The modern world relies heavily on electronic devices for communication, critical infrastructure management, and electronic commerce. EMPs threaten all electronics, whether the mobile phone in your pocket or the control room running your county’s electrical grid.
While there is little you can do to protect large infrastructure, you do have the power to protect yourself and your loved ones from the consequences of an EMP event.
Many people think we cannot protect our devices without serious resources or don’t see how our efforts could make a difference. In this article, we will look at 10 EMP-proofing myths that will help you make informed decisions about the threat of EMPs.
Aluminum Foil Provides Sufficient Protection
It is well known that aluminum foil can provide a modicum of protection against electromagnetic radiation. However, it is also essential to recognize its limitations when you want it to protect electronics against intense EMP pulses.
The shortcomings of aluminum foil relate to its thickness and limited conductivity. If you want to be sure the devices will continue to work after an intense EMP, instead of aluminium you should wrap them in this EMP-Proof Cloth.
Surge Protectors Offer Adequate Protection
Surge protectors effectively arrest voltage surges through connections to the power grid. These devices will protect your electronics from spikes originating from outside.
There are two different threats to consider here. The first is that the induced voltage spike could be too significant for the surge arrestor to divert the voltage.
Second, EMP will cause a surge in electronics and conductive materials between the surge protector and your device, meaning that your devices will be unprotected from surges induced in the wiring between the surge arrestor and your device.
Turning Off Devices Prevents Damage
Turning devices off and disconnecting them from a power source may help to avoid the risk of electrical surges due to EMPs, but it does not guarantee safety.
The EMP will induce a voltage spike internally in the conductive materials, including all electronic devices’ wiring and circuit boards.
While it follows that devices connected to the grid will have more severe voltage spikes, a small induced spike on a circuit board could render a device useless. Once again, the best bet is to house devices in a Faraday cage or an EMP-Proof Cloth.
EMP Bags Provide Complete Protection
EMP bags, also known as Faraday bags, provide low protection against EMPs. They are ideal for storing small electronic devices. However, the material used for construction, proximity, source of electromagnetic radiation, and the strength of the pulse may be too strong for the bag.
If you suspect you may be close to a potential site for a high-intensity strike or have highly critical electronic components, opting for adequately designed and grounded Faraday Cages would be best.
EMP Shielding Paint Protects Electronics
Certain conductive paints provide shielding and protection against EMP fields. Not only are these paint layers thin, but if not properly grounded, they can be easily overwhelmed by high-energy electromagnetic pulses.
I am a big fan of these types of paint, but they should be used as a first layer of defense against EMPs. For instance, paint your roof, ceiling, and walls with this type of paint to provide extra shielding for the room where your Faraday cage is installed.
DIY Faraday Cages Are Sufficient
I am a keen DIY enthusiast and don’t like it when DIY projects are knocked. Homemade Faraday cages could provide the same level of protection as their more expensive, professionally designed counterparts. The effectiveness of a Faraday cage depends on proper design, adequate materials, and top-notch construction techniques.
Related: Is the Microwave or the Fridge a Faraday Cage?
Buying a professionally designed and constructed Faraday Cage could be the best if you have critical electronic components. If you still need the financial means but still want to build your own, make sure you use high-quality conductive materials, that there are no gaps for electromagnetic leakage, and that you don’t take any shortcuts from design to creation.
Wrapping Devices in Metal Foil Protects Them
Wrapping devices in metal foil will provide more excellent protection than not wrapping them in anything. High-intensity Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) could move through thin sheet metals and damage components concealed within.
EMPs have fast-rise time pulses, one characteristic that makes them so devastating. Use metal foils only if you have no other alternative. If you can get it, copper or brass foil should work better than most other metal foils.
EMP Protection Is Only Necessary for Military or Critical Infrastructure
While protecting Military and Critical infrastructure is of the utmost importance, individuals can benefit greatly from taking precautions.
In the event of a severe EMP, authorities might be too busy taking care of large-scale chaos to get around to protecting or helping every civilian. You will be well advised to be in a position to take care of yourself.
