Being in good physical condition when SHTF can be the difference between survival and the grim alternative.
Too many people these days are living sedentary lifestyles and suffering from chronic conditions that can become a huge burden in an emergency survival situation.
Cardiovascular disease is the #1 leading cause of death in the United States for men and women. Many people are taking medications just to manage their heart condition and make it through another day.
As you can imagine, if and when an emergency hits, people with unhealthy hearts will have a much harder time surviving than those who are healthy.
Related: 20 Last-Minute Ways To Prepare For An Emergency
Not only will their access to medications become limited, but the physical aspects of survival could push their bodies to the limit.
One of the most important things you can do as a prepper is to maintain your physical condition through exercise and healthy eating.
How do you know that you have a healthy heart? Just because you haven’t been diagnosed with something and given a drug for it doesn’t mean you’re in peak condition.
The good news is that you don’t need to get expensive tests or fancy equipment to gauge your heart’s health. There is a simple test you can do at home for free that’s pretty good at determining your health.
The Stair Climb Test
The Stair Climb Test is simple. All you need is a place with 4 flights of stairs or 60 total steps.
You start a timer and go up the stairs as fast as you can without actually running.
Then, check your time to see how long it took you to cover all 4 flights.
Depending on how long it took you, you can predict your overall heart health and even estimate your life expectancy.
The reason this test works so well is that going up an incline puts a lot of strain on the heart, increases your heart rate, and yields better metabolic equivalents (METs) which are associated with better health outcomes.
⇒ Medicinal Plants and Remedies For A Healthy Heart, That Might Be Growing Around Your House
The stronger your heart, the quicker you can complete the Stair Climb Test. If your heart health is poor, it might take you much longer to get up 4 flights of stairs.
You might have to stop and take breaks, and by the time you get to the top, you’ll be feeling out of breath.
Stair Climb Test Instructions
Nothing is stopping you from performing the Stair Climb Test right now.
In fact, it’s probably a good idea to have everyone in your family do it so that you have a baseline for everyone’s health and potential challenges in case of an emergency.
Here is what you’ll need:
Comfortable clothes and a pair of sneakers
- A timer
- 4 flights of stairs (60 steps total) – you must be able to do all 4 flights in a row without a significant break between them. Ideally, this will be in a multiple-story building or at a stadium.
- A small notepad with a pencil or a note app on your phone
Understanding Stair Climb Test Results
What the Stair Climb Test comes down to is this: the quicker it takes you to complete it, the better your heart health.
But what is considered quick and what is considered slow? The scientists who came up with this test broke it down into the following categories:
1.5 Minutes Or Longer
Participants who take 1.5 minutes or longer to complete the test tend to have poorer health outcomes and a higher risk of heart disease.
About 58% of people who took this long to complete the Stair Climb Test had abnormal heart functioning during the test itself, and the anticipated death rate for them is 2% – 4% per year, or 30% in 10 years.
45 Seconds – 1.5 Minutes
If it takes you between 45 and 90 seconds to complete the Stair Climb Test, you’re right in the middle. Your heart is in good health overall, although there is room for improvement.
If you’re in this category, your likelihood of developing heart disease is lower but it’s not zero. You could benefit from doing cardio exercises to make your heart stronger and more resilient.
Under 45 Seconds
If it takes you less than 45 seconds to complete 4 flights of stairs, your heart is in really good condition. These results are linked to a low mortality rate (1% or less per year, or 10% in 10 years) and a much lower likelihood of heart issues.
This is the result you’re aiming for if you want to be sure that your heart is in optimal condition for survival.
Improving Your Results
If you didn’t complete the test in less than 45 seconds, don’t worry. A lot of people find themselves missing the mark the first time they do the Stair Climb Test.
Unfortunately, our modern lives are not designed to keep us moving and strengthening our heart muscles day in and day out.
Luckily, you can change that. Simple cardio exercises are important to do to increase better health outcomes and strengthen your heart.
Cardio doesn’t have to be hard. Simply walking 150 minutes per week (that’s only 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week) has been shown to significantly improve the strength of your heart, your lungs, and even your joints. It can help you lose some extra weight too.
If you’re more into higher intensity cardio, like jogging or rowing, you only need 75 minutes per week to notice a huge difference.
It would be a good idea to incorporate this type of exercise into your routine for 2-3 months before repeating the Stair Climb Test. You’ll be surprised at how much faster your can cover those steps and how much stronger your heart can get in just a few months of exercise!
Bad news. 90% of this sites viewership are morbidly obese and/or octogenarians. Better stockpile that nitro you boomers.
The good news about being a boomer is that our house(s) and property are paid for and we have excellent credit scores. More time to garden and tend our livestock is also a huge plus.
Right. Well, I’d assume you have plenty of time on your hands, being that coitus is out of the question.
Getting jiggy with it, sex, or just good old fuckin’, we “old timers” have had our great fun and great loves; what have you had??? Coitus??? Get real. You are definitely an asshat making posts just to piss people off, and/or getting paid for negative posts. Unfortunately, I already down voted your posts, but I wish I hadn’t. It may be that you get paid a premium for negative ratings, I don’t know.
Move along, boy, as there is nothing you can say or do on this site that will break the spirits of people truly wanting to improve their standings when SHTF. As for you, I hope you will be happy re-reading the garbage you post while you come to the realization that interracting positively on informative sites may have helped save your life. I do not envy you. While you are starving, waiting on the government to bring you food, just remember that there are a lot of people on Ask A Prepper and other sites that will fare just fine with their preps and knowledge. And, yes, we will be enjoying company with family and friends, laughing about how you only have yourself to play with.
Need a towel? I’m sure we can send you a couple.
