Buying your first gun is a lot like buying your first car. It’s exciting and there are a plethora of options to choose from that can make a decision difficult.
And just like there are a multitude of factors that influence what kind of a car you end up getting, from your intended purpose to the extra accessories you’ll need to go with it and so on.
If you’re currently strongly contemplating buying your first gun and are close to pulling the trigger (pun intended), then this article is for you.
Why Are You Buying a Gun?
This is the first question you should have asked yourself if you haven’t already. There are many reasons for someone to buy their first gun, including:
- Personal Protection
- Concealed Carry
- Home Defense
- Big Game Hunting
- Small Game Hunting
- Bird Hunting
- Clay Pigeon Shooting
- Starting a Collection
Your intended purpose for buying a gun should be the number one factor regarding the specific type you choose to get.
For example, you may want to get a gun that can serve the dual roles of concealed carry and home defense, in which case a handgun is the obvious choice for a shotgun or a rifle.
But then you need to narrow your focus down further.
Since you’re purchasing a handgun for concealed carry, you’ll need to make sure it’s a gun that’s compact enough to easily conceal on your person.
Related: Concealed Carry
But since you also expect this gun to serve the rule of home defense in this example, it may also be of value to you to get a gun that’s also not so small to the point that it’s difficult to shoot or has low capacity.
A compact pistol that’s still large enough to control would likely be the best choice in this example.
The point of this example is that simply asking yourself your intended purpose for buying a gun is what will help you narrow down your focus more.
If your mindset currently is “I just want to buy a gun because it sounds cool” then you’re a ways off from making your first official purchase.
There are a multitude of people who have not been taught proper firearms safety before buying a gun.
It’s not the gun itself that’s dangerous, but rather how it’s wielded. Accidents can easily happen without proper training and understanding of firearms safety measures.
Related: 10 Deadly Mistakes That New Gun Owners Make
Here are the golden rules of firearms safety that you should follow at all times:
Always check to confirm if a firearm is unloaded when you pick it up
- Always act as if a gun is loaded even if it is unloaded
- Always point the firearm in a safe direction (i.e. not at anybody else)
- Always keep your finger off the trigger until you intended to fire the weapon
- Always practice situational awareness and be fully aware of your surroundings when handling a firearm
- Know what your target is, what is in front of the target, and what is behind the target
- Don’t shoot your gun into the air (the bullets will eventually fall back down because of gravity, in which case you’ve violated the above rule)
- Always keep the safety engaged until you are ready to fire (if this is applicable to the gun you have)
Memorize the above tips and always follow them when handling a firearm. Eventually, it will become a habit.
Laws and Regulations
Firearms are regulated to some degree in most regions of the world and it’s important to know each of the laws and regulations that pertain to firearms handling and ownership before you purchase.
Depending on where you live in the world, there may be special laws regarding the concealed carry of firearms, how they should be stored in the house, how they should be transported in a vehicle, and so on.
Related: Best States For Self-Defense. Do You Live In One Of Them?
It would be smart to take a firearms training class if there are any in your area. Your class should teach you firearms safety like we discussed above as well as any relevant laws.
Try Before You Buy
Do your research to see if there are any local gun ranges that will allow you to rent and shoot firearms. You won’t be able to take the firearm back home to try out, but you will be able to handle and shoot them at their range.
This will also be a good opportunity to receive professional advice in-person in regards to which type of firearm you should buy.
At the very least, you should physically handle the gun you’re considering buying before you actually buy it.
Even if you end up ordering a gun online, you should still go into a local sporting goods store to see if they have the make and model you’re considering so you can see if it feels right in your hands.
Invest in Accessories
Many people make the mistake of buying a gun without thinking about the extra accessories and items that they’ll need to go with it.
When you buy a gun you’ll need to also invest in the following accessories and budget yourself accordingly:
- Holster (for a handgun)
- Case (for a shotgun or a rifle)
- Ammunition
- Hearing Protection
- Shooting Glasses
- Range Bag
- Gun Safe or Storage Cabinet (if required by law)
Make sure you invest in high quality models of the above accessories.
