
Last time I looked or tripped I believe Iowa was between Missouri and Minnesota. Think it is still there.
Thanks for sharing the map and article.
I don’t see Iowa in the article but it is on the map.
I’m in Iowa but Arkansas would be my 2nd pick
I wouldn’t touch ANY of those places because of the likelyhood of losing everything you have worked for to tornadoes. Most of the states mentioned are in tornado alley!! Maybe I would go to the Dakotas, but why would I, when I live in a really great state that prrovides me with everything one needs to survive?
What state are you in?
Logger-gal,….. it doesn’t matter WHERE you go, there is some form of ‘natural-disaster’ that will happen,….tornadoes- in tornado alley, hurricanes- on the entire east coast, earth-quakes on west coast & a few places in-between,…. and the BEST OF ALL: the super volcano at Yellowstone – which will take out the whole Earth,…over a relatively small measure of time. So STOP being so worried about what you have ‘worked for’,… as these are all temporary anyways! Live for the moment, keep what you can,….. but remember that you could also die in an instant from the most mundane of things. What would happen to your precious ‘stuff’ then?
I’d would not be surprised to see unemployment hit +30%, assuming they ever publish real statistics.
Lot of employers will be gone when this is over, the economy is going to change forever,
You just described yourself!!!
TnAndy: Real unemployment figures are a distant memory. They haven’t been real in probably 50 years or more, ever since the powers that be decided if you had been unemployed more than 6 months you weren’t actually looking for work and therefore weren’t unemployed or whatever mind twist they used to decide that 6 months automatically put you back in the employed ranks.
99% of our Country has no idea what goes on in our Government. The lies, games and deep-set plans for a two-class system had me consider being anti-government, until I saw what Trump did for this Country. The DEMS are seriously looking for ways to depopulate the third world while getting their followers to vote as many times as they can, because it is the right thing to do. We know that is not only wrong but and act of Treason. We cannot trust the FBI, NSA, DIA and CIA as they are apart of the Deep State that wants total control of all aspects of American life.
Our only hope is to vote out every DEM and DUMMY from our Government as soon as possible. Pelosi is a drunk who clings to her throne. I’ve seen DEMS lie and make up lies just to prove a point that doesn’t matter. We need all LIES out of our elected officials. I collected volumes of evidence that was destroyed by Leftists in my organization. The criminal acts of politicians with Diplomatic Passports who bring back hundreds of thousands of dollars in silk carpets only to sell them off to dealers for ten times their cost. Gifts of gold and silver that are logged in as brass and pewter so they can take them home and again for profit. Harry S Truman said, that any politician who makes money in his job has to be a crook. We have a lot of them. And their plans for the average American is not looking good. Why do you think they want our guns? Every despot in history has sought to disarm their population so they could be handled easier. Why would anyone be a DEM today. It is not JFK’s party any more…
I would suggest that if one is not already in one of the good states to ride out a depression, the best place to ride out a depression is your present home.
When you consider moving expense, if you are going to rent, there will be first and last month’s rent and/or cleaning deposit, utility bill deposits, new driver’s and vehicle license, and the myriad other expenses involved in a move.
In addition, unless you are moving back to your old neighborhood, establishing a new circle of friends, trying to find a new job: “Oh, I see you just moved here from XXX. Okay. We’ll give you a call if something opens up.”
In addition, many states have regulations against folks who have just immigrated from signing up for various aid programs. One must establish “residency” and the period can range anywhere from a month to six months.
If you owned a home and sold it at the depths of a depression, you are going to take a bath on it. Yes, perhaps you can pick up another home in the new area with your cash reserves, but you again run into the same problem of utility deposits etc.
I would suggest if you think the economy is going to go into the crapper — and if you don’t, I would suggest catching up on current news — your best bet is to start conserving your dollars. Get rid of debt. Start looking for alternative ways to earn a buck — no, robbing banks is not a good alternative.
Of course, the up side to robbing banks, if it is a federally insured institution, you will go to a federal pen with two hots and a cot, so you won’t have to worry about shelter and meals, although you may have to worry about Bubba.
If you don’t need one or more of your vehicles, get rid of the extras before the bottom really drops out and notify the DMV and your insurance company right away so you won’t get billed for a car you don’t own.
Consider how many errands a day you can walk to the destination or ride a bicycle. It’s the short trips that eat into your mileage.