Unplugging Devices Prevents Damage
Unplugging devices is almost the same as turning them off, with the additional feature that they are no longer connected to the grid.
This will lower the risk from EMPs, but remember that the voltage spike induced in conductive materials can still happen within the devices.
Take all the precautions you can, but remember that the safest option is an EMP-Proof Cloth. It provides 98% military-grade protection against electromagnetic waves.
EMP Protection Is Too Expensive or Complex for Individuals
Large Faraday cages, EMP filters, Surge protectors, and other countermeasures could be costly, but there are small-scale, affordable options for civilians.
Many practical steps exist that will help shield devices; even if your measures are perfect, you could still achieve a high level of protection, and if you are lucky enough not to be close to the source, you could very well be unaffected.
Web forums often contain expert advice, and if you take some time, you should quickly be able to discern good advice from urban legends and uninformed boasting.
How Real Is the Threat?
Back in the day, when nuclear testing was still conducted in the atmosphere, there were quite a few such tests done to measure their impact on electronics. Some of the more notable tests include:
- Operation Fishbowl: The United States conducted Operation Fishbowl in the 1960s. Several high-altitude nuclear tests were carried out over the Pacific Ocean. One of the tests, Starfish Prime, involved detonating a nuclear weapon 400 kilometers above the earth’s surface.
- Soviet Tests: In the Soviet Union, The K-Project conducted a series of high-altitude nuclear explosions. These tests included multiple detonations at altitudes of hundreds of kilometers.
⇒ The First States That Will Go Down During an EMP. Do You Live in the Red Zone?
The findings from these tests provided insights into the effects of high-altitude nuclear explosions and the resulting EMPs. Some of the key findings include:
- Wide Geographic Coverage: High-altitude nuclear detonations span hundreds or thousands of kilometers.
- Induced Currents: It was concluded that EMPs induce high-voltage spikes in electrical conductors. This included power and telephone lines back then, but network cables and circuit boards would see the same effects.
EMPs can be potentially devastating. Many commentators downplay the threat, while others overstate the potential damage that can be caused. A few facts remain and should form the basis of informed decision-making.
High-altitude nuclear detonations can cause severe EMPs. These electromagnetic pulses induce voltage spikes in conductive materials, which can damage electronics or electrical devices that are not rated for high-power input.
The last fact is that proper protection, in the form of an EMP-Proof Cloth or a well-grounded, well-designed Faraday Cage, will provide protection against strong EMPs.
The rest is up to you.
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There was life before the 21st century modern world. For some of us still around we didn’t have smartphones stuck to our ears bleeding cancer electromagnetism.
The internet was a classified network for the military industrial complex. We still lived with the beginnings of commercial TV broadcast and our favorite form of entertainment was the radio.
The kids would play outside no matter what the weather was. Now we got little snowflake adults who cower if fear of political made up fearmongering climate change syndrome. That is another taxation form to rip people off of their money. John Kerry and Al Gore are the miscreants of UN elites who want to force people into a lower standard of living, worse than 3rd world environment.
So why should we care if the SHTF, your smartphones, TV, internet won’t work. And if they do work it will be propaganda.
Think about it?
Yep, live as close to the turn of the 20th century [yes, that’s 1900ish] as you can. The problem is this administration…and the globalist are doing everything they possibly can to BLOCK people from doing this. It’s embedded in EV everything…something that is sooo profoundly improbable to accomplish that it’s like something out of the twilight zone. It’s embedded in now trying to track with electronic devices and “register” your cattle. Similar efforts are being worked on for chickens. They tried this almost 20 years ago and it was scuttled, but they have been working quietly on it ever since. Its embedded in regulations placing a stranglehold on propane and natural gas. We must face the quite likely PROBABLILTY that those of us that are continuing to be independent will doing so illegally [at least in their eyes] and face repercussions.
That’s ok, I’m good with it!
That started with the environmental biologist under the guise of radio tracking wild animals as a precursor to ID chip implants in humans.