For example, don’t spend a lot of money on a handgun only to go cheap on a holster, and make sure that any ammunition you purchase is high quality and designed for your weapon as well.
Buying a gun is like buying a car in many ways. When buying a car, you need to think about your intended use for the car, learn proper vehicle safety, follow applicable laws, test drive the car when you buy, and invest in high quality accessories for the vehicle as well.
As you can see, the methodology you’ll need to follow for buying your first gun isn’t all that different.
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MY first Gun. it was a BB gun, pump action. Yes, killed everything that moved. Even got shot with it a few times. Yes, my brother did get shot in the eye and lost his vison because of a BB gun. NO, it was not me that shot him and put his eye out, and it was very hard to watch your brother lay there and bleed out thru his eye. he 19 at the time.
I have a 38 spl that sets by my bed just as it did by my, moms’ bed for 30 plus years and let me tell you this.
That pistol has never fired a round out of it the entire time that it has set by my mom’s bed or now beside my bed. The moral of this is that GUN’s DON”T KILL people, people kill people.
So, all this gun control is just that, gun control. Look at all the other countries that have given all their gun right’s away or had them taken away buy evil people that want to Control everyone. The ONLY reason that WE are not slaves yet, is because we own gun and lots of guns, that is the only reason we are still free but not free.
Remember get some training to shot Stright, they are training to shot you.
stay sharp
PS: guns don’t kill people, “people kill people”. just an excuse, to control you.
Before guns, they killed you with rock and stones. Today it’s the nuclear bomb.
cartels dont document, tell , or give
they take , steal , and dont care about anyone
Gangs dont document
kinda aronic : you can buy a gun anywhere in the black market and anywhere on the street
but you must wait , and see if you qualify if your a law abiding , good person who has not rap sheet or record
what a concept , take your right and let criminals free on thier word of honor to come back and face the truth of thier action and consequence
that is because the politicians only hire the stupid , and empower the DUMB
no experience , no educucation , no ability NO problem , biden hires you
Biden has let the Mexican drug, sex slave cartels operate a growing island city of illegals in Texas. I have no compassion for 98% of illegals saying they are persecuted, it is horse pucky.They are economic disadvantaged. Maybe 2% are true persecutions of their former countries.
You can thank your Obama and Biden for the fast and furious gun buys to the Mexican drug cartels. Thank them also for the MS13 gangs, they use knives an machetes than guns for slow death torture.
Where’s your Bible verse you extol upon us today?
Your a religious zealot, not everything is religion, even God took a day off to relax, creating earth. Probably he was tired from seeing into the future of how crazy man will be.
Lighten up a little, the Bible is a guideline to living a supposed honest life. The Bible was written by the hand of man, not by God or an angel. There are good, bad, back stabbings and sexy stories. There are books added or deleted to the various Bible versions on earth today.
As said by other posters here, Religion and Politics are the greatest frustrations of the world. Both cause more wars than peace.
The politicians use religion to hide their true intentions, calling themselves religious when they are not.
We now see the current pope as a Marxist, going against religious practices to give Catholic gays and lesbians legal status in marriage.
If you are true to your Bible version, you would quit the Catholic church or any other religious splinter group that is not being conservative of human nature.
Jesús Guzman,
You’re either ignorant or a grifter. Spewing all this nonsense of Marxist ideals and then blaming politics and religion for them. I will correct you in this public forum since you have chosen this venue to voice your frustrations.
About Biden and Obama I have nothing to say. But everything should be indeed about religion, citing that God took a day off in order to excuse us from following his teachings is a ridiculous statement and an disingenuous attempt to lead people astray. He didn’t create Just Earth, he created everything. The first line literally says that in the begining there was nothing and darkness. So please don’t water it down and downplay it. Please do your own research and actually read the Bible, take some catechisim classes and go to church before you act like a talking head “expert.”
The Bible was indeed written by man, otherwise it would be a supernatural text. But keep in mind that the men that wrote it were inspired and guided by God himself, in the form of the Holy Spirit for the Old Testament and by Jesus in the New Testament. That way of thinking is what leads to the word we currently have in our hands, individualism, love of self, self-gratification, self-indulgence, forget everyone else, I only care about me, I wanna do what I wanna go; these are principles about Satanism, to distance yourself from God, to make you vulnerable. Go read up on that too, and know your enemy and what tactics he will use against you and me to divide us.