Drop your gym membership. Hey, the gym’s closed anyway, no sense paying them for non-use. Make sure you make the effort to get dropped. It is easier to not pay them than it is to try to get your money back.
Do you really need deluxe cable? Can you get by with basic? Do you just have to have the sports channel? Can you use antenna? $300 for an installed antenna and the rest is gravy.
Look at your booze habit. Can you get by with Bud or do you have to have the premium micro-brewery beer? Can you really tell the difference between the 12 y.o. single malt and Johnny Walker Red? Is the difference in taste worth the extra cost of Black Label?
Must you have Silver Oak cab or will two-buck Chuck do? Or how about this? Kick the wine with dinner habit. Is it time to consider giving up tobacco? Cigs are $8.00 a pack in the PDRK and that is the advertised off brand.
If you are one of the states that has not ordered restaurants to go take-out only, do you really have to go to Outback or will Sizzler do? Why not barbecue at home?
Speaking of take out, cooking at home is always cheaper than restaurant food unless you are talking about fast-food chains but then I was talking about food not Soylent Green.
Just a few ideas about how to tighten your belt when the economy tanks. Notice I said “when,” not “if.”
Switching from Silver Oak to Two Buck Chuck…that’s a tough sacrifice!
I think you missed the mark with this opinion Rich. You left out the “Redoubt”, that portion of the US that has generally low population density, lots of natural resources, and economics… Constant, modest growth, but I think most importantly, the people here. Hard-working, conservative folks reaching out to community members to help…donating funds to keep local businesses open, donating excess diapers, baby formula, flour… to those in need. Idaho and Utah is the place to be now. Praying for our nation and humanity.
The What? The Redoubt? Good region to leave out..
I was working towards selling the house and moving to Idaho. I may have taken too long. I’ll keep working towards that goal, but I’m not optimistic at this point.
Move to Utah! It is beautiful and has plenty of flat land to build on.Idaho is already being over run and it’s mostly mountains!
I would like a hard copy of your book, I don’t think digital is compatable with off grid !
Hi Brokenfarrieri,
Thank you so much for your interest in our work.
The Lost Ways, The Lost Ways II and The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies are all available in physical copy too.
God bless,
The author seems to imply we don’t have hillbillies in Texas, ha, East Texas is full of hillbillies but we call them white trash instead, majority of them meth heads and junkies, and when I call up the sex offender locator I see red dots all over marking evil men in singlewide trailers on a county road. It’s impossible to find an old house out in the country to fixer upper here.
Governor Strangelove has ordered schools, restaurants, gyms here to close. Lines were out the door at gun shops today.
Left Coast Chuck tells the truth, economic preparedness is about as essential as it gets. We have no debt, our assets are protected, and we’re stocked with good food and cheap likker. I’m not going into town until this all works itself out.
Mike: Everybody likes to knock “hillbillies.” The original “hillbillies” were Scots-Irish settlers. many of them sold into limited slavery as political prisoners from the wars for independence waged by Scots Highlanders and Irish patriots fighting against British rule over Irish lands.
The British “solution” to prisoners was to have them transported where contracts were sold to English settlers who paid for the cost of their transportation to either the American colonies or Australia/New Zealand. What a simple solution. Instead of housing “rebels” who couldn’t see the advantage of English rule over their homelands, the English shipped them off to the places mentioned. The good ole’ two birds with one stone solution. Don’t have to feed them anymore, even though rations could hardly be called food and it doesn’t cost us anything to get the out of our hair because the colonists will pay for “indentured” servants, that is slaves just not for life. “You’re not slaves, you are freeman, just working off the contract for the cost of your involuntary transportation.”
They were fiercely loyal to their family and clan. They were proud, hard working people, suspicious of strangers, but generous to a fault with friends and family. They were a significant portion of the reason why we are no longer a part of the British Empire.They were resourceful, thrifty, able to make-do in meagre circumstances. They settled land that no one wanted and managed to eke out a living for themselves and family.
They will survive the end of the world. They know how to hunt, dress out game, eke out a living from worn out soil,. They know herbal medicine — something they have learned out of necessity because modern doctors who want to have million dollar incomes don’t want to practice in a locale where the doctor bill is still paid with a 5-gallon jug of moonshine or five chickens.