We have been under world wide surveillance since the ROMAN government to the Chinese United Nations surveillance system. Being readied for the appearance of the antichrist before GOD comes back to free us.
it was only what, 30 years ago that we didn’t have the internet and for 50 yrs before that the phones, power grids, etc. worked just fine from what i remember in my 65yo life. no such thing as outside influences hacking our infrastructure, no threats from the outside world on that (yes, there were other threats. the cold war and all of that.)
it’s like the immortal Mr Scot said ” the more you overwork the pipes, the easier it is to stop up the plumbing” KISS
The more important stuff is what will we do when the last of our preps are totally gone?
It won’t matter if we have solar power devices. The last morsel of food gone. Our last pair of jeans and shirts have rips and tears as the cold Winter comes.
There are no manufacturers to make new clothes to replace our worn out clothes the last stash is gone. The last bunch of clothes we had burned up in a house or tent fire last season.
We can only do so much from the prepping to live. Even the old west they had supplies driven in by horse carts to the settlers from the east coast.
SHTF won’t be like that.
What will preppers do?
Fred, You have to think outside the box, learn the old ways. When clothing wears out, go native. It may sound weird, but you can always learn how to tan hides as our forefathers did. brain tanning was a technique used for centuries but was lost to time. Every animal has enough brain matter to tan its own hide.
I understand your concerns about clothing, but if it gets that bad. I am sure we will figure something out. I can guarantee one thing. It defiantly will be one interesting fashion show, Good luck to all.
Reality hits most people with we are not all going to bug out to the country or wilderness or make our own clothes. We have been misdirected by Hollywood that the old west pioneers did all there clothes. They did trade, barter and purchased made material to sow their clothes and some did not. Preppers think they can but don’t posses all those skills to survive in this modern world.
Most of us today will never do basic skills to live in a post apocalyptic world much less outside our local city limits to survive.
A lot of our modern day existence is pure hokum!
…and I might add grow cotton and have sheep. Yes, we have started doing both. The neighbor now has a loom.
the High altitude EMP: attack is the WORST event that can happen next to a cosmic event CME
90% die in America. see the ” the congressional report to assess the threat of EMP attack on the USA” Also a faraday cage is used to show the shielding properties of a Tesla coil. The proper term is Faraday Shield. As stated, before.
No gaps. a metal garbage can is your best bet for a good shield as it also shields against the magnetic wave. Any gaps must be smaller than the wavelength of EMP, the top end is 1 gigahertz.
the science of a Faraday shield is that the inside voltage is unchanged no matter what happens outside of it. That means grounding it doesn’t matter, insulating the inside doesn’t matter ether.
Microwave ovens should be a good shield as they are designed to block twice the frequency of an EMP “2.4 Gigahertz.
What is funny is society went from analog electronics to digital electronics for better alphabet agency surveillance. Digital and transistor devices are more susceptible to EMF than analog and vacuum tube devices.
We were all lied to in these past decades to survive a nuke attack or an EMF attack and what the true after effects will be. Most of those nuke tests are still classified to the public.
As they said in the old military, bend over an kiss your a*s goodby, ha, ha.
We live on the internet, ATT had a enormous hack of the secure data, social security numbers, personal information on the dark web for sale to criminals.
We have do a lot of things to ourselves much more than an invasion or enemy attack on our America.
God bless and save America from the evil coming upon earth!
The funny thing when the nuke or an EMF/EMP hits us, people will go back to reading the liberal influence newspapers then using their smartphones.
Finally social media like trick talk won’t be indoctrinating the youth of America and AI will be dead.
there won’t be any newspapers or electronics or computers or waterflow or food delivery’s. 90 %will die in America if the grid goes down for months YOU MUST BE OUT OF ANY URBAN ENVIRNROMENT or you will DIE or you will be the warlord eating the victims of you warring.
It would be nice if it could be done simply or cheaply. For a more helpful article, you should review the different effects of E1, E2, and E3, their ranges and shielding requirements.