You claim that others are in agreement with you that Politics and Religion cause more wars than peace. Politics, perhaps… Religion? Wrong. We ONCE called upon all men of God to save Europe from the defilement and enslavement of the Muslims that were pillaging and destroying cities, The Crusades. But, don’t believe the Hollywood movies as factual account recollections. Do your own research, read up on what led to the Crusades and the Overwhelming positive outcome of them taking place. Those Politicians that call themselves Christians or Catholics or what have you and perform the actions and choices that they do are clearly not Chistians or Catholics at all, I hope you can realize that. Just like you have DINOs and RINOs you also have CINOs, deceivers and liars that claim they are something but their actions say otherwise…
Lastly… your outworldish claims that the Pope is allowing Gays to legitimately marry is wrong, misleading and a terrible thing to say. So please allow me to correct your blasphemous claims, the Pope has allowed no such thing, what the Catholics are trying to do is welcome Homosexuals into the church in order to have channels of communication open in order to talk to them about the errors of their unnatural behavior, they are still humans, God’s children, your brothers and sisters who have been mislead away from God. The Catholic Church does not recognize Gay marriage and denounces their unmoral lifestyle. Left alone, they’ll continue their path and nothing will change. So the Pope called upon the Church to do more for those who are walking a wrong path.
May God Bless you and all of his Children.
You really believe all that fluff you believe is truth?
What type of liberal are you? Bidenomics type, religion in name only?
Your ego got bruised by the truth.
Stop your chest beating of a tortured depressed liberalism, please go in peace.
You hate anyone that talks truth about your Obama divider in chief and the commie called Biden. Next time think twice before voting Democrat.
You are also ignorant of what religion has done to people. The great Spanish inquisition of non Catholic that must be converted.
What about your religious preachers like the Dole family making the Hawaiians slaves. Working in the pineapple fields in the hot sun.
You Frost are the White devil speak with a fork tongue.
It is brainwashed Marxist like you that have done damage to America.
You might be a closet skin head in a classical sense.
You are one of those vicious troll who would stab somebody on the street for disagreeing with you.
May God heal your soul of hatred to us minorities you skin heads hate so much.
Go in peace or plain go away, thank you.
Ms. Frost,
You show your true agenda of the LGBTQ lifestyle. How hateful you are toward people like minorities and people who disagrees with your kind.
Shame on you, hopefully you are not a pedophilia. Biden is a closet pedo, we can see that in the videos. There is one where he sucks on his wife’s fingers at the podium in front of the public, a weirdo for sure.
No wonder America as we know it is going to hell fast.
We will pray for your tortured soul.
Frosty man is another troll BSing us today.
What is funny about the European Crusades is the guys who were fighting the Muslims who were raping and pillaging Europe, the also pillage vast treasures.
Europe has been the lands of two world wars and possibly Biden’s world war three in our time.
Why can one jerk president ruin our economy and no accountability for their actions. We had a gas price of around $2 bucks a gallon. The border was secured. Now we have sex slaves, fentanyl and Mexican drug cartels operating on American soil.
The border czar tells us the border is secure. These swamp rats say they are religious to get the ignorant public pacified to go back to sleep. Believe in fairy dust and unicorns.
Jesus Guzman,
I have no doubt. You’re a grifter that didn’t read anything that I wrote properly and ejoys making false accusations. Still, you are my brother and I forgive you. But I will chastise you into walking in the light to stop the overblown, exagerative and sensasionalist commenting. You are walking in the path of darkness by saying the things your are saying and repeating unsupported nonsense.
“You really believe all that fluff you believe is truth?” I believe in God, In Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit and the Holy, Catholic Apostolic Church. All Churches that came after the Protestant divide are churches created by man following the wrong path of Martin Luther, the King not the revolutionist.
“What type of liberal are you?Bidenomics type, religion in name only?”