Don’t swear at hillbillies. If I were looking for a likely place where the residents would resist take-over by some misguided wanna-be dictator, it would be hillbilly country. If I wanted to have neighbors who knew how to drive a team of horses, it would be hillbilly country. Spin and weave, hillbilly country. Know herbal remedies inside out, ditto.
Yeah, unfortunately, too many of our fiercestly independent
citizens have been struck low by drugs and alcohol and the meth epidemic. That would be the downside to moving to “hillbilly” country. If someone were to move in with a superior attitude toward uneducated, dirt poor farmers they could count on a reciprocal attitude from their new neighbors. Seems natural to me. Treat me like something stuck to your shoe and don’t expect me to greet you with open arms.
The problems in Appalachia are deplorable but as has always been the case, the problems are mostly ignored, shoved under the rug, We worry more about the multi-million dollar athlete who overdoses on drugs than we do the salt of the earth, backbone of America citizen who has fallen prey to the vicious drug trade.
chuck: Before the war between the states and dnc take-over, Appalachians were well-to-do, supplying ham and bacon, salt beef, tobacco, ginseng and so on. Socialists, the dems, destroyed the mountaineers. There were small industries all over from Maine to Florida. Women raised sheep and cotton, making cloth to sell and sheep cheese. Dairy belonged to them, selling butter and cheese by the barrel. And the dems destroyed that. Now, no matter skin color, we’re rubes, not hicks! 🙂 BTW, Hollywood conservatives plan a new show about the dems: As The Stomach Turns. niio
Hillbillies! man, my grandmother from W. Virginia would be aiming her little girly gun lung puncher at the monitor right now. Her mother-in-law would be spitting snuff juice at you! You mean East Texas sheep molesters AKA New Orleans-West. Swamp rats! Good God awmighty! (yes, this post is to be read tongue-in-cheek–we only joke about the serious stuff 🙂 niio
I have friends and relatives in rural Missouri and Oklahoma and they tell me meth and opioids are epidemic in the small towns. And small town Texas has had bad drug problems since the late 50’s when Rx speed, seconal, pharmaceutical cocaine and dilaudid were easily available. How did I outlive so many friends?
I get to make fun of hillbillies because my Dad’s family came over to Kentucky as indentured servants when England was clearing out the Debtors Prisons in the 18th century. They drifted all the way to the Texas hills by the Civil War, wearing out 3 or 4 farms on their way to the thin rocky soil of Comancheria.
ATF was still chasing Moonshiners out there in the 1970s.
Mike: GtT was a mainstay in a lot of Native American areas. I’ve white ancestors who sold themselves into bondage just to get here. so, yes, we have genuine slave blood in us 🙂 Hill country, eastern Pennsylvania, the Pocono Mtns, the saying always was, it snows every day in the Poconos. One grandmother was part-owner in a speakeasy in the 20s, and said heroin was very common. Coke, people made their own up till Carter outlawed importing the leaves. A few folks are still selling corn by the jug, but it’s getting crowded there. Go down to Cochise Co., AZ, and you can find folks who still make their own (AKA hillbilly hand sanitizer 🙂 or bring it up over the border on mules. niio
I live in Cochise county Az., I was all set to defend it until I realized that the more people who believe what you just stated, the better. I’m good with everyone thinking we’re a bunch of ignorant, moonshining, gun toting, illegal aliens down here. No one will move to our little section of land! Yay!!
Off: You mean Cochise isn’t like that??? there goes my respect for all of you! 🙂 I think half the scary stories I heard growing up had to do with Cochise county. I nearly bought a place down your way, but the VA said no. At the time, a house had to be on a foundation, not wheels. Here, if you ask folks, especially Mexican Americans, why they own so many guns, they all say the same, Too close to friggin Tucson (45 miles south of us). I agree. Do not recall how long it’s been since I last saw the Embudos and Skeleton Canyon. A little old lady told me when I was a kid, at certain times of year in the dark of the moon, you can hear echos of gunfire in the Canyon, where old man Clanton wiped out the Estrada Gang. Folks on both sides of the border say Clanton should have got a medal for that act of mercy on humanity. Best to you, and mind the mesquite root. I hear it adds good flavor to what’s boiling:) niio
Red: shhhhh that’ll be our little secret about Cochise county, wink wink. Lol. We’re scary down here.
Scary can be good… What’s a good town to look at for a little piece of dirt? Hubby relocating to Tucson (work) & I’m looking for a piece I can keep myself & the ducks on. Not giving up Montana or northern AZ,just splitting time between them. Just a displaced Montanan making a living right now.