If you really want to inform yourself “Nuclear High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse: A Mortal Threat to the U.S. Power Grid and U.S. Nuclear Power Plants” by Starr 2023 gives you the empirical basis of what you are dealing with.
Also: Electromagnetic Pulse Shielding Mitigations
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Protection and Resilience Guidelines for Critical Infrastructure and Equipment
I’m hearing a lot of negativities in these comments. Don’t forget who we are as “Preppers”. The whole premise of who we are and what we do is having a plan and to prepare for the shortages and lack of supplies that “WILL” have an effect on our survival. We continue to build our supplies to try and ensure our survival in any situation. Build your inventory appropriately. Knowing that you will need to stock and store the necessary items that you think you may need to accommodate your lifestyle, which I assure you will change drastically and will never be the same. Think about the items that you can’t possibly replace or readily acquire when SHTF. Things like boot and shoelaces, wicks for oil lamps, extra mantles for gas lights, lots of matches and lighters. Water purification tablets and filters.
Consider saving the clothing that is out of style that you were going to send to Goodwill. Put away extra socks and under where, jackets, gloves and hats, sweaters and jeans or work clothes. These are items that you may never be able to replace. Think about your needs and or wants. An item as simple as a can opener will be an item in high demand. Those are the kinds of items that you need to consider when building your stockpile beyond the normal items that you need to survive. Walk through your house and look at what you use and do on a daily basis. Ask yourself, “I really need that, what will I do if I can’t get it anymore”? Think about the items that you really need and use on a daily basis, besides the normal considerations, like food, water, toilet paper.
Hygiene products, OTC medications, prescriptions and eyeglasses won’t be available.
Remember the adage “Two is One and One is None” that is more appropriate now, more than ever. When your supplies are gone, you will need to fall back on your bushcraft skills and what you learned as a kid going camping, fishing and hunting. If you live in the big city, it would be a problem accomplishing this and you would need to rely on what you have stored and bartering. If you’re in suburbia, you have a slight advantage but will still need to rely on your stores and your ability to barter. If you’re in the country, you have greater opportunities and alternatives for your survival.
The U.S. and the world are closer to a world war and an economic collapse, more than ever. Society is breaking down from within by secular division and the Constitution and Bill of Rights, established by our forefathers, is being ignored and considered a hinderance by the powers in government. Don’t think for a minute that the government is going to come to your aid or that they have your best interests at heart. Look at all of the alerts on the mainstream media. The government, The Red Cross, FEMA and other national agencies are all telling everyone to prepare by stocking up on food, water and supplies for at least two weeks. That is just a band aid. Obviously, they are getting ready for some situation that we don’t know about. That’s why we as preppers need to keep our head in the game, be positive in your abilities and keep doing what we do. It’s the only way we can survive whatever comes.
No matter how optimistic we are, eventually we will run out of stuff to be self independent. Small groups cannot supply all to the world and even on a local area. Reality will hit us sooner or latter, bush craft are important short term not totally permanent. Look at the “Alone” TV series as one to now a buddy team in the wilds. Humans have been accustomed to the modern world, maybe some will have the mindset to survive.
Even long term mountain men, pioneers and military vets can only go so far. They still had to seek some sort of human contact eventually. So reality and pie in the sky head trips will eventually come through the most hardened prepper that we cannot do it all.
You are right, Chuck, We need to keep a positive attitude here. You can live without electricity and most of our modern conveniences. My inspiration and an example for everyone is my hunting buddy who described (as a teenager) riding with a heard of cattle in the high country of Colorado. Once every ten days they brought him a fresh horse and grub bag, otherwise he was on his own as he moved the cattle from one meadow to the next. Hunting small game and fishing provided more than the meager contents of the grub bag. Now I know this was done when the situation was one human to many square miles of Gods country, and it wont be the same if a whole town thinks they can do the same in their immediate surroundings. My point is over crowding is the problem and not that life absolutely cant go on without electricity. A well thought out stash of food, water, tools, an appropriate shelter, and the right attitude is more important than electricity and the electric devices we tend to think we need.