I actually not a Liberal and I believe that Biden has been a disgrace to our country, then again, I also believe that Biden may just be a face to a more perverse group of individuals who are pushing America into an age of darkness and despair by removing God from our lives and calling it “freedom” or “Respecting the Minorities”. As far as my religion, I am a Strong and devout Catholic, with a strong family, with three teenagers that don’t waste their time away with video games but instead feel proud and honored to help their parents around the house, because God has been at the core or their upbringing since childhood, just as mine. I hope that answers your question.
“Your ego got bruised by the truth.
Stop your chest beating of a tortured depressed liberalism, please go in peace.”
Just because I am correcting your false comments doesn’t mean my ego is bruised, or that I have to beat my chest. I’m not depressed and I am not a liberal. Please stop trying to act as if you know everything about me or that you have me figured out, it makes you look and sound dumb… but then again, that is what a grifter does. Create chaos and sensational claims while they spew out fake garbage and fake claims.
“You hate anyone that talks truth about your Obama divider in chief and the commie called Biden.”
I try hard not to hate those who act against me, but those who speak truth I welcome to correct me. When you do decide to speak truth and not misguided claims we can have a very eloquent debate.
“Next time think twice before voting Democrat.”
But… I didn’t vote Democrat either…
“You are also ignorant of what religion has done to people.”
Man made religion as in, all the ones that came after the great Protestant divide? Yes, it has divided the Christians
“The great Spanish inquisition of non Catholic that must be converted.”
Your claim is incorrect… the Spanish inquisition. Was not about forced conversion, goes to show that your information is erroneous causing you to claim erroneous lies. The Spanish Inquisition was a way to detect and filter blasphemous people that claimed to be from the Catholic Church but secretly were teaching their own misguided religion, practicing other cults, or flat out breaking the faith in the Catholic religion. They focused on known members of the clergy that were accused of heresy. Please learn your historical facts and don’t repeat things as if you know the absolute truth.
“What about your religious preachers like the Dole family making the Hawaiians slaves. Working in the pineapple fields in the hot sun.”
Not my religion, and I don’t know about the Doles so I can’t comment on them.
“You Frost are the White devil speak with a fork tongue.”
I’m actually Hispanic Latino.
“It is brainwashed Marxist like you that have done damage to America.
You might be a closet skin head in a classical sense.
You are one of those vicious troll who would stab somebody on the street for disagreeing with you.”
You don’t have to get so hyped and flustered because I’m correcting you in a public forum… This isn’t a competition of who’s the evil one. I just can’t sit idly by and let you claim lies as facts, misguiding others into a false claim. But I apologize for being sharp with you, people like you are out there a dime a dozen and it gets tiring…
“May God heal your soul of hatred to us minorities you skin heads hate so much.
Go in peace or plain go away, thank you.”
Uhhhhhh, I don’t know what you are claiming here or trying to say. But as far as minorities go, yes, I’m a Hispanic Latino living in America. May God bless you too.
Organized religions of all stripes are controlling people free spirit of thought.
Doubt you ever been overseas to see what religion has done to cultures around the world. Many are those that preach the religion dogmas in public. In private they can be the worse violators of humankind.
The Catholic church for decades in America has shifted their pedophile priests around to other cities. Then send these sick individuals to prison. Other Christian branch religions also have pedophiles in their churches too.
Christian church people for many years have helped many illegals, undocumented sneaking into this country. We can not keep taking more in, there is no more room at the inn. We have bleeding hearts helping those who break our immigration laws. We have rules for those to come into America legally.
Don’t believe you have any Latin heritage in you. Any more than Elizabeth Warren, the Democratic, who says she is a Native American.
Believe you are the next level of trolls on this website. Two years ago this site barely had any troll interference, that is the way of the modern world.
Go in peace, Lord thy God and Holy Spirit heal your soul brother.
Jesús Guzmán (and his multiple accounts [we can see your IP and browser they are all the same]),
It is written, let those who have ears, to hear. Let those who have eyes, to see.
If you refuse to hear and see and keep on blindly peddling your lies, then that’s on you. I tried correcting you but you chose to attack me instead. Call me a troll, liberal, democrat, racist, Marxist skinhead and what have you.