Hawthorn: if you’re asking me Sierra Vista, Hereford and surrounding towns are pretty good. About 1 1/2 hours from Tucson. It’s high desert here so we don’t get the nasty hot temps they get in Phoenix or Tucson.
Hawthorn: Most of Arizona is good. Stay away from I-10. It’s called the Phoenix-Tucson corridor because it’s one housing development after another. The housing costs should begin to drop thanks to the panic, but not for long. we came back a few years ago, paid 80K for this place, and now it’s valued at over 90 and climbing. The only other place we saw was on Reddington Rd, north of Cascabel. It was 120K then, close to 200 now. Best to you, and here’s the advice of many, STAY OUT OF SOUTH TUCSON. niio
I decided the same thing on defending East Texas. I think it is jealousy because they see people being happy, raising their families, and going to church with a hand gun in their belt. They are too wussified to even touch a bible or a gun. We do not need or want them here.
Er, why is everyone connecting dope and hillbillies ??? Anyone here ever go into the cities ?? Drugs are big time there. Glad I am too far out for them to drive out to steal in this area. At least the local dopers know not to mess with us.
Unfortunately, too true, Glenna. I didn’t mean to imply that country folk were the only victims of the drug trade. In actual numbers, of course, the cities far outpace them.
Glenna: Copperhead Road. In the hills where I was raised, the state came down hard on stillers. kids started hauling weed to town under stuff for the farm market. After discussing it with their grandparents, one bunch bought seed from a some people down in Allentown (Pennsylvania) and mixed it with the cow feed before the beeves went up on the mountain pasture. That was mid-60s, and they made a mint, till their father contacted the county ag rep, who about browned his shorts.No flash, no new cars, clothes, TVs. You know country. Quick on the brain or quickly dead. It was after Carter wrecked the economy you had to watch when hiking because of boobytraps. niio
The place in my area with the worst meth problem for over a decade running is a town called Wilton Manors. DEFINITELY zero hillbillies there. Also, no hills. Google it. You can find articles on the meth issue online as well.
I would agree with those who advocate staying put for the reasons they suggested, but I would add the fact that if the job market is going to be tight, people aren’t going to take kindly to “strangers” moving in and competing for work and housing. Unless you have family that can put you up in these locations, it’s better to stay put until you HAVE to move. We well may be seeing situations like the Depression Era migrations of people who had to follow the jobs and take what’s available.
On the news, people were complaining about the borders being closed to migrant workers…one commercial farmer was complaining that he couldn’t find help he needed to grow and harvest his crop. I would bet that is true…for the wages he wants to pay. Americans won’t work for below minimum wage for 15 hour shifts and no benefits like the “undocumented” do….not yet. After the economy implodes and unemployment climbs into double digits, people will happily take what they can get, and the powers that be know it. Then we’ll see company towns, company stores, tent cities and the Joads picking strawberries and lettuce.
Miz Kirry, God Bless. Don’t believe the crap about migrant workers. The jefe, the boss of the unit, will not take less than going rate for work. Most pickers are local folks who want some extra cash under the table–with no taxes taken out even minimum wage is a living wage. The problem is, too many kids today want it all handed to them, not have to work. Yet, any ad asking for pickers is always answered by a lot of Americans. Problem for a farmer, Americans will not tolerate BS, so mojados are preferred by corporate farms/producers. niio
Yes, this jives with the story I saw…it was a commercial onion farmer, a factory farm, and the owner reminded me of corporate people I’ve worked for. Out only to make a buck in the most penny pinching, corner cutting, self serving kind of way…he would be the type to get the cheapest labor possible and exploit the crap out of them if it meant saving so much as a nickel. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of bosses out there who are like that.
Move to Utah! It is beautiful and has plenty of flat land to build on.Idaho is already being over run and it’s mostly mountains!
From your list, yes, Minnesota is usually colored “blue” but that’s deceptive. I lived there for many years — out in the boonies parts. The vast majority of Minnesota’s square miles are conservative — hard-working rural folk. Rural Minnesota would a survivable place. The Twin Cities, no way.
It’s the Twin Cities area that is thoroughly steeped in politically-correct thinking, someone-else-do-it-for-me, etc.
That could be said for the vast majority of cities, or cess pools as I’ve come to view them. Lived in one for 38 years. Wish I’d stayed in a small town or rural area instead. I would be better off now, no doubt.