I apologize for the language in my post..
I had *** I don’t mean to offend the GOOD people on this site, but please forgive my language *** that was meant to be included, but didn’t get copied for the paste.
Don’t forget Boomers are self reliant, patriotic, and problem solvers. You don’t get this in these days.
Para: yo! and that we understand the state of affairs and we’re prepping for it. niio
Frank: What? Man, I’m heading to 70 and we in this family are still lovers. When I moved here, we put in a LARGE garden. Arizona has caliche, so I had to dig down to get it out. Most garden beds are 20 feet by 3 and at least 3 feet deep. Logs and brush went in the pits, packed down, then good adobe loam on that. I like stone, so have gathered and moved tons of rock and made walls. Right now I’m back making adobe blocks (40 lbs dry. it’s a hobby. Hiking, and so on because I can’t run thanks to too many fights and broken bones, and so on. Stabbings, beatings, and the like. My generation was not raised to be weak. My great-grandfather passed away at age 97 leaving a 15 year old daughter. My grandfather, a widower, had several women who would ‘visit’ him every week. Dad the same. I have a couple of exes who tell me they’ll give their hubby the boot is I come home. This isn’t bragging, it runs all thu the family, all 20,000+ of us. what’s the secret? 1) ask God. Abraham, David, Solomon and his 1,000 smiling brides. Ask Paul, who wrote that a man MUST have his wife’s permission to abstain from sex. Ask traditional American Indians who will tell you, if it ain’t deep-fried, is it food? Our herbalists tell us to lay off of carbs and live on meat. Especially, stay away from gluten. My best to you and long, happy life. BTW, like Madam Mamasan Tran told an older brother in Vietnam, War makes men horney as hell–and made her a very wealthy woman. niio
Don’t forget boomers set the course for the failure of this country
raven: Oh, yeah! Man, are you right! After all, WE BOOMERS put Reagan in, we went against our parents to do that. We put Bush 1 and 2 in because we couldn’t find any who was more conservative. We put Trump in. We’re voting out all you liberals from office as fast as we can. We, not your generation, is demanding justice and the death of liberalism. Your generation voted for biden and nazism. Your generation owns antifa and their houseboy BLM. Your generation is the police force at Robb School in Uvalde.
Nice work red voting for anti gun leaders
raven name names. who are these anti-gun reds that you speak of?
15 who voted for the senate and house alone
Dan Crenshaw Trump Regan bushes are the bigger name ones but plenty like Lindsay Graham, and others. The boomer in you thinks the nra is pro gun too but that’s a lie
raven, not one of them is anti-gun. All of them like Reagan cut anti-gun laws as fast as he could.
Dan Crenshaw tired to get the Republicans red flag laws signed in
Regan is so anti gun he banned open carry in California because he feared blacks with guns. He signed in thr 86 huges amendment banning production of machine guns. He also supported the assault weapons ban and everything else.
Bush sr banned the military from carrying private guns on post . Along with his son backed the awb. They also did import bans which killed off the military rifles coming in.
Trumps bump stocks ban is now shitty but he allowed the atf to write laws . He supported awb , red flag law and was quoted at saying take the guns first and prosecute later.
I know it’s hard for your boomer ass to understand
Gun Rights Under President Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan on Gun Control
George Bush Sr. on Gun Control
Gun Rights Under President George W Bush
George W. Bush on Gun Control
Donald Trump Is The Most Anti Gun President In History
BREAKING: Senate Passes Gun-Control Bill w/Support of 15 Republicans
If you pay property taxes, then you don’t own the land and structures you dwell in and on. Some imaginary thing called a STATE does. This is what we need to release ourselves from to be free.
You should know that you never had a debt with a so-called bank. There was never a loan made, but a simple money exchange. You created the money you asked for by signing their Promissory Note, which is money in their system of lies. It’s all fraud. So, you paid them nearly three times what you made, plus fees.
They, the bankers and their rulers, the papacy and its Jesuits, bought yachts, limosines, airplanes, nice homes and take many vacations from their laborless jobs on our ignorance of their games and concealment of this truth. They didn’t work for, nor earn a penny of it.
They use the balance of such huge illicit profits to pay off their invented legal system of judges, attorneys, politicians, cops,… so that you can’t win against them in their courts when you discover this truth. Yes, we are in a prison, and the criminals have the keys to the gates, until we learn how to escape. There is only one way.
So too, there is no so-called national debt or reason for an IRS or its fake taxation program and programming.
One should spend some time learning these things while your garden grows by our Makers will and grace, but can be taken and regulated by STATE officers while we are in ignorance of the truth.
Ask yourselves these things. If God made and owns all things, then how can we own anything? Or worse, how can a NAME on a piece of paper with “art”icles attached to it, and called a STATE or other corporation, own anything of God’s or even talk, breath, write, hear, walk, or present itself to a man or God in any way, shape, or being. Delusional, yes?
We have all been deceived. The number one tool in our prepping tool box is our knowledge of truth about God and Satan’s ways, and how to undo Satan’s ridiculous and absurd power over us. Then we will be free. Truth = Freedom > lies from Satan.
This is a black and white issue of the Law for the living, not an airy-fairy religious doctrine or philosophy of men for the dead.