It sounds like projection to me.
Thank you for the blessings, I think I’m wasting my time here with you so I’ll be taking my leave. As a last resort, I urge to you not let your emotions of hate guide your pursuit of knowledge. Take good care of yourself and stop the false claims just because you don’t like something.
All politicians have that same character, that’s how we got here in this mess in the first place. Criminals don’t abide by any law to begin with that’s why they are criminals, but it’s we the law-abiding who get penalized and who also go to work every day and pay the taxes the politicians need to give away to the criminals for their support and the rest of the government to keep them employed & get the same politicians elected to keep the party going, unlike the rest of us who work and pay for it all.
Gun owners usually have commonsense to keep and bear arms and not do mass shootings. That the other side thinks is acceptable with no accountability of their actions.
Sleeping with a gun under your pillow is a bit much.
Maybe you need to move to a less violent neighborhood to be less paranoid. One night you might accidentally shoot your significant other. In today’s world that might not be too bad.
Sorta hard to try before you buy with a firearm, I have Ruger pistol and it’s a very nice gun but I can’t hit crap with it. Switch over to any of my other 9mm’s or my .45 and I shoot just fine, just something about the Ruger that doesn’t feel right. It felt fine while holding it at the gun store but out on the range it just dosen’t feel right. I will probably give it to my son once he gets his CCL.
Check the sights and have a gunsmith true up the sight alignment.
I have been a competitive shooter most of my life. I have fired thousands of rounds. It is very important that the gun you use fits you. Personally I have no use for Rugers. They are functionally sound but I don’t like them or some of Rugers politics so I use something else. I prefer Smith & Wesson for revolvers and Colts for autos. above all, use what fits you and you are comfortable with and can afford. When TSHF anything is better than nothing. Just work toward something that you like and it works for you.
You trash a Ruger? Your a gun brand prejudicer. Intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions. Yes any gun is better than none.
Smith and Wesson pistols back in the 1980 era had frame malfunctions of frame cracks.
That’s funny William because I am kind of your opposite. I shoot best with my Rugers. I’m also fine with my S&W. In fact I out shoot most people with Ruger. The guns I have the most problem with is Glock. Glock really needs to work on grip ergonomics.
We’re all different for sure.
In Biden’s world of gun control, CCL or CCW is a sneaky way to gun registration. The State agency has your prints and gun model all wrapped up to be used against us in a kangaroo court full of democrats that hate conservatives.
The New York legal system that has left leaning judges and Democrat voters a conservative will be convicted faster than a jackrabbit multiplying offspring.
California is just as corrupt in their laws. Gun laws were introduced to America to keep the former slaves from killing their plantation owners of abuse.
Democrat party has done injustice to America.
Do you really need a CCL or CCW if States go to the right to open carry?
A polite society is a well armed society.
Some gun ranges rent guns for you to try/use.
But you must buy their ammunition to use. And of course, sign some paperwork lol.
On the political side, in California are trying reduce California citizens to have a choice. Biden is watching this, as to apply that to his up coming gun control laws in the USA.
Gov. Gavin Newsom and California Democrat politicians have filed for an “Emergency Injunction” to block the California Taxpayer Protection Initiative from receiving a public vote. Reform California blasts the move as a brazen attempt to strip California citizens of their constitutional rights to place initiatives on the ballot.
Since 1912 California citizens have enjoyed a powerful constitutional right to place citizen initiatives on the ballot. After 111 years, California citizens may be stripped of that constitutional right if Gov. Gavin Newsom and state Democrat politicians have their way.
Free the J6 political prisoners, jail the Antifa and BLM commies!
No chance they both are government fronts, just like the faketriot groups.
We can see the prepper community is not of one mind, or in the Star Trek The Hive cult. We preppers are more of individuals that seek the same survival basics.
But differ very much in philosophies of religion and politics for sure.
Can we imagine some preppers dream about after SHTF, these preppers will try to do or flock to survival communities.
All it takes is some female accusing a guy of sexual assault, bang, there goes the community.
Everyone will have a difference in opinion eventually leading to the community to dissolve.