Start yourself a library of printed books covering subjects from raising livestock to gardening and survival. Buy old hand tools from eBay that don’t need batteries or electricity to operate. There are lots of things you can do to be ready for whatever life throws at you.
We need more reality posts on the reality of preppers surviving in the city to the wilderness on what bug out or in means truly. The mental health is more important to surviving long term survival prepping no matter what situation we are in.
Veterans at some point in their tours have approached this tipping point and how they survived the chaos.
As we can see their is no safety in numbers as we have an illegal invasion of America. We must see at times a lone wolf will fair better in situations than a community setting.
This open border crisis has new paradigm shift in what the early 1970’s Survivalist were preparing for and the preppers just 15 years ago were prepping for. Today’s current prepping preppers have a different set of situations to deal with.
No one is actually going to go back to the 1800’s lifestyle after being in modern lifestyle America.
We now have a flood of Biden’s illegals who don’t have the same values of us Americans. The new illegal tactic is to do home squatting kicking us out of our homes do to progressive legal system against Americans.
We need more reality thinking in our preps besides food based preps.
Let’s start doing comparisons of the myths and reality of survival and prepping.
You need to begin gardening now. Get non-hybrid, organic seeds, begin saving seeds from your plants. Put in fruit and nut trees, berry patches. Get some chickens, goats, sheep, cows, etc. if you can.
Learn to sew, buy some cloth and patterns (you can also use old clothing for patterns.) If you can, get a treadle sewing machine…if not, get an electric one and figure out how to power it to sew your own clothing. Learn how to use leather for making shoes. A simple leather making kit will help you begin.
Learn to grow medicinal herbs for tinctures and salves which can replace all store bought remedies with no toxic ingredients and no side effects. Get lots of beeswax for making salves, etc. Good organic vodka for tinctures. Teach yourself medical uses of these things and you will have a skill for bartering. Sewing abilities can be bartered as well.
JUST do what you can! Don’t sit around wondering how you are going to survive once everything is gone to replenish your supplies and FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF, with skills you learn NOW!
As mentioned in comments, buy what you use now and can’t replace once SHTF…lots of propane for propane stoves, heaters, etc.
Just THINK! Plan ahead as you can and buy things that can made you more self sufficient. We can’t be 100% self sufficient, but we can do what we can NOW!
Some times all the forward thinking for prepping is just that worry about what will happen and prep, maybe for the wrong crisis we didn’t plan for.
Above all pray to God for your prepping answers ask for guidance than worry about somethings that may not come to fruition and some of us living paycheck to paycheck. Believing one day we will be living on a few acres with livestock, a house and a white picket fence.
Yes it is great to be prepared like the old boy scout motto was.
But for God’s sake keep a little reality in focus.
There will be some who will trade or barter for their skills for somethings we have, that’s the part a lone wolf may have trouble being so far in the wildness. They may not survive, it takes a village to raise a kid is a little naive, can you trust people in a prepper community to not be a closet pedo babysitting your kids?
Prepping is one part of life, not the end all in life.
? If I install a copper ground rod say 6 feet and then install a heavy copper cable to the body and frame of my truck and then use a heavy welding clamp to the ground rod will this protect my truck ???
try it and let us know.
honestly no one knows for sure. the effects of a EMP or CME have never been tested in a modern real world environment. the government did some lab tests a few years ago but they were low yield and inconclusive. it won’t hurt to try.
best of luck
No you would need to disconnect or have a spare on board engine control computer wrapped in a faraday shield.
preinstall it to test it and have a locksmith set it up for your key. Faraday shield an extra key. There is a wire in most cars that will bypass the key lock system, if you can find it and use it you don’t need the key thing.
From the show “The Office”
Pam: “Dwight, what if there’s an apocalypse and your dead and we need the keys to the building?”