Please look into these things. Study to be approved, then act. For faith without works is dead, as it is written.
raven, hey, you finally came thru with something. Something from your liberal anti-freedom friends, no? it helps if you read what was said.
thoughtco: In his Guns & Ammo column, Reagan left little doubt about his stance on the Second Amendment, writing: “In my opinion, proposals to outlaw or confiscate guns are simply unrealistic panacea.”
on the asked why he (Reagan) had opposed all gun-control measures while he was President. He shook his head. “I was against a lot of the ridiculous things that were proposed with regard to gun control.”
on the, G. Bush Sr. I do not oppose gun control because I am insensitive to the sort of brutality that [hospital staff] see every day. I do so because I believe gun control does not work. The actual solution lies far beyond the power of lawmakers, in the vast territory of the human mind. There it is either adopted in moments of anger or thrust aside in the impulse to kill.
thoughtCo G. Bush Jr. In 2005, Bush signed legislation providing the gun industry federal protection against lawsuits.
I know, all you liberals see W as a rootin’ tootin’ conservative, but said always said he was a moderate.
Trump on gun control: Donald Trump on Gun Control
I won’t even get into the rest of it. It’s silly and that’s best I can say for liberal lies you follow. time to wake up and smell the coffee, junior. It’s an adult world and you keep claiming you’re entitled to playtime.
You have to keep your heart heathy. Try this
Whenever somebody asks about my credit score I always say 986. Its an exaggeration but not by much, thanks to my wife.
Frankly Frank, didn’t your mother ever tell you that if you didn’t have anything nice to say don’t say it?
I all ready know I would “fail” this test but my issue is not cardiac – my heart is in really good shape per echocardiogram – but I have lost significant muscle mass in my lower body and every step I climb is painful (and I am able to climb those steps much more easily than I could 6 months ago.) Just to point out the limitations of these sorts of “rule of thumb” type tests. If you have trouble doing the 60 steps, consult your doctor. It could easily be something most than poor conditioning…
I agree, not all situations are the same….my 86 year old dad is very healthy but can’t climb stairs, his legs quit working (CIPD) after his Dr pushed him to get his first ever flu shot.
There are several other tests that are similar to this used in accessing one’s health. One is the ability to stand on one foot a for a period of time, and another being able to get up off the floor without using your hands. So if you are having difficulty doing this one, perhaps you can ace another! If at first you don’t succeed try try again!
CC, when I need to do any of this, it’s leg cramps, cramps in the sides and so on. More than one doctor asked how the h*ll I could still be alive. I said, “Old family saying, if it ain’t deep fried is it food?” It’s strange how they start to go bald from pulling out their hear and have bruises from banging their heads on the wall. And wow, when they try to get me to quit tobacco! LOL niio
Red, my sister recommends pickle juice for leg cramps.
I find it inconclusive.
raven: Post what was done in articles, not just make traitorous claims. You never give proof, just whining. Now, reach down the front of your pants to see if there is anything left there.
Why bother if you’re really into the second amendment then you already would know. I am sure any links or articles will be fake news. All you gotta do is Google any of it and whoa the articles appear.
Look keep giving the nra money, keep the illusion that republican are pro 2a, and make sure that you keep your Fudd life buried in the sand.
raven: because like your pawpaw, biden, you constantly lie and make yourself the fool. You can not prove anything, but think you have all the answers. Not by a long shot. We call politics our second religion. We lost rights and guns a few rimes too many to listen to something tanked on self-righteousness lie to us.
Red – A cool refreshing glass of Tonic Water with a splash of citrus juice may help with the leg cramps. Stay cool out there in AZ!
CC, That works. Mustard is great, as is basil. But, no more potassium seems to be the answer. They already have me on a diuretic that kicks in when the body reacts to sugar. Loss of too much calcium is the problem. niio
raven: I don’t belong to the nra. My ancestors helped to create the 2A. A lot of family suffered when they lost the right to own a gun. Look up Wounded Knee 1890 for reference to gun control. YOU are the one who keeps accusing pro-gun people of being anti-gun. You need to start proving your case, not just slander.
Good one boomer! Keep stocking those beans bullets and bandaids. at least your neighbors will have supplies once you Keel over. Good looking out pops!
Sadly, the main health issue most of us old farts have is bad knees, because as kids we played outside all day, football and basketball in the street, general roughhousing and good American fun riding and crashing our old Schwinns. Yours is the generation that was forbidden to play on merry go rounds cause you might break your wittle arm, or you might rack your little jewels on the teeter totter, and god forbid you rode a bike w/o a helmet, shoot they even changed all the rules so you never had the great experience of being cussed out by a drill sergeant or a construction boss. And don’t get me started on your poor educations…Obesity runs 35% to 42% through all age groups, so your comment wasn’t just flatulent, it was ignorant.
Frank LOL. Yes, I am stocking everything I can for the neighbors and family. I’m American Indian and liberals hate us because hitler told them to. Welcome to the family of preppers here. niio
Hey Frank stop by any of our Boomer houses and we’ll send you packing with buckshot, or in my case a nice 45 hollow point. We’ll put your family out of the misery of living with you. Don’t put us down so fast – we are strong and self reliant. We didn’t attend pussy college like you did – ours was the real thing and prepared us for a long life with a great income. In my case RN for almost 50 years, so I can care for and heal my family and neighbors. I prepare all our food from scratch, including grinding my own organic non-GMO wheat and corn. We do not let you soy boys intimidate us.
@ Frank.
I have a 39 chevy. still running.
I have skillets that are over 150 yrs old. still cooking with it.
Have old tools that have been passed down. still using them.
I have old coins. still worth money.
I have a very old Bible. words are still true.
I’m old and still work 10 to 12 to 14 hrs a day. Up long before the worm that the chicken is wating on.
There’s one thing that you surly have not, lived long enough to learn.
MESS with the BULL. “YOU will get” the HORN.
You only wish you could be a BAD ASS old guy. punk…
Article is good to point out that we should take of ourselves. Thank you.
“4 flights of stairs (60 steps total) – you must be able to do all 4 flights in a row without a significant break between them. Ideally, this will be in a multiple-story building or at a stadium.”
What constitutes a “significant break between” ? Is going up and down 2 flights of stairs in a home and repeating a “significant break”?
K. when I break my leg falling down the stairs, LOL. niio
Most home stairs are 13 steps.
Count ’em
Frank DeMarco, you should get a life! You’re probably built and look like Nancy Pelosi as well as the idiots that leave absolutely useless answers to questions on the big “A”.
I am an avid fan of this site, pushing 70, 6′, 195 lbs., in construction for 52 years, walk an average of ten miles a day on my construction site, enjoy the weekends outdoors riding my Honda XR 650R, I still have an extraordinary intimate relationship with my wife and I resent pessimistic people like you. If you haven’t got anything good or positive to say, go away and shut the F*&$ up!!!
Hi Alan,
Fan of this site many years. Also pushing 70 (Dec 2022) 6’1″ 200lbs Construction Electrician since 1968 Commercial, Industrial now, qualified as a Diesel Electrician 8 years ago for Union Pacific Railroad, Just broke up with my girlfriend of 8 years sex was great, couldn’t be sure she had my back. How many trips up and down a ladder with a 20 pound tool belt on would be a good test? At Least 50 when doing ceiling work. I ride my XR650L to town when I need to, (TwentyNine Palms, Ca, about 15 mils east) cruises the hiway. There needs to be a moderator here to pull these baiting messages. Stay healthy, I expect to be around when these millenials are worm bait.
Just kill all these fucking millennials already
Charming. Just because you didn’t raise good kids doesn’t mean others don’t have smart hardworking millennial kids.
Michael, I agree. My 27-year-old daughter is a Registered Charge Nurse at Sharp Memorial, worked the COVID Ward for over a year, has no student loan (she worked through college, and we assisted with costs), is both conservative and compassionate, but not a gullible sheeple – far from it. My 24-year-old son is in his first year in the US ARMY, and is already Private First Class, soon to be SPEC-4, and he truly is a gung-ho conservative, attended a Trump rally when he was 19, and is a staunch supporter of an America First, Constitutional Republic – he also built his own AR-15. I’m proud of them both.
Congratulations your son got automatically promoted based on time in service…
Spec 4 it’s just specialist dude e4 with no responsibilities.
Yes E-4 is mostly based on time in grade/served. I’ve seen people promoted to E-4 based on performance as well. E-4’s do carry out positions of responsibility, in charge of details, Fire Team Leaders, RTO’s, and other Combat MOS jobs.
X-spurt, coming from an ignorant ARMY Reject that knows nothing about my sons Army activities, let me clue you in a bit. He Graduated from basic this FEB as E-2, went to a spec school, made E-3, and is expected to make SPEC-4 by the time he completes his first year in the Army, and is expected to make Sargent in two years. His advancement is a lot faster than when I was in the Navy, but then he planned this is advance of signing up, and he also got a $40K enlistment bonus. How does that compare to your disgruntled loser Army reject career?
There is no spec school you have AIT OR the one station where the AIT is just a phase added in.
Congratulations on a 40k bonus, the new woke military is probably a breeze for him. Wonder what his pro noun are.
Here’s How the Navy Is Training Sailors on Proper Gender Pronouns
Woke military is a joke
Dennis: My kids grew up hearing from us, liberals hate you because hitler did. nazis are running DC, and nazis will never see you as equal. Right now, 2 more grandchildren are looking at the military. One is studying engineering. She was taught by her parents and older brothers, when in college, give whitey (liberals!) what they want but keep your own counsel. Stay away from stands-around-the-fort (American Indian liberals) because you were raised to be respectable, not a sell out. Right now, she’s in a foundry in NC and loves it. niio
raven, sigh. You do not make spec anything unless you have the brains for it. My son was to go Army Intelligence and word is from his uncle in it (major, retired now) he would have been tapped for the CIA when he was 30 had he stayed in. His mother, a nazi, whined and cried and he gave up. The kid was not a nice person when riled. In fact, just the mention of his name was enough to make some unpleasant creeps leave me alone. One younger sister, the same. One older sister knows just what herbal extract to slip you to make you slip up with that razor. I love my family. We’re normal, LOL, for injuns.
Reading might be hard for you but..
Army Enlisted Ranks and Promotions
Now move your finger down to specialist and the last what we call paragraphs talks about tis and tig. Time in service and grade tig.
18 months for spc it’s automatic
red, There is a significant difference in meaning between spec and SPEC-4, and I won’t bother trying to explain the difference between Specialist (SPEC-4) and my use of the acronym “spec” to Charlie Foxtrot X-spurt, but I will for you. I’ve been affiliated with the Navy for over 35 years, but have limited familiarity with ARMY terminology, ranking, MOS, etc., so when I referred to my son going to a “spec” school, I meant a technical-specialist school, not as SPEC-4. If you’ll notice, when I refer to ranks, I usually Capitalize the first or all of the letters. I will not divulge any details like the name, location, or any more details about the training he is currently receiving.
raven, golly gee. I know thinking is difficult when you’re that far into the bottle, but let go of the nipple, infant, and listen. I am an editor. I worked out of Publishers Row, Manhattan, NYC. I am a manuscript researcher. That’s college level stuff, not for someone still whining about wet diapers. My level of English is far higher than your own. My IQ is, as well, apparently or you would know better than to write asinine posts to someone whose family hasn’t missed a war since before the Vikings arrived. Now, shoo. Let adults do the talking.
What Is an SP4 in Military Rank?
Spec4 isn’t a thing anymore but keep trying
It’s starts from little up! My four year old grandson can recite the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Star Spangle Banner. If that’s not enough, he can also recite the Lord’s Prayer and sing God Bless America! Best of all, he already has a pretty good understanding of what the words mean too!
The U.S. government and their unelected bureaucrats are currently in the process of taking care of that for *all* of us. What Mr. DeMarco has evidently forgotten is that death is ultimately a *certainty* …. even for *him*. With that being the case … if I was much younger than I am now, I would dread being put into the position of having to face the next 30-50 years of living out a lifetime of *misery*. I’m a Boomer and a survivor who has had a good run. It was never easy …. but compared to what is evidently coming up, having our civil liberties and middle-income lifestyle made whatever struggles we Boomers endured well worth it. At this point, I wouldn’t trade places with Frankie for anything. His allotment of time on earth is going to be much more difficult and painful for him than ours has been. Methinks he is acutely aware of this stressful fact about his future …. and he’s rather resentful and envious — so he’s venting by taking it out on us via the petty comments he posts in online blogs like this one. He is to be pitied, actually. Like I said …. I wouldn’t trade places with him for anything.
Good luck, Frankie-boy. You’re gonna need it.
struggles for boomers
Cheapest college and even if you didn’t attend college.. a blue collar work that paid extremely well.
Cheap housing that made everything affordable to buy or farm land property
a post war economy that did extremely well and all you did was fuck it up.
When it comes to the people in our country today, who are in their 20’s and 30’s and even younger, I have seen far too many who are morbidly obese. Many of them have the shoulder and neck hump that comes from eating BGH from fast food places. It really is tragic to see them starting out life so sickly. Some years ago, doorways were often just 2 feet wide, such as public restrooms. Now, they need to be over 3′ wide and not too heavy to push open. A great many jobs had fitness standards and looking at employee group photos of years gone by, everyone was average weight and a wide angle lens didn’t need to be used to get everyone within the frame.
I used to read the comments on Next-door for my area and beyond. It was so disheartening to read the comments by the low information minds that are out there. The serious lack of critical thinking ability for many of the current 20’s and 30’s age group, that would post on Next-door, is beyond sad.
The blessing of most of the regular commenters on this site is that they came from a generation that still knew how to think, analyze, problem solve and communicate. Maybe when it all falls apart, a few of the currently broken 20’s and 30’s people will be smart enough to to look to the older generations for wisdom and not just run around flailing their arms.
This is a good article, in that it points out that we need to pay attention to how all the components of our body function.
Sagebrush Lin what worries me is how many athletic looking antifa and Burn Loot Murder folks out there. Zero morals, paid mercenaries of the 3 letter agencies and quite willing to be the “unofficial hitmen of the leftists.
Going to be a nasty surprise to a lot of us as they will happily use human shields, like your kids and the lost young mother with a (prop) baby trick to get close or distract. When she at the door look 360 degrees for the firebomber sneaking in the other way.
As they have zero history knowledge, they don’t know what happens after they are deemed hazardous to the the night of the long knives.
Massive destruction and loss of life especially given the attitudes I see on this and other lists about shooting millennials (insert ANY group here) and solo wolves acts.
Protect your family. Protect your trusted friends. Remember the Killhouse rules ALL of them #5 is critical.
Ole Remus said “Stay away from crowds”, Michael adds stay away from easily angered people even “Patriots. Proverbs is full of advise about this ongoing source of troubles in a family-tribe.
Pray for wisdom and act on it.
Michael: yes, good post, thanks. Hitler said, “I want to raise a generation of young people that will be void of a conscious, relentless, imperious, and cruel.”
Liberals have done their job too well.
“If there is no God, everything is permissible.” – Fyodor Dostoyevsky Atheist or no, the man was a prophet.
In a round-about way, I know one of those antifa actors. She inherited millions from her grandparents but has the money hidden so that she can obtain government welfare. She supports her useless rioting/burning boyfriend. She is mentally off as she is willing to put up with an extremely abusive friendship with my relative. Of course, they live in Portland. I suspect that each one of the antifa types is more than a bit off their rocker as this woman is. Your comment regarding history is valid too. This Portland woman inherited her money from her grandparents who came to the U.S. as refugees during WW2. She should know how precious freedom is but has forgotten history.
You are so right to remind us to pray for wisdom as nothing happening is following expected patterns.
Sage: I refer you to what hitler said. antifa are practicing nazism a la brownshirts. A nazi funds them, soros, and antifa, a white organization, funds blm.
Good news here, the monsoons started 15 June and, thank God, we’re getting a lot of rain–for here, LOL. It looks like the mesquite is ripening very early, and should set at least 1 more crop. That, far more than maize, was always the mother of the gardens. niio
No shortage of ignorant old people, either, never has been.
No shortage of ignorant young people, eathier, never has been. you
they’re probably butt-buddies
dz: bad boy! 🙂 Hey, a lot more info out on Uvalde, and it looks like the chief is guilty of failure. There may have been death threats against cops in the school by other cops to obey. niio
red, I heard it took an hour to get a key, and nobody even bothered to see if the door was unlocked while heavily armed and shielded “Officers” were pissing away precious time while kids were being shot, this is an utter disgrace. If you were there and needed to get your hands on a master key fast, where would you look? The Principal, Vice-Principal, Maintenance/Janitorial Staff – the should ALL have a master key on their person or immediately available in case of emergencies, and I bet they were readily available within a short jog. I think an active shooter killing the students qualifies as an emergency. They need to investigate and prosecute ALL who failed to uphold their oaths to Protect and Serve.