Those early hippie communes are a good example of the human culture. Mix alcohol, sex, guns, politics and religion and those dreams fade.
Even those walking dead TV series showed humans can’t always dance around the camp fire Singing Kumbaya, maybe smoking pot and be peaceful forever.
911 brought most of America together to fight a common enemy. Can that happen again in Biden’s world as Hunter sees no prison time?
The people that want to disarm you are the evil ones. They blow smoke up your a– and want you to believe it for your own safety. BULL-Sh-ttttttttt. They are only interested in their own safety while they are controlling you. Dems say they want to protect children? Then why are they so hell bent on killing them in the womb???? Does that make sense? Without the 2nd amendment the rest of the constitution is unenforceable. Once the liberals have disarmed America they can jam anything they want down your throat and you will have no tools to resist. Your safety is of no concern to them. If you resist, they will kill you. Since they were allowed to disarm us we will be subjects, not citizens. Do you want to live like that???
A friend in California tells me the CA gun buy back program is big business there.
The police give everyone being disarmed a gift card somewhere of $200 a gun.
Who is actually funding the gun disarm program?
That is a shame those pistols and rifle could be resold by pawnshops and gun stores to honest responsible gun owners. And give the original owner a better deal money wise then only a $200 gift card. Some of those guns are high dollar custom guns. But it shows where the average Sheeple’s mindset is at. People have been told guns are bad. Just like Biden’s favorite anti-gun hero MacGyver, a traitor to the Second Amendment. NRA hunter safety classes need to re-educate young men and women about gun safety in today’s political charged environment. Show how to defend ones self with a gun and the legal aspect of the legal system. A legal system that is run with weak politicians who have Soros DA’s letting the criminals go free, lockup the honest citizens.
The San Diego gay Mayor and city council are insync with CA Gov Newscum in Statewide gun control programs. This Newscum guy is a total jerk that wants to become the next tyrant president of America.
For semi-auto pistols, a mandatory accessory is extra magazines! A primary benefit for semi-auto is the speed of reloading! Also, you need a cleaning kit…
The 10 round magazine ban is ridiculous in curbing the mass shootings that come from the liberal democrat side. Thank goodness Dianne Feinstein is gone, who stirred up the assault weapons bans that did no good.
We need to undo these virtue signaling laws that try to destroy the Second Amendment. The mention of assault rifle conjures up fearmongering in the liberals who never got to shoot one on a gun range before. It is repeating all the psychological propaganda in the ignorant public.
To Mr Dan Rugerman, I did not trash Ruger, I just said that I did not like them and I chose to use something else. Like I said, I have been an experience match shooter most of my life. Please if you can name any high profile shooter in any discipline on any range, be it precision pistol, NRA match rifle, long range rifle, or bench-rest that uses Ruger firearms, please tell me. I have never seen one. Occasionally some beginner pistol shooter will have a Ruger but if they stay at it very long they soon gradate to some other make. I welcome you to have all the Ruger firearms you can afford and stack in your house. I merely stated that I prefer something else. There are no Cadillac’s in the Ruger line, Only Model T’s, but if you are willing to settle, they will eventually get you there. Ruger has had some recalls too. They are a long way from ideal.
I give you that other arms manufactures have better product at times. At the time purchased the Rugers, these were lower in price then the same caliber Smith and Wesson models.
The average gun owner does not need match quality to do the same job as a high priced gun. It is the training a gun owner has to place the round downrange to dispatch the home burglar doing their crime.
Seems to me…any weapon is better than no weapon and No weapon is by default, supporting tyranny.
Yup, some of these gun range competition shooters are kind of snobbish and clannish. They like to talk down to novices learning to shoot.
We are all on the same side of gun ownership. Some can afford more expensive toys than others. Don’t let it cloud your judgement some of us are living paycheck to paycheck. We buy what we can afford, that’s all.
Frost you are really a defensive individual that can’t stand us Muslims with different opinions. The Catholic mindset you are in is very narrow minded. Despite what you see on the news, Catholics and Muslims have gotten along quit well.
The Muslim population here want freedom of religion also. Your religion has done horrible Cruelty to your own kind. Get over the past. You may see we have similar religious views, it is the destructive extremist who divide us against each other.