As you stated, the Twin Cities have been taken over by the leftists. Minneapolis now has the largest population of scumbag Somalis in the nation. They elected a goddamned Muslim woman to the US House of Representatives. In 20-30 years Minneapolis will be unlivable for white Christians just as Dearborn, Michiganistan is today. Demography is destiny!
Minneapolis and St Paul are Kalifornia wannabes. They also made a Muslim AG. I’m looking into moving to South Dakota.
Jake: Just stay away from Pine Ridge. It’s mostly liberals where most reservations aren’t. One son-in-law, a Lakota, said, we have Pine Ridge because it’s illegal to throw ‘trash’ on the road anywhere else. 🙂 niio
So, do you think that Texas and the Dakotas will still be the paradises you present them as with oil and gas in the toilet? Without that money and Federal spending, what will pay for plowing the roads and fixing up after the tornadoes? Just wondering.
AS: I lived in Ohio and after a tornado, people in the area did like Missouri and OK, they pulled together and cleaned up instead of waiting on all the redtape the feds lay down. Rural, town, city, they all did the same. I lived in Pennsylvania, where they get nor’easters, north Atlantic hurricanes in late winter. I saw what happened to the twin towers in NYC. No one waits for the feds to do anything, but rushed in to help where they could. Partts of Florida, folks tell me, are still laughing about all that help the feds promised after Andrews hit them. No one held their breath but did what they could for each other. that’s neighbors. In Baltimore, thugs are wearing body armor not because of other thugs, but because good people are buying guns at an unheard of rate off or reservations. Because government only exists to promote government, not to help people. niio
SAdams: They will probably do what they did before nestling up to the federal teat — do it themselves. If we weren’t sending so much money to the District of Corruption we just might have some money left over at the end of the month to spend locally.
Everyone talks about federal money as though it was manna from heaven. It really isn’t. It is what is left over of the money you originally sent to DC after the pols and bureaucrats have siphoned off significant portions.
There has always been the “If we don’t get it, someone else will” attitude toward federal money that causes the constant searching for the federal teat and then there is the coercive force of the federales compelling compliance by threatening to cut off the local political entity from the federal teat if they don’t fall in line with the central planning committee mandate.
Jane: 100%. But, I keep hearing from folks in the cities that they’re prepping as best they can, too. NYC, Baltimore, LA, Chi. Buy a gun and ammo, hide it under the floor, the ceiling, anywhere jackboot thugs can’t find it. Same with food. Families in one stepdaughter’s old ‘hood in NYC and the Bronx are getting together to rent an extra apartment to stock or keep a small flock of chickens. You do the best you can with what God gave you. You know small towns and rural areas are targets for thugs, legal thugs and gangbangers. Stay safe. niio
TN is not Republican controlled. It is a mixture.d Nashville is liberal and liberal controlled.
TN is not Republican controlled. It is a mixture.d Nashville is liberal and liberal controlled. The big cities in TX are also liberal controlled, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austen, Houston and San Antonio.
Is there a city that isn’t owned and ruled by liberals? niio
Alaska is not on your map or ever mentioned! We are in the United States ,please include us and Hawaii too!
Because you folks SHOUT too much 🙂 I’m kidding. It is good. I liked the country and the people. but, it’s too wet for me. But, when folks ask where’s a good place to live that isn’t dirty or expensive, I send them your way. Unless you’re already dogged in, Arizona is too expensive. niio
I would consider Miss. My father is from there. I’ve been there a few times. Worked in Ridgeland for a short time in the 90’s. The town my father is from is still small and looks like a place I would like to live.
You overlooked probably the best state of all to outlive a Great Depression–Northern New Mexico. Small towns and lots of farms and ranches and millions of acres of wilderness and wildlife–with only about a million people in the entire state that is about half the size of Texas. Very rural, very small townish, very cheap cost of living.