Dwight: “If I’m dead, you’ve been dead for two weeks”
“The last fact is that proper protection, in the form of an EMP-Proof Cloth or a well-grounded, well-designed Faraday Cage, will provide protection against strong EMPs.” Maybe not.
I am no one’s electrical engineer, but I have read several articles and watched numerous videos about constructing a Faraday Cage. There is a substantial body of opinion to the effect that grounding the Faraday Cage is unnecessary and could even be the worst thing to do.
Forget the word Cage. It’s really called a Faraday Shield. It needs to be a gapless metallic container. it’s not that grounding helps or hurts it doesn’t make difference. the inside is isolated from all electromagnetic effects. so that means that insulating the inside doesn’t do anything ether.
I sell surge protection, automation and AV systems as well as emp consulting.
and yes, the article is correct a suppressor won’t protect you even though I install them on every project I do.
Would a 20 gallon drum with a metal clamp on lid. grounded by copper tape attached to a long metal tent peg be used as a faraday cage? Always assuming that’s what’s in there is insulated from those sides? Also it would be in a room made up of fridge panels (metal both sides sandwiched together with a foam filling) as walls and roof. Thanks.
As long as the drum is metal as well. yes. It’s a bit much. All the grounding and insulating are unnecessary, But WONT hurt anything, Read the comment above.
you’ve built a super shield.
And have done well.
I think I remember hearing that there must be a layer of cardboard, cloth, or some other non-conductive material between a faraday cage and the computer, so that the computer is not touching the conductive EMP material. Example-you can’t cover the computer in aluminum foil).
Does this include EMP cloth?
.e. Must I cover my car with a tarp, before putting the EMP cloth over my car?
Look at it this way.
They cross the west ,
And they did not have what we have today,
To many people do not think like this to day,
They would not know how to use what they have.
But true,
People in the big cities are screwed , There is nothing there,
Only what they buy in the stores,
And to dependent on all these modern tech,
Better get out of the big cites and look in to living
as if they were moving west in that covered wagon,
The bad part a bout all this is,
Every peace of ground is owned by someone some where.
on this earth,
Even our our waterways,.
So is there any place you can really go.
No one is just up and going to give you land,
And prices are now out of site,
At a point that its to costly to buy and sell.
We are in deadlock.
Unless you have some good friends that might help you out,
So if you own and are able to make your payments.
Stay parked,
Trump will break this dead lock,
Get out and vote, Nov 5,2024
Its one hell of a traffic jam.
Thank you
For a bit of context to my comment to follow.
I was a nuclear engineer in the US Navy, Captain of Tactical Systems and workedcas a master machinist for years afterwards.making products for commercial, john deere, aerospace, military and Darpa. So i have a bit of knowledge accumulated.
Your emp efforts are fine for a dirty bomb. Unfortunately the emp defence knowledge is based upon outdated information. Newer first world nations like usa, russia, iran, suadi, china and european nations produce a emp 50-200 times greater than hiroshima. Modern nuclear based weapons not only produce a emp much greater than bikini attoll but the bkast radius on a level plane will level up to 100 miles. I could go a mile deep in the coal miles here and the emp would destroy all electronics.
Simple way to explain the difference, dont try at home.
Stick a cell phone in a microwave, cell phone will lose most if not all signal.
Now (to simulate modern radioactive weapons) turn the microwave on for 20 minutes with the phone in it.
That is why elites are building their bunkers in far off remote island locations and the tunnels and ellevators run for miles away from the entrance because sheilding is inadequate to protect vital systems. Your best way to survive that scenario is to buy traditional equipment like pioneers and amish use.
But if you really want to try. Wrap it in mylar, seal it. Put that in a lead box, lead weld shut. Wrap in lead sheet, acid melt to box. Wrap in foil roughly, pionted edges will focus some energy back outwards. Put in another lead box. Vacuum seal it and drop into a deep lake. It should survive a modern blast within 23 miles, approximately.
Just pray they dont use a.p. nuke. Getting deep in my nda so changed the name. It eliminates life. Leaves buildings and electronics ok. You can read about in freedom of information act.