Looking like the pussy cops chicken out and let kids die. Cops serve no purpose other then to take your guns away
They have no duty to protect. Need to breech a door hmmm the shotgun was called the master key for a reason when we did mount
hey dumbass X-spurt, the door wasn’t even locked, and I still ask why someone with a rifle didn’t shoot him through the window, but since that didn’t happen, the first guy there should have had a shield up with reflex shooters close behind, quick flipped the door open and let the shooters kill the target. If they found the door locked, then breach it and kill the target, all in under three minutes from initial approach to confirming the perp is dead.
that’s why we have CQC’s at some of our facilities, to practice in advance when quick access and reflex shooting are needed, and we include “shoot”, “no-shoot” targets so the guys can hone their assessment reflexes as well to discern and focus on the threats within milliseconds.
Cops are just road pirates serving the state. Good luck holding them accountable for anything. Especially when arrested the parents who where going in themselves and had less equipment and shields
Never trust the thin blue line
dz: Yes, but who commanded them to stand down? Remember, one cop’s wife was locked in there. Tatum is changing, slowly. Like all of us, he demands answers. This was a gift to anti-gun weaklings. who ordered it and who enforced it? niiio
Lol who ordered the stand down…. dude you know that only pussys follow shitty orders. Even that bitch of a cop let his wife bleed out.
Tatum and Mike the cop are jags for the thin blue bullshit.
Cops serve no purpose
dz: The door was locked by they forced the cop who’s wife was being held out and away. something was up. More to come on this. The chief is on ‘leave’ and in hiding. niio
dz: More and more I’m angry about this. I have people who can be trusted. People who do not pay attention to the news, but find out for themselves. Something was up, some reason they don’t dare say. As I say, when dems need a body, they always find one or a dozen. niio
raven: police motto is serve and protect. liberal motto is self-serve and CYA.
red, the door was NOT locked, ask Border Patrol if you want some truth you won’t get anywhere else
dz: it means squat from sh*t if the door was locked or not. They have plenty of ways to open it that do not require a key. question is: why did they forcibly remove the cop who’s wife was one of the victims?
Supreme Court… cops have no duty to put themselves in harms way to save you. Cops have no reason other then revenue collection like road pirates.
raven: article and date, please.
this test is good as a general practice, but there are people with some forms of disabilities that cannot run up and down stairs like this but still have good heart health.
Most vintage cookbooks, from the 1940’s and earlier, have many recipes that include organ meats. Organ meats are a great source of trace minerals. Many of the public school hot lunches, of the time, gave the children liver. As many of us drink filtered water, we no longer get the natural minerals that are normally in water. I wonder if many of the illnesses out there are caused by the lack of the minerals we all need. For our joints (including bad knees) daily having a dose of quality non-BGH collagen is a game changer. Some companies detail the health of the animals the collagen is sourced from.
Having crushed vertebrae and non-existent discs from my tailbone to my skull, I can barely walk and running is just a dream. My heart is my strongest/healthiest organ according to my doctor.
LOL … I know my heart is lacking a little, I’ve got peripheral arterial disease in my left leg mostly but it affects both legs. I have heart disease … likely in part to exposure to Agent Orange whilst in Da Nang and tributaries. But the stair test problem isn’t with my ticker …. I have a bad knee that I keep damaging on a seemingly regular basis. I am an ornery cuss, and refuse to walk with a cane, refuse offered handicap tags or plates … raised on the concept, ‘You just tough it out!’ Visiting my doctor, I have a choice of two flights of stairs, or an elevator, and I always take the stairs … I walk the best I can, and am trying to get from a stationary bike to my real one. My exercise is however mostly swimming … easy on the joints.
Orion, That is really smart to be swimming for exercise. It is also smart to not give in to being labeled handicapped. If at all possible and if a person is on the border-line to make a choice, it is good to be the “ornery cuss” you are and fight through. I haven’t been exposed to Agent Orange but there are many ways to be filled with toxins here stateside so, that’s why I will share the following advice. I was overexposed to chemicals at one of my jobs and have found the following advice useful. As your body is fighting the overload of toxins, look at anything in your life that would add to the overload. Don’t use any toxic chemicals in your garden, particularly Round-up or anything similar. Don’t use heavy toxins to clean your house. If you do use strong cleaners, wear gloves and have an open window. Don’t use chemical room scents (like the plug-in kind) or scented dryer sheets. Eat foods that are very basic, without a bunch on additives. Keep the ingredient list short. Use regular heat to cook your food, not the microwave, especially not in a plastic dish. Some foods pull more toxins out of your body, such as broccoli and cabbage. There are supplements that help with building up your body so that it will push out the toxins.
Sage: the damage was done. The toxins might be gone, but the damage remains. BTW, any food high in iodine is a good cleanser. niio
Orion, welcome home brother and hang in there.”You just tough it out”, best attitude you can have. We have seen more then any one should have to.”They forced me to become a man when I was just a boy”. There is an effect on every one that experiences combat, some of us learn to just tough it out.
I haven’t posted here in years but I can see nothing has changed. Even though the names have changed, there are those here still trying to run the forum as their own personal soapbox to spout their misinformation and to do their bullying from. What is it about these people that make them think they are so right, and everyone else so wrong? Are their lives so miserable they want everyone else that miserable too? Are they so deluded with their own self-worth they think their word is law and the rest of us are supposed to be honored to grovel at their feet? This used to be a place for learning, not only from the author of the article, but from each other. Not snarling and snapping at each other like a pack of hungry dogs over too little food. Sad to see the site is still ruined by the miserable few.
I all ready know I would “fail” this test but my issue is not cardiac – my heart is in really good shape per echocardiogram – but I have lost significant muscle mass in my lower body and every step I climb is painful (and I am able to climb those steps much more easily than I could 6 months ago.) Just to point out the limitations of these sorts of “rule of thumb” type tests. If you have trouble doing the 60 steps, consult your doctor. It could easily be something most than poor conditioning…
Excellent article!!
Good article, thank you. But, I moved into a ranch house because I can’t do stairs. Walk miles, yes. Some construction, yes. Pick and shovel, yes. But not stairs LOL.
I agree.. NO STAIRS!1.. However, the dust bunnies will trip me up at times. If you’re like me, the ranch house and surrounding property will put any stair exercise to shame. Weeding, mowing/shredding, fencing, feeding, and other farm tasks will keep you busy, and then you still have to do honey-do’s..
If your ground is as hard as my sun baked ground, I hope you have more than one pick.
Good luck in the coming days.
LOL, I wore out a pick and a couple of shovels the 1st two years here. This is part of the prehistoric lakes and caliche/lime is trouble. For that, sulfur. God blessed me and I got 4 bags for 15 bucks each. And he has more, yo!
But, sadly, the soil doesn’t make good adobe blocks. Too much sand, and in the pits I found a thick layer of pure sand, but over caliche. Got to get more cement to stabilize the blocks. when digging, I always cut stairs in one end so I didn’t need the ladder. The dachshund would run in and start digging like crazy. If I tried to move him, he’d growl. Probably worried I eat all those ground squirrels, Ha! niio
Here’s something of interest. But, I’d still want to run it thru a methane digester.
Building a Vermiculture Compost Toilet
Then there’s all the heavily armed 30 something cops cowering in the hallway outside room 111 where one punk is murdering children…don’t brag about your younger generation…
Arse, your ignorant biased is showing again, placing the sins of some on an entire generation, you are just as bad as those you criticize.
Cops are useless
“Charlie Foxtrot” X-spurt, if “cops are useless”, you should become one since you are already qualified, you are definitely dishonest, unreliable, and pretty much useless.
oh make sure you fly the thin blue line flag at your house.. . Also turn in your guns before hand as they view you as a threat.
Frank!!! I think you’ve slammed your dick in a car door.Probably
shouldn’t do it twice.Are you that smart though??
You may have noticed that geezers can get cranky!!
With hip problems, stair climbing isn’t an option.
Gail: I had both pop out of the socket, but the left one started to a lot. What I found is, Korean acupressure is a major plus. We have some books on it and use it. niio
I am almost 69 and am a fulltime caregiver to my 92 y/o mother. We both have weak knees and *I* have a bad hip. We visit our pcp and our cardiologist at least once a year for check-ups. The heart tests we’ve taken recently showed very good results … especially for someone of our advanced age. When “death” eventually comes for us …. I hope that it will be peaceful and relatively painless. Perhaps hospice care (when it becomes necessary) will provide that for us. If Medicare is still around at that time …. then that should cover the cost of it.
With all that said …. it’s doubtful that Frank DeMarco and his ilk will be able to say the same for themselves when *their time* comes. I highly suspect that Frank is well aware of this …. and is evidently not very happy about it.
Phoebe, It is good to hear that the test results for your heart are good. It might be helpful to do some research today on how to adapt your home for ease of use today, such as adding handrails everywhere. There are herbal helps for caring for someone who might not be understanding what is going on and getting agitated. I used to spritz a quality lavender spray above the head of a 95 year old that I was taking care when she became agitated. But, what calmed her down even better was praying to Jesus with her. The disappointing aspect of a choice I made for her care was signing her up for in-home hospice care. The chaplain associated with the hospice group, did not have any defined faith in a supreme being of any time so she was of no help. They gave me a medication kit. There were about 6 different medications. Morphine was one of them. The most disturbing medication was a paralytic. The purpose was to stop any thrashing around that happens often enough when people are dying but what a vicious thing to do to a person – paralyze them. The bottom line is, research today what the options are for care at the final moments for your Mom. Sometimes the advice given by some medical personnel might not be what you would want and there are other choices.
since the dumbass Charlie Foxtrot X-spurt can’t read and comprehend his links, he should have posted:
SPC Promotion Requirements: Automatic promotion with 24 months TIS and 6 months TIG. With waiver, 18 Months TIS and 3 months TIG.
Considering my son was an E-1 when he checked in to basic (no college/no prior service) and was promoted to E-3 within his first six months (or less) and is expected to be promoted to E-4 much sooner than these “TIS / TIG” standards, I’d say he is involved in some program that is advancing him faster than idiots like the disgruntled ARMY Reject “Charlie Foxtrot” X-spurt are aware of.
Well congratulations I a, sure he can pick out his pronouns now
do you get credit for bad knees? also if a person has a heart attack from trying a DYI unsupervised stress test, who do we send the bill to. asking for a friend
red, I’ve intentionally been holding back from replying to this absolute nonsense you posted:
“dz: it means squat from sh*t if the door was locked or not. They have plenty of ways to open it that do not require a key.”
First, do you have any real-world experience with breaching and hostile shooter situations? No? then stop pretending. I support DoD training facilities that include exactly the training required to handle this type of situation. And no, the bogus X-spurt is wrong stating use a shotgun first to breach the doors – he obviously failed to comprehend that is about the fourth thing you may resort to to get through the door, and he failed to consider the frag created by shooting out a locking mechanism that goes fling into the room. He doesn’t even consider what the layout on the other side of the door may be. He fails.
now back to first things first:
While in route to the scene, establish COMM’s and try to obtain as much information as possible before arriving. Upon arrival, assess the situation, including the door structure and if the hinges are visible which determines which way the door swings, either inward or outward – it makes a difference. Then organize your personnel and make initial approach with shields if available, and reflex shooters, and when at the door TRY THE DOOR FIRST TO SEE IF IT’s UNLOCKED. Since the door was unlocked, the first guy should have informed the others he was going to open it, then snapped the door open and let the reflex shooters kill the target. That’s how DoD trains, and it works, as proven by lots of dead terrorists.
The point is even if it created “fragments” which is minimum isn’t going to kill someone. They had a better chance at breaching and taking the focus off the kids and force the shooter to engage them.
however because the majority of cops are cowards to include the ones who disarmed and arrested the one and only cop who had some balls to going in to save his wife…. People need to see the cops as not on our side anymore and they never really have been.
I have done plenty of room clearing in multi building and multi level setups. Stacking up was a crazy fun time. If you want to try it for “tactics then i recommend getting sim rounds for your rifles.” you can’t hide from a sim round shot.
the door was UNLOCKED, no need to breach or demo, just open and go, and they use ball ammo in our CQC’s.
Meg: Cops follow orders. In lib states cops can be arrested and sent to prison for shooting even someone who is a mass murderer. Look at LA’s AG. A neighbor lived in a very bad hood in Phoenix. when someone broke into his house, he grabbed his .45 and took off part of the thug’s head. Cops, most of them family, gave him a standing ovation and an award for doing his duty to his family. Neighbors threw him a party. It is Indian Country. Penna, if a cop is a coward, they don’t live long. a lot of our cops were MP trained. Rapists and other criminals bugging old folks and scaring kids tend to disappear, not made into heroes by the press. and the hogs get fatter. niio
meg: non-lethal noted, thank you. niio
Sim rounds are not less than lethal.,. All its basically a paint round conversion for m4 and pistols. It’s about as close as you can get for training in urban warfare.
Cops who follow bad orders are shitty cowards and should be held accountable for the deaths. But when a cops job is nothing but to harass and create revenue it’s not a surprise.
Meg: OK, but everything I can find on sims states non-lethal.
Cowardly cops, yes. Criminal cops, yes. The mother-in-law long repented being a guard at Auschwitz and always said no matter what, she was guilty just by being there and staying silent. How much more a cop who breaks the law? Yet, police are no better than those they work for. That should be us, not politicians. niio
Megan Simunition
google isn’t that hard man
meg: google/research. I do it for a living. niio
dz, yep. Please take note that that I was agreeing with you: Me: Plenty of cops in the family. Adding, where there is a will, there is a way. I was raised in the Pocono Mountains, PA, a rural, very pretty slum where coke was king and opium dessert. There I was taught how to avoid pedophiles, what too look for in slavers and slaves, could run a small still when I was 6 and allowed to take Mom’s car to the store 2 miles down the road. How to avoid silly questions by feds to innocent bootleggers. What outhouses to not ever use because all too often they were someone’s grave, or maybe a lot of someones. Was raised by and around combat veterans from WWI to Vietnam, men who were experts at house-to-house. Learned to pick locks and how make black powder and how much is needed to crack a door. Could make Molotov cocktails from old lady Houser’s XXX or gas. All that while still a preteen. Oh, yeah, saw my first suicide-hanging before I was 6, first dismemberment when 11. By 16, I was good at leaving cars behind with an old pickup truck on back roads and chasing deer down in the brush with it. I could probably still tell you how long a body has been down, given the weather, by how big maggots feeding on it are. I wanted to go Army when 16, but they made me wait till I was 17How was your childhood? I was raised on Rattlesnake Road and have the scars to prove it. And, just for fun, we had several drill sergeants in the family. Thereby I learned early on death is only one more big adventure.
I’m not siding with raven, but you. You said there were ways in, and I agree. And, a pumpkinball would knock out a cheap lock. Yes, I have seen it done and likely so have you with the DoD. A niece worked for them (retired) and took training. All of them had to. She excelled at shooting and hand-to-hand, in part because her mother spent several years working in a rural truckstop.
If you read the articles, you know they tried the door. There was no failure to comprehend jack. Their orders were to stand down. The chief of police is still in hiding and likely afraid for his life because like Ghislaine Maxwell and her boss, Epstein, he knows too much. The cop who tried to break in was hauled off in cuffs. Uvalde has a lot of liberal (dem) politicians. What does that tell you? If dems need a body, one always shows up. niio
Thanks for sharing, Red. Especially about cops. They are merely pirates working for their bosses from the Skull & Bones camp, who, in turn, report to and take orders from the Vatican just like Al Capone types. No difference between a Cop and a Mafioso soldier, except in uniform. And your mother – in- law is spot on about being complicit in crime. All who stand aside and watch crimes against man without trying to stop it, or stop participating in it, are complicit in the crime. It’s the story of all persecutions against man by the sons of Cain and Nimrod.
Again, thanks for sharing. You got your head screwed on right.
and the Troll keeps changing his name but still spouts BS. sim rounds? sounds like what a reject X-spurt would recommend – worthless crap.
You claimed to work with the dod on mount and room clearing but don’t understand Sim rounds……. wild man I guess i won’t second guess you
sim rounds, “paint ball” rounds at various calibers, nice toys but makes a mess out of a shoot-house and is hard keeping track of real accuracy – sims rounds are basically worthless for realistic live-fire training, but you keep right on relying on the boot-recruit training you experienced and are trying to use to justify your ignorance.
The test is of course very good, I have no complaints. But if a person is overweight, then this is not for him. I know many children who suffer, I recently read a childhood obesity essay, you can find more info here. Children also have heart problems because of this. I don’t know where mothers are. It’s terrible for me.
And one thing getting attention in most of Europe is, there are a lot fewer smokers, but more kids are asthmatic. Kids with non-smoking parents seem just as likely as those with smokers to have lung issues. More, perhaps. Nic kills a lot of bacteria, virus, and fungus. niio
And good exercise!
Interesting thing