Jin: ClergyLady is from there, west of Albuquerque. Mexicans and Naitve Americans call the NM gov loony left in the nutty north for a reason. Yes, NM is beautiful, not badly populated (go see the I-10 corridor near me) but is ruled by Kali-fornia and DC worse than Arizona.Were it not for that, the state would be about perfect to live in. niio
lmao i’m in france i’m in the middle of this shit
You’re in France??? You have my sympathy 🙂 Quick, get to Germany and start smoking cigarettes! The Germans are saying studies show people who smoke only very rarely are getting sick. I think it said 0.023% of smokers and 6% of non-smokers. Be careful and let us know how it’s going for you. niio
I’m in france but i live in the middle of know where, only forests and pastures around here for at least 3 kilometers all around, we are all good for the moment
as for smoking, i’m only 13 and nobody in my family smokes. Germany sounds great though, even more infected than here i’l totally go there.
ar: You always post cool things. You must have excellent parents to write so well. A niece in ‘Stadt, Germany, decided she was staying put. I think they had one corona in her village, a farming community, and most people are preppers 🙂 niio, walk ini beauty
i don’t want to sound dumb but when u said i have good parents to wright so well what do you mean.
You’re hardly dumb. Good parents encourage a good education. Not many 13-year-olds write as well as you, or bother to learn more than one language. How many can tell you where the countries of Europe are located? How many think America is more than place they want to visit?
We learned to read and write when still in diapers sitting on the adults’ laps. math, same. Geography, geometry, pi are things farmers use a lot, and we farmed. Farmers will tell you, Quick on the brain or quickly dead. That’s one more to say you have good parents. they chose rural over city to raise you. By now you should have at least some knowledge in forestry, biology, mechanics, and so on. Your parents are good to raise you there. niio
thancks although one of my parents jumped ship they both razed me well. i’ve always bin kind of a nerd so i know alot about biology and stuff although i’m blind so it mostly restricts me to theory. as for learning an other language, i’m bilingual with english cuz one of my parents is english. she never bothered to teach me how to read and write but i spoke it at home often and it helped me to learn how to write in like 1 year or so.
AR: Most languages are taught audio. The CIA and FBI are big on learning how to that way. Linguistics is a good profession. I bet you have a sharp memory. You see with your hands and ears. The wind speaks things n one else can hear. Yes, I know some folks who are blind. We had a school for the blind in eastern Pennsylvania, but the democrats closed it. It was a bitter thing, but they love money more than humanity. People got together and started a private school with local business donating and helping find jobs and training. Stay strong. niio
Yeah, but what about all those Mohawks heading for the rez? And all those folks down in NYC looking for tasty creek water that just ran thru a cow pasture? wil you really deny a liberal a little cow pie tea? Cruel man! 🙂 niio
Best place to be in a crisis is the center of Gods will. And if He wills you to be a New Yorker, then thats the best place to be.
Caution in regards to all the people wanting to move here from New York and California as well as many other heavily populated cities across the country, as well as those wanting to visit.
Before you come to Missouri to visit you must be aware of what is happening here. There’s a housing shortage, rent has tripled, and folks are vacationing here in record numbers…
So if you plan on moving here, or just plan on vacationing in our woods, river bottoms, or lakes this summer, I think you should know that wolf spiders, fire ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and motels across the area due to dryer than usual weather. The woods will eat you alive with ticks and chiggers.
Our lakes are full of gators, fresh water sharks, and creepy old guy wearing speedos
Our rivers are full of drunks in tubes peeing themselves while the banjo players lay waiting in the bushes
Mountain lions have eaten many domesticated animals and possibly some small children.
The local bear and coyote population are all ‘in heat’ and think your wife/girlfriend is hot.
Snakes don’t even get me started on the water headed copper moccasins here and the diamond back rattle Cobras
The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation
We have had bear sightings at every park and town they are after your picnic baskets….and some cougars have been spotted in motel rooms.
Watch out for the jackalopes; they have been extremely aggressive this season.
We have Bigfoot invading our parks and it’s their mating season. Porcupines are “stabbing” small children should they dare to utilize the local playground equipment.
Skunks have made their way over and multiplied at unprecedented rates and wander the local campgrounds in packs looking for beer.
Murder hornets!?! We’ve got great black clouds of murder hornets, and swarms of giant crickets and even some Alabama grasshoppers.
Scorpions have been congregating in massive quantities under rocks, logs, wooden steps, automobiles, and tarantulas are now stealing peoples food and biting like crazy.
I’m pretty sure all private tiger owners (we had a jump in them after Tiger King) have released their cats into the streets of our cities and towns.
Head lice now fly and we have vampire bats.
Oh and no one is vaccinated!
Come at your own risk!
My state has its share of dangers, but I take solace in knowing I will never freeze to death. Besides, I am too old to learn how to shovel snow.