Muslim are also preppers, we don’t get thinned skinned angry as you seem to be. Be kind.
frustu, ‘ant hqan shakhs difaeiun wala tastatie ‘an tatahamal nahn almuslimin ara’ana almukhtalifata. aleaqliat alkathulikiat alati ‘ant fiha dayiqat al’ufuq lilghayati.
waealaa alraghm mimaa tarah fi al’akhbari, ‘iilaa ‘ana alkathulik walmuslimin kanuu ealaa wifaq jid.
yurid alsukaan almuslimun huna alhuriyat aldiyniat aydan. laqad airtakab dink qaswatan fazieatan tujah ‘amthalika. tajawaz almadi. rubama taraa ‘ana ladayna wujuhat nazar diniat mutashabihatin, falmutatarif almudamir hu aladhi yufariquna dida baedina albaed.
almuslimun aydan muhayayuwna, fanahn la naghdib kama tabdu ‘anti. kun tiba.
I’m a 70 Y.O. woman and would very much like a gun for security. I have a pellet pistol for my vehicle and a pellet rifle for the house.
I am fairly strong, but my hands aren’t so strong…too many years using wrists for work…..
Any suggestions for getting a pistol for protection?
Thanks to all of the comments ABOUT THE POST!
I bought a Walther P22 for my wife. The rounds are cheap, and the gun is easy to fire and not hard on the wrists. It is not a pistol I would recommend for security, but a well placed 22 at close range will make someone think twice about advancing. If they are wearing any kind of body armor, be sure to go for the head shot.
Just get a ar15 pistol and magpul drums
Awhile a go I bought what I thought would be BOOKS from you and never got them. What i get is emails with useful information. I would rather have a paper copy. Easier to read if there is no power. Easier to carry with you, to read when you have free time.
When might you be getting paper copies? Thank Linda Ross
One gun won’t cut it in an emergence situation / combat situation. A minimum of 2 for each function, just in case it breaks down when you need it most.
2.For concealed carry / 2 or more for home defense, long guns. / 2. for hunting long guns,/ 2 full size hand guns for defense at home.
The main thing to consider is that you must be able to hit the target constantly where you want to, or it won’t do you any good.
Include a shotgun with an adjustable choke to cover all hunting and defense needs.
Best to get a gun that can do both home defense and be used for hunting, semi-auto of course.
Personally, i would just get a single shot center fire something for hunting or a single shot shotgun using slugs / shot as needed and the rest for home defense.
Buy new quality for home defense & carry, used will do for anything else or just good quality and in good condition used guns should be ok too. Have a gunsmith look at them first. Make a deal for a return if the gunsmith does not approve of it.
I noticed that some were talking about Mexican Drug Cartels, sex slaves, drugs.
Those Cartels have high powered weapons some courtesy of fast and furious.
Street gangs are closely involved with those cartels/drugs.
So, what you think is an OK person might not be.
Terminator said it right – trust no one.
2nd most dangerous thing is the drugs coming in. Even touching something that had drugs on it can kill you.
About sex slave trade – that is a very very very MINOR issue. And at least their ’employees’ aren’t sponging off the taxpayers.
Where there is a demand for something (sex in this case), someone will supply that demand. Law of supply and demand. Same thing applies to drugs and anything else.
Biggest issue is fighting age males invading.
You have to stop them first then most likely the sex slave trade will go away on it’s own.
Those women knew the risks of invading the USA. If they didn’t want to take the risks they should not come. They could always apply back home where the risks are much lower. But they made a CHOICE.
About guns F2F – you have no way to run an anonymous FREE check on the gun to see if it was stolen or used in a crime.
If you took one to the cops to get it checked and it indeed was used in a crime or stolen, you could land yourself in hot water quickly – they arrest first then ‘let the courts sort it out’, which can devastate your financial situation. Not to mention if you have little money, you might windup sitting in jail a long time until it gets sorted out.
However, you could simply take the serial number on a piece of paper and see if a cop would run that.
Hard to say as they would want the gun in their hands so they can STEAL it